answer:Certainly, let's continue the narrative with another scene. This time, we'll place Julien in the field, illustrating his dynamic with Kasumi Miwa as well as showcasing some of his unique abilities during a mission. --- **Location: Cursed Energy Disturbance Zone - Perimeter of Kyoto** *Kasumi Miwa and Julien Vaugrenard have been dispatched to eliminate a pocket of cursed spirits causing trouble near the city. The gray sky looms over a tattered landscape where the spirits have wreaked havoc.* **Kasumi:** "Julien, remember we're in this together. Stay sharp and don't get reckless." **Julien:** *Adjusting his jacket, prepared for confrontation* "Relax, Miwa. You focus on supporting; I'll handle the front line." *A group of cursed spirits emerges from the rubble, snarling and contorting unnaturally as they prepare to attack.* *Kasumi draws her sword, a determined look on her face, while Julien casually brings forth a wheel of his hardest cheese that begins to spin, the edge sharpening with cursed energy.* **Cursed Spirit:** *Hisses* "Human sorcerers... your cursed energy will feed us!" **Julien:** "Not on my watch. Let's dance!" *Julien thrusts his hand forward, the wheel flying out like a buzzsaw, slicing through one of the cursed spirits effortlessly.* *Kasumi moves in harmony with Julien's offensive, expertly deflecting any incoming blows and shouting encouragement.* **Kasumi:** "You’ve got this, Julien! Keep pressure on them!" *Julien grins, the thrill of the battle igniting his competitive spirit. He snaps his fingers and numerous pieces of Comté Commando cheese shikigami appear beside him.* **Julien:** "All right, boys—forward march!" *With precise coordination, the cheese shikigami lunge into the fray, hacking and slashing alongside Julien's own movements.* *A cursed spirit nearly blindsides Kasumi, but Julien, perceiving the threat within the radius of his Simple Domain, reacts swiftly, slinging a strand of Ficello to entangle and immobilize the spirit.* **Julien:** "Keep your eyes peeled, Kasumi. They're getting crafty." *Kasumi nods, slicing through the neutralized spirit with a thankful glance Julien's way.* *The battle rages on, but Julien and Kasumi prove to be an effective duo. Julien's raw power and precise techniques supplemented by Kasumi’s support and strategic combat.* *As the last cursed spirit falls, Julien deactivates his cheese constructs, which dissolve back into cursed energy. He pats Kasumi on the shoulder with a smile that speaks of respect and camaraderie.* **Julien:** "Not bad, Miwa. Our cuts better be worth the hassle." **Kasumi:** *Smirking* "Well earned, Julien. But let's not forget our deal—I cooked last time, so now it's your turn." **Julien:** "Ha! Deal. But fair warning—I might just melt us some camembert and call it a night!" *They laugh together, a brief moment of levity in the relentless life of jujutsu sorcerers. Together, they head back towards the city, side by side.* --- This scene demonstrates Julien's combat prowess as well as his interactions with Kasumi Miwa. They balance each other out in battle, and despite Julien's independent and confident nature, he respects her abilities and presence. The playful banter at the end highlights their friendship and the light-hearted moments they can share despite the darkness of their profession.
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question:162. 통곡의 벽(2) “그럼 자네는 어떠한 생각을 가지고 있지?” 칸나바로의 말에 슈스터가 되물었다. 밝고 강직한 성격의 칸나바로가 리더로서의 자질이 훌륭한 선수라는 것을 잘 알고 있었기 때문에, 그의 말에 기울여서 나쁠 건 하나도 없었다. “오늘 브루노 기술코치는 저한테 이과인과 우호영의 훈련을 담당시켰죠. 아무래도 경기 막판 조커로서의 기용을 염두에 둔 훈련이었겠죠. 수비수들의 몸이 둔해지고 스피드가 떨어질 테니까요.” “맞네. 그렇다고 자네의 몸이 둔해지고 느려졌다는 것을 비난하려고 가진 훈련은 아닐세.” “하하하하.” 슈스터의 농담에 테이블에 옅은 웃음이 흘러나왔다. 칸나바로도 덩달아 미소 지으며 답했다. “하하, 감독님. 제가 하고자 하는 말은 훈련내용에 관한 것입니다. 브루노 코치가 아무 말도 안 했나요?” “어이, 칸나(Canna)! 지금 나를 의심하는 거야? 우호영의 훈련내용은 하나도 빠짐없이 감독님께 보고 드렸어. 이과인보다 훨씬 좋은 모습을 보였다는 걸 말이지.” “하지만 제가 느낀 생각은 보고서에 빠진 것 같은데요?” “음?” 아무리 빅 클럽의 1군 기술코치라지만, 발롱도르를 수상했던 현역선수의 감은 따라잡을 수 없는 것이 현실이다. 브루노 기술코치가 보지 못했던 것들을, 칸나바로는 모조리 캐치해냈었다. 그것은 칸나바로가 지도자로서의 잠재력을 가지고 있다는 뜻이기도 했다. “저는 느꼈습니다. 우호영이 유벤투스의 벽을 무너트릴 좋은 카드가 될 수 있다는 것을요.” “그래서 조커로 기용한다고 하지 않았나. 그리고 제외할 예정이야.” “포인트가 어긋나간 것 같은데요, 우호영과 경쟁해야 할 건 이과인이 아니라, 반 니스텔루이나 사비올라입니다.” “!” 즉, 유벤투스전에 우호영을 선발로 출전시켜야 한다는 뜻. 칸나바로가 의견을 덧붙였다. “반 니스텔루이는 완벽한 피니셔(Finisher)이지만, 그는 지오르지오(Giorgio)의 주력과 예측력을 감당할 수 없습니다. 그건 사비올라도 마찬가지고요.” “그래서 우호영을 1선에 두고 시작부터 맞불을 놓으라는 얘기인가? 하지만 그는 불과 30시간 전에 AT마드리드를 상대로 엄청난 에너지를 소모했어.” “그럼 전반 45분만 내보내는 것도 괜찮을 것 같은데요.” “흠.” 칸나바로는 자신의 의견을 굽히지 않았다. 무조건 우호영을 선발로 내보내야 한다는 의견이었다. “다른 건 몰라도, 그의 능력은 지오르지오를 상대하기에 가장 적합합니다. 지오르지오는 제가 1년 동안 튜터링을 맡은 녀석입니다. 그에 대해서는 제가 누구보다 잘 알거든요.” “이렇게 자신 있게 말하는 걸 보니 확신이 있나보군.” “그럼요.” “하하. 알겠네. 고려해보지.” 2008년 10월 21일. 세계의 눈이 이탈리아 토리노로 쏠렸다. 유벤투스 대 레알 마드리드. 전 세계 수억 명에 달하는 시청자수를 보유하고 있는 챔피언스 리그가 아닌가. 이탈리아와 스페인을 대표하는 둘의 대결에 세계 수많은 이들이 관심을 보이고 있었다. 특히, 지난 AT마드리드전에서 라 리가 해트트릭을 기록한 우호영이 세간의 주목을 받고 있었는데, 기자들은 그의 후반 출전에 대해 가능성을 점치고 있었다. [스페인에서 최고득점을 기록하고 있는 레알 마드리드와 이탈리아에서 최소실점을 기록하고 있는 둘의 대결은 볼거리가 풍성한 경기가 될 것이다. AT마드리드전이 단순히 창과 방패의 대결이었다면, 이번 유벤투스전은 ‘무엇이든 뚫는 창’과 ‘무엇이든 막는 방패’의 모순적인 대결이라고 할 수 있기 때문인데, 홈이라는 점을 감안한다면 유벤투스가 유리하지만, 사실 누구의 승리도 점치기 어렵다. 여담으로 올 시즌 파죽지세로 기량을 뽐내고 있는 우호영은 후반전에 출전하여 경기장에 활력을 북돋아주는 활력소의 역할을 맡게 될 가능성이 농후하다.] 하지만 경기 시작 1시간 전. ‘올림피코 그란데 토리노 스타디움(Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino) 대형 전광판에 우호영의 얼굴과 이름이 떠오르자, 경기장에 한차례 함성이 터져 나왔다. 워어어어어어어어어어! 선발출전. 그 사실에, 소수정예의 레알 마드리드 원정 팬 ‘마드리디스타’들이 목청을 터트리고 있었다. “그래, 그렇지! 당연한 거 아냐!” “쇠뿔도 단김에 빼라고, 물이 올랐을 때 내보내야지!” “키야! 미쳤다. 오늘도 한 건 해줬으면 소원이 없겠다.” “그렇긴 한데 저놈이 문제야.” 그들의 시선은, 지금 막 경기장으로 나와 몸을 풀고 있는 선수에게로 향했다. 보기만 해도 살벌한 인상에 삭발 머리가 인상 깊은 사내. 몸에 문신이라도 있다면 러시아 마피아가 생각나는 얼굴. 세계적인 수비수로 발돋움하고 있는 ‘지오르지오 키엘리니(Giorgio Chiellini)였다. 현재 맨체스터 유나이티드의 비디치와 비교되곤 하는 그는 칸나바로의 후계자라 불릴 정도로 대단한, 아주리 군단의 구세주였다. 칸나바로 본인 역시 키엘리니가 자신의 후계자라고 생각하고 있었다. “밥맛 떨어지게 생긴 놈.” “왜?” “저 새끼 오늘 점심 인터뷰 한 거 못 봤어?” 오늘 점심. 경기를 앞두고 있었던 기자회견에서 키엘리니는 우호영에 대한 질문에 대해 이렇게 답했다. -우호영은 살아생전 단 한 번도 빅 클럽을 상대한 경험이 없다. 뭐, 당연한 말인가? 태어난 지 얼마 안 됐으니 말이다. 하하하. 아무튼 만약 그가 출전한다면 나로서는 기쁠 것 같다. 이번 훈련을 통해 확인한 그의 잠재력은 세계 최고의 수준이라고 생각하지만 글쎄, 빅 매치에서 제대로 활약할 수 있는 배짱이 있을까? 나는 그가 리버풀의 마스체라노에게 털리는 경기를 본 적이 있다. 만약 반 니스텔루이나 라울, 로벤 대신 그가 나온다면 나는 기쁠 것 같다. 그리고 우호영의 선발 출장이 확정되자, 몸을 풀고 있던 키엘리니는 믿을 수 없다는 듯 눈을 번뜩였다. ‘이 새끼들이?’ 그러길 잠깐. 쿵쿵, 자신의 가슴을 세게 두드리며 성을 내기 시작했다. “내가 만만해!” 빅 매치 경험도 없는 우호영을 선발로 내보냈다는 것은 즉 자신을 만만하게 봤다는 뜻. 사실이든 아니든, 그렇게 받아들인 키엘리니는 자존심이 상했다. 그리고 외쳤다. “그래, 어디 한 번 붙어보자. 유벤투스의 수비력이 뭔지 똑똑히 보여줄 테니까.” 경기는 시작하기 전부터 과열되고 있었다. 경기는 20시 45분. 25000여 관중들의 함성과 함께 시작되었다. [아마우리(Amauri)에게 패스하는 알렉산드로 델 피에로(Alessandro Del Piero). 좌측의 유벤투스가 킥오프를 합니다.] [뚫리지 않는 방패와 무엇이든 뚫는 창의 대결이 시작됐군요. 공간을 중시하는 이탈리아와 테크니컬을 무기로 삼는 스페인 팀의 치열한 한판 승부라고 볼 수 있겠습니다.] 유벤투스는 가장 익숙한 플랫 4-4-2 포메이션을 들고 나왔다. 공격진에는 델 피에로와 아마우리가 투톱을, 중원에는 살리하미지치-시소코-마르키시오-네드베드가, 수비진에는 발이 빠른 키엘리니와 레그로탈리에를 중앙에 기용하여 레알 마드리드에 맞섰다. 그리고 골문은 부폰 대신 마닝거(Manninger)가 맡았다. [한편 레알 마드리드는 4-2-3-1 포메이션을 들고 나왔습니다만, 전반 5분 만에 대형을 4-3-3으로 바꾸는군요. 라울, 반 니스텔루이, 우호영이 쓰리톱으로 우뚝 섰습니다. 중원에는 스네이더, 디아라, 지단이 섰구요. 중원에서의 수적 우위를 앞세워 흐름을 가져가겠다는 뜻이죠.] [그렇습니다. 무시무시한 공격력이에요. 시즌 이래로 이런 쓰리톱을 구축한 적은 없는데, 오늘 화끈한 공격축구를 볼 수 있지 않을까 싶습니다.] 하지만 유벤투스도 가만히 당하고만은 있지 않았다.
answer:162. The Wailing Wall (2) "So, what are your thoughts?" Schuster asked in response to Cannavaro's words. Knowing that Cannavaro, with his bright and upright personality, was a player with excellent leadership qualities, there was nothing wrong with paying attention to what he had to say. "Today, Coach Bruno, the technical coach, put me in charge of training Higuain and Woo Ho-Young. It must have been training with the idea of using them as jokers towards the end of the game. The defenders will be slower and their speed will drop by then." "Right. But that doesn't mean the training was to criticize you for being slow and sluggish." "Hahahaha." A light laughter spread around the table at Schuster's joke. Cannavaro also smiled and replied. "Ha ha, coach. What I want to say is about the content of the training. Didn't Coach Bruno say anything?" "Hey, Canna! Are you doubting me? I reported everything about Woo Ho-Young's training to the coach without missing a thing. He showed much better form than Higuain." "But it seems like the thoughts I had were missing from the report?" "Hmm?" No matter how skilled a first-team technical coach of a big club might be, it's a reality that they can't match the intuition of an active player who has won the Ballon d'Or. Cannavaro had caught all the things that Coach Bruno had missed. It also meant that Cannavaro had the potential to be a great coach. "I felt it. Woo Ho-Young could be a good card to break down Juventus's wall." "So, you're saying to use him as a joker, right? And he's planned to be excluded." "It seems you're missing the point. The one Woo Ho-Young should be competing against is not Higuain, but Van Nistelrooy or Saviola." "!" In other words, Woo Ho-Young should start in the match against Juventus. Cannavaro added his opinion. "Van Nistelrooy is a perfect finisher, but he can't handle Giorgio's strength and anticipation. The same goes for Saviola." "So, you're saying to start with Woo Ho-Young on the front line and fight fire with fire from the beginning? But he expended a tremendous amount of energy just 30 hours ago against Atletico Madrid." "Then it might be okay to play him just for the first 45 minutes." "Hmm." Cannavaro stood firm in his opinion. He insisted that Woo Ho-Young must start. "Regardless of anything else, his ability is the most suitable to face Giorgio. Giorgio is the guy I've been tutoring for a year. I know him better than anyone." "Seeing how confident you are, you must be certain." "Of course." "Ha ha. Alright. I'll consider it." October 21, 2008. The eyes of the world were focused on Turin, Italy. Juventus vs. Real Madrid. It was none other than the Champions League, which boasts hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide. The match between the representatives of Italy and Spain had attracted the attention of countless people around the world. Especially since Woo Ho-Young, who had scored a hat-trick against Atletico Madrid in La Liga, was receiving a lot of attention, and journalists were speculating about the possibility of him playing in the second half. [The match between Real Madrid, which has the highest score in Spain, and the team with the least goals conceded in Italy, will be a game rich in spectacle. If the Atletico Madrid match was simply a clash of offense and defense, the upcoming Juventus match can be described as a paradoxical confrontation between 'a spear that pierces anything' and 'a shield that blocks everything.' Considering the home advantage, Juventus might have the upper hand, but in fact, it's difficult to predict who will win. Incidentally, Woo Ho-Young, who has been showing off his skills this season, is highly likely to play in the second half and bring vitality to the stadium.] However, one hour before the start of the match. When Woo Ho-Young's face and name appeared on the big screen at the Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino, a roar erupted from the stadium. Woahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Starting lineup. At that fact, the elite Real Madrid away fans, the 'Madridistas,' burst into cheers. "Yeah, that's right! Isn't it obvious?" "Strike while the iron is hot, they say, and you should strike when the water rises!" "Kiya! Crazy. I'd have no regrets if he pulls off another one today." "That's true, but that guy is the problem." Their gaze turned to a player who had just come out to warm up on the field. A man with a fierce look and a shaved head that left a strong impression. If he had tattoos on his body, he would remind one of a Russian mafia. It was 'Giorgio Chiellini,' who was emerging as a world-class defender. Often compared to Manchester United's Vidic, he was considered the savior of the Azzurri army and Cannavaro's successor. "Looks like he'll spoil your appetite." "Why?" "Didn't you see his lunch interview today?" This lunch. During the press conference before the game, Chiellini had answered a question about Woo Ho-Young like this. -Woo Ho-Young has never faced a big club in his life. Well, isn't that obvious? He hasn't been around for long. Hahaha. Anyway, if he plays, I think I'd be happy. I think his potential, confirmed through this training, is of the highest level in the world, but I wonder if he has the guts to perform well in a big match? I've seen him get thrashed by Liverpool's Mascherano. If he comes on instead of Van Nistelrooy, Raul, or Robben, I think I'd be happy. And when Woo Ho-Young's starting lineup was confirmed, Chiellini, who was warming up, flashed his eyes in disbelief. 'These guys?' For a moment. Thump, thump, he began to pound his chest angrily. "They think I'm easy!" Whether it was true or not, Chiellini took it as an underestimation of himself and his pride was hurt. And he shouted. "Alright, let's see. I'll show you exactly what Juventus's defense is like." The game was already heated before it even started. The match was at 20:45. It began with the cheers of approximately 25,000 spectators. [Alessandro Del Piero passes to Amauri. Juventus on the left kicks off.] [The battle between the impenetrable shield and the spear that pierces anything has begun. We can see a fierce match between Italy, which values space, and Spain, which uses technical skills as a weapon.] Juventus came out with their most familiar flat 4-4-2 formation. In the attack, Del Piero and Amauri formed the two tops, with Salihamidzic, Sissoko, Marchisio, and Nedved in the midfield, and the fast-legged Chiellini and Legrottaglie in the center of the defense to face Real Madrid. And Manninger was in goal instead of Buffon. [On the other hand, Real Madrid came out with a 4-2-3-1 formation, but changed to a 4-3-3 just 5 minutes into the first half. Raul, Van Nistelrooy, and Woo Ho-Young stood tall as the three tops. With Sneijder, Diarra, and Zidane in the midfield, they aim to take control of the game with a numerical advantage in the midfield.] [That's right. It's a terrifying attack. They haven't formed such a three-top this season, but today we might see some fiery offensive football.] However, Juventus was not just going to take it lying down.
question:good prompt for my new ai image
answer:Creating good prompts for AI-generated images depends largely on the specific AI tool you're using and the subject or style you're hoping to achieve with your image. It's important to provide the AI with as much contextual and descriptive language as possible for best results. Here is a structured method for creating a detailed prompt: 1. **Subject Matter**: Start by precisely stating what the main subject of your image should be. This could be an object, a person, a landscape, an animal, etc. 2. **Style and Aesthetic**: Specify the artistic style or aesthetic. You might want a photorealistic image, a particular art style like impressionism or surrealism, a cartoon, a pencil sketch, etc. 3. **Mood and Emotion**: Think about the emotion or mood you want to convey with your image. Words like "serene," "chaotic," "melancholic," or "joyful" will guide the AI in the right direction. 4. **Color Scheme**: Mention if you have a specific color palette in mind such as "pastel," "monochrome," "vibrant," or "earth tones." 5. **Composition and Perspective**: Detail how the subject should be positioned or from what perspective the image should be viewed, for example, "close-up," "bird's eye view," or "looking up." 6. **Lighting and Time of Day**: Describe the lighting situation or time of day, such as "sunrise," "dimly lit," "high-contrast shadows," or "golden hour." 7. **Additional Elements**: Include any additional elements or details you want in the image, like "surrounded by flowers," "in a busy market street," or "with a mountain backdrop." Putting it all together, here is an example of a detailed prompt you could use for an AI-image generator: "A serene landscape of a tranquil lake at sunrise, with mist rising from the water's surface. The composition should capture the reflection of a majestic mountain in the background, with a cabin nestled among pine trees to the side. The overall style should be reminiscent of a Thomas Kinkade painting, with soft, warm colors and a magical, ethereal quality. A rowboat tied to a small wooden dock adds a touch of human presence. The perspective is from the lakeshore, looking out towards the water, allowing the viewer to feel as if they are stepping into the scene." Remember, AI image generators have varying capabilities, and some may interpret prompts more creatively than others. Make sure to experiment with your descriptions to get the best results from your specific AI tool.