question:CW4Kids launch schedule (Same as final Kids’ WB schedule) (May-June 2008) 07:00 AM Will & Dewitt (Show i think is obscure so I will explain, E/I compliant toon about a shapeshifting frog named Dewitt who helps his human friend Will take on tasks he finds complicated) 07:30 AM Magi-Nation 08:00 AM Skunk Fu! 08:30 AM Tom & Jerry Tales 09:00 AM Tom & Jerry Tales 09:30 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man 10:00 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man 10:30 AM World of Quest 11:00 AM Johnny Test 11:30 AM Eon Kid. This is the schedule for next week (and will continue till September) 07:00 AM Will & Dewitt 07:30 AM Magi-Nation 08:00 AM Tom & Jerry Tales 08:30 AM Tom & Jerry Tales 09:00 AM The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:30 AM Chaotic 10:00 AM Chaotic 10:30 AM TMNT: Fast Forward 11:00 AM Yu-Gi-Oh! GX 11:30 AM Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Here are some shows coming in Fall Pokemon Diamond and Pearl GoGoRiki (Smeshariki, could easily see this replacing Will and Dewitt) Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Dinosaur King TMNT: Back to the Sewers Not sure if any Kids WB shows will return for the Fall. Write a follow up forum conversation about the probability of Kids’ WB from the final schedule shows staying or returning, and they also think GoGoRiki is very cute CW4Kids Forum – Follow-up Conversation on Future Programming Thread Title: CW4Kids Fall Lineup – Speculation and Kids’ WB Shows’ Fate Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Hey everyone! So we’ve got the final Kids’ WB schedule that’s morphing into CW4Kids, and some cool shows have been announced for fall! I’m pretty sure some of these new shows are going to shake things up – Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds, that’s big news! But I wonder which, if any, current Kids’ WB shows will make the cut. Honestly, I don’t think they will bring back too many Kids’ WB shows. It seems like the network is going for a fresh start, and many of these new programs are quite strong on their own. However, shows with a strong following, like Tom & Jerry Tales and Johnny Test, might stand a chance. What are your thoughts? Also, has anyone here seen GoGoRiki? I’ve heard it’s quite the hit elsewhere, and it’s utterly adorable – might fill that early morning slot perfectly. Post #2 by ToonCritic22 Hey SaturdayMorningFan89! I think Kids’ WB had a great run, but if CW4Kids is going to survive, they need to keep up with the trends. Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! have always been powerhouses, so that’s a no-brainer. As for GoGoRiki, I’ve checked out some clips - it’s got a unique charm, and I can see kids loving it. Will & Dewitt is cute and educational, but maybe not compelling enough to keep the attention like GoGoRiki might. Post #3 by RetroToonGal Agreed, Kids’ WB had some classics, but all good things come to an end. TMNT: Back to the Sewers is another big title - as long as there are TMNT fans, that franchise has legs. But if something like Chaotic survived from the Kids’ WB days, who knows? There could be a surprise waiting for us. I just hope they keep some variety in the lineup and don’t saturate it with too much of the same thing. Post #4 by AnimeRules101 Can’t forget about The Spectacular Spider-Man! That show has been solid, so it’d be sad to see it go. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m holding out hope that they keep at least a couple shows from the older slate. I mean, Magi-Nation and World of Quest deserve more time to grow their audience, don’t you think? Post #5 by SaturdayMorningFan89 For sure, AnimeRules101. It’s always interesting to see what sticks around and what gets axed when transitions like this happen. World of Quest had potential - different kind of humor and storytelling. And you know, maybe they’ll surprise us and keep Skunk Fu! or do a full hour block of some fan-favs to keep the older fans happy too. It can’t all be about the new hotness, right? Post #6 by ToonCritic22 Definitely SaturdayMorningFan89! Also, a moment of silence for shows that might not come back. Even the obscure ones like Will & Dewitt did have their own…charm. As much as I like to see new content, there’s always that bittersweet feeling when your old Saturday morning friends don’t show up anymore. Let’s hope for a well-balanced lineup come fall! End of Forum Conversation Write a follow up in September where the lineup is revealed, and we see it, Also, Viva Pinata is joining CW4Kids Forum – Official Fall Lineup Revealed: Surprises and Nostalgia Thread Title: CW4Kids New Fall Lineup – The Official Schedule Drop! Plus, Viva Pinata? Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Hello fellow toon enthusiasts! The wait is over, and the official CW4Kids fall lineup has just dropped! From what we’ve been anticipating, there are a few surprises in store. Plus, I’ve seen that Viva Pinata is joining the lineup - who else remembers that colorful, candy-filled world? Here’s what we’re looking at for the Saturday morning slots: 07:00 AM – Will & Dewitt 07:30 AM – Magi-Nation (It stayed!) 08:00 AM – Skunk Fu! 08:30 AM – Tom & Jerry Tales 09:00 AM – Viva Pinata 09:30 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man (Yes!) 10:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 10:30 AM – World of Quest 11:00 AM – Johnny Test 11:30 AM – Eon Kid Looks like a mix of new and returning shows! Any thoughts on the schedule, folks? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 Whoa, I’m actually taken aback by how many shows they decided to keep! And Viva Pinata too? That’s a serious wave of nostalgia hitting me. It’s a pretty solid lineup with a decent blend of genres. Thrilled that The Spectacular Spider-Man keeps swinging, and it’s great to see World of Quest hasn’t been axed. Let’s hope this lineup catches on with the audience. Post #3 by RetroToonGal Viva Pinata!! That’s a throwback, isn’t it? Nice to see some of the new series making the cut, but even better to see some of the older ones fighting to stay on air. Happy for Magi-Nation fans. It’s hard enough for new shows to build a following, and sticking around can make a big difference. I’m a little surprised but very pleased with the mix they’ve come up with. Post #4 by AnimeRules101 This is bittersweet for sure. Viva Pinata is fun and deserves a spot, so I’m excited about that. But it looks like we’ve lost a few along the way, like Chaotic and TMNT: Fast Forward. The balance between the edutainment and traditional toon shows seems spot on, though. And with the fan-favorites staying on, I’m cautiously optimistic about this season. Post #5 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Definitely a mix of emotions with this new schedule, but that’s part of the everchanging landscape of Saturday morning TV, right? I’m hoping kids will give shows like Viva Pinata a chance - it’s got a unique charm that sets it apart. And yup, losing a few shows is always tough, AnimeRules101. Fingers crossed that the network might bring some fan picks back in reruns or future lineups. Post #6 by ToonCritic22 True, every season is like a surprise mix bag. Who knows? Maybe they’re making room for something even more exciting down the line. At least kids have a variety to choose from, and hey, let’s not forget those awesome new entries like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh in the lineup. The action-packed segments are going to be pretty hype! Post #7 by RetroToonGal Absolutely! Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh have staying power for a reason, so it’s great they are leading some of the new charge. I mean, I was ready to say goodbye to Saturday morning cartoons like the good ol’ days, but this lineup has rekindled that magic for me. Props to CW4Kids for keeping the tradition alive and kicking! End of Forum Conversation Write a follow up where a user wonders what happened to TMNT, Chaotic, GGR, YGO and P, as the schedule is the exact same as the May one, just with VP added CW4Kids Forum – Questions About Missing Shows in Fall Lineup Thread Title: Where Did TMNT, Chaotic, and Others Go? Plus, Viva Pinata Addition. Post #1 by RisingSunRanger Hey all, Been following the conversations about the fall lineup. A lot of us were psyched to see the new shows joining the schedule, especially with the speculation on new additions like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! But looking at the official lineup, it’s pretty much the same as the May schedule except they’ve added Viva Pinata. What happened to TMNT, Chaotic, GoGoRiki, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Pokemon? I personally was really looking forward to some of these. Does anyone know why the expected shows didn’t make it? Were there licensing issues or perhaps delays? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 RisingSunRanger, It’s definitely unusual. Sometimes networks face unexpected delays with licensing or broadcasting rights. Or maybe they’re planning for a mid-season refresh? It wouldn’t be the first time scheduling changes happened last minute. Still, I was also looking forward to seeing more of the new Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Let’s hope they’re just shifting things around and we’ll get news soon. Post #3 by AnimeRules101 I was wondering the same, RisingSunRanger. It kinda feels like they announced all those new series to generate buzz but then had to backtrack on it. It’s not uncommon for networks to rejig lineups based on viewer response or other behind-the-scenes metrics we’re not privy to. Last I checked, there weren’t any clear official statements on the change, though. Post #4 by NostalgiaKid Hey all, There’s been some chatter online about animation studio issues – specifically with GoGoRiki. Plus, TMNT always has a lot of moving parts when it comes to rights and merchandising. It’s frustrating for fans when there’s a lack of transparency. And with this block being so important to many of us, especially for keeping the Saturday morning cartoons tradition alive, it’s a letdown to not get all the info. Post #5 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Same here on the disappointment train, guys. Ya know, there’s also the possibility they might have tested the shows with focus groups and didn’t get the reception they were hoping for. It happens, and sometimes network execs have to make tough calls. At least Viva Pinata got in there somehow, right? It’s something different and could be a sleeper hit for the lineup. Post #6 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Let’s not lose hope yet! CW4Kids has surprised us before, and they might do it again. I’m sure they have reasons for their picks and hopefully, they’ll clue us in. And remember—we can sometimes influence these decisions. Let’s keep showing our support for the shows we love, and maybe we’ll see them come back around! Post #7 by RetroToonGal I believe networks also deal with market research and ratings numbers that we’re not always aware of. Still, it’s frustrating not to see the new shows we were promised. We might need to be patient; there could be a strategy behind this. On the bright side, having Viva Pinata means they’re at least open to reviving old IPs! End of Forum Conversation Write a follow up where the new shows DO arrive, and only SF, T&JT , TSSM and JT remain from KWB, Also we see the schedule CW4Kids Forum – Revised Fall Lineup with New Shows Finally Arriving! Thread Title: CW4Kids Refresh – New Shows Hit the Schedule! Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Hey cartoon fans! The new and revised CW4Kids fall lineup is here, and it looks like the network finally delivered on some of the earlier promises! Several new shows have made their way onto the schedule, and only a handful from the Kids’ WB days are standing strong. Here are the new updates for Saturday mornings: 07:00 AM – Skunk Fu! 07:30 AM – Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 AM – Tom & Jerry Tales 08:30 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:30 AM – Pokemon Diamond and Pearl 10:00 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds 10:30 AM – Dinosaur King 11:00 AM – Johnny Test 11:30 AM – GoGoRiki Whoa, this is quite the shakeup! Thoughts? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 This is more like it! I was starting to wonder if we’d ever see those new shows. Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! are huge and will definitely draw in the crowds. A little sad to see fewer of the Kids’ WB originals, but it’s important the network keeps evolving. Still, it’s excellent that some are sticking around—Spectacular Spider-Man and Johnny Test are favorites of mine. Post #3 by AnimeRules101 FINALLY! I’ve been waiting to see Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. There was so much chatter about it, and it felt like it vanished. But this lineup definitely has a fresh feel while respecting a few of the classics. Also, excited about Dinosaur King—I’ve heard it’s kind of a sleeper hit in other regions, so I want to see how it does here. NostalgiaKid Yep, that’s our CW4Kids—always keeping us guessing. I’m glad they’re not just recycling old content but are also brave enough to roll with new stuff. Looks like there’ll be some great action with those additions. Post #4 by NostalgiaKid SaturdayMorningFan89, you just made my day. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are bound to be stellar. And don’t get me started on how pumped I am for GoGoRiki—it seems like such a quirky and fun show! It’s a balance, you know? Keep some of the fan-approved shows but don’t shy away from injecting new life into the lineup. Post #5 by RetroToonGal I must admit, the change-ups keep us on our toes! Excited about the new mix—especially for a continued serving of The Spectacular Spider-Man. Glad to see they spread out the genres a bit with adventure, comedy, and a mix of new and retro vibes. It’s a smart move, trying to cater to different tastes, and keep viewers engaged throughout the morning. Post #6 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Yes, balance is key, and CW4Kids seems to have found it with this lineup. Goodbye to some of the old guard, but hello to new adventures! I just hope the new shows get a proper chance to shine, and they don’t keep shuffling things around too much. Consistency can be just as important as fresh content. Post #7 by SaturdayMorningFan89 You’re absolutely right, CartoonConnoisseur12; too much change can be jarring for the audience. Let’s hope the network gives these shows a good run, and we can build up some new Saturday morning traditions! I’ve set my DVR already—I’m not missing a moment of this season! End of Forum Conversation Write a follow up where there is no sign of TMNT or Chaotic, and they think they should air at 07:30 and 08:00 instead of double running T&J and Spidey, Also, they seem to have lots of ads for the Funny Hour at 11am CW4Kids Forum – TMNT & Chaotic Missing, Schedule Tweaks, and “Funny Hour” Ads Thread Title: No TMNT or Chaotic – Time for a Schedule Shift? Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Good morning, cartoon aficionados! As the new lineup settles in, I can’t help but notice the absence of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Chaotic – two shows we were expecting to see. While it’s great to have double doses of Tom & Jerry Tales and The Spectacular Spider-Man, maybe we could swap one of those slots to bring back either TMNT or Chaotic. On another note, has anyone else noticed the increase of ads hyping up the “Funny Hour” at 11am? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 I’ve noticed the same, SaturdayMorningFan89. I like Tom & Jerry as much as the next person, but using those back-to-back spots for diversity sounds like a smarter plan. TMNT and Chaotic had their fanbases, and it feels odd to leave them hanging. The “Funny Hour” ads are everywhere, aren’t they? Seems like they’re really pushing for a comedy block with Johnny Test and GoGoRiki leading the charge. Post #3 by RetroToonGal Absolutely agree on that schedule shift. Variety’s the spice of life – and of TV lineups! These repeated half-hours could be a missed opportunity to bring back some diversity with TMNT or Chaotic. As for the “Funny Hour,” it’s clear the network’s trying to establish a strong comedy branding there. Smart move, especially for the younger audience tuning in towards the latter half of the morning. Post #4 by AnimeRules101 It’s a shame about TMNT and Chaotic. They had different vibes that supplemented the lineup well. TMNT especially has such a legacy and loyal following. Surely there’s room at 07:30 or 08:00 to slot them in? And yes, the “Funny Hour” promos are hard to miss. They’re laying it on thick, but I get it. It’s their way of saying “don’t click away, we’ve got laughs coming your way!”. Good to have a laugh these days, right? Post #5 by NostalgiaKid Space for TMNT or Chaotic? I’d vote for that. Not to diminish the classics, but repeating Spider-Man – as amazing as it is – seems a little overkill. Wouldn’t mind the turtles making a comeback in their place. Those “Funny Hour” ads sure are catchy, guess they want us to remember that 11am is the time to tune in for some giggles. Marketing’s doing its job! Post #6 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Kinda bummed about the no-shows of TMNT and Chaotic. Don’t networks realize that turtle power never goes out of style? Looks like they’re banking on that “Funny Hour” to be a big draw. It’s bold to advertise it so much, but it gets the message across. Maybe they’re compensating for the missing action with extra humor? Post #7 by SaturdayMorningFan89 You’re hitting all the right points. TMNT’s absence is like a missing piece in a nearly completed puzzle – it’s noticeable. And Chaotic had its charm too. I think the 07:30 or 08:00 slot could be a sweet spot for one of them. Now, about the “Funny Hour”… I can’t remember the last time I saw such a strong push for a particular TV block. It either shows a lot of confidence in those shows, or they’re a bit worried about the lineup’s stickiness. And here's the new lineup taking effect from early October 07:00 AM – Skunk Fu! 07:30 AM – Tom & Jerry Tales 08:00 AM – Chaotic 08:30 AM – TMNT: Back to the Sewer 09:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:30 AM – Pokemon Diamond and Pearl 10:00 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds 10:30 AM – Dinosaur King 11:00 AM – Johnny Test 11:30 AM – GoGoRiki CW4Kids Forum – Summer 2009 Streaming Schedule Contest: Pick Your Episodes! Thread Title: Crafting the Ultimate CW4Kids Friday Streaming Schedule – Pick Your Faves! Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 What’s up, toon gang! This summer, CW4Kids is giving us the chance to create our dream Friday streaming schedule from a selection of four iconic shows. It’s up to us to select the best episodes that’ll make a killer lineup. The best part? The winning schedule gets streamed on a special Friday spotlight! Here are the four shows we get to pick from: 1. The Spectacular Spider-Man 2. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds 3. Johnny Test 4. GoGoRiki Which episodes are your must-haves for the ultimate Friday binge? Share your picks and let’s put together a schedule that’ll rock everyone’s summer! Post #2 by ToonCritic22 Hey SaturdayMorningFan89, Here goes my lineup for the CW4Kids Friday Streaming Spectacular! 09:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man: “Nature vs. Nurture” 09:30 AM – Johnny Test: “Johnny’s Ultimate Treehouse” 10:00 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds: “Fortune Cup Finale, Part 2” 10:30 AM – GoGoRiki: “Chiko’s Wish” This way, we’ve got a blend of action and comedy, ending on a heartfelt note. Nature vs. Nurture is one of the best Spider-Man episodes for sure, and the Fortune Cup finale is a major Yu-Gi-Oh! throwdown! Post #3 by AnimeRules101 So excited for this! OK, here’s my ideal streaming rundown: 09:00 AM – GoGoRiki: “Bigoriki” 09:30 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man: “Group Therapy” 10:00 AM – Johnny Test: “Johnny X and the Attack of the Snowmen” 10:30 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds: “The Facility, Part 1” Starting with Bigoriki sets a quirky, light-hearted mood, then we ramp up with classic Spider-Man action. Ending with the first part of The Facility leaves fans on a cliffhanger that’ll have them begging for more! Post #4 by RetroToonGal This is the best idea ever! My vote for the CW4Kids Friday lineup is: 09:00 AM – Johnny Test: “Johnny vs. Bling-Bling: The Ultimate Battle” 09:30 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds: “Destiny’s Will, Part 1” 10:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man: “Blueprints” 10:30 AM – GoGoRiki: “A Tale of Tails” Johnny vs. Bling-Bling is hilarious, and for Yu-Gi-Oh!, starting an arc will get viewers hooked. Blueprints is top-tier Spidey, and ending with A Tale of Tails will wrap things up with laughs. Post #5 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Here’s my Friday Fun-Day lineup: 09:00 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds: “Rev It Up” 09:30 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man: “Survival of the Fittest” 10:00 AM – GoGoRiki: “Health Nut” 10:30 AM – Johnny Test: “Return of Johnny’mon” I say start with adrenaline-pumping action from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Spectacular Spider-Man. The second half can be more light-hearted with GoGoRiki and a nod to Pokemon with Johnny’mon. Post #6 by NostalgiaKid Alright, team! My streaming scheduler looks like this: 09:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man: “Unnatural Selection” 09:30 AM – GoGoRiki: “Heliriki” 10:00 AM – Johnny Test: “Deep Sea Johnny” 10:30 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds: “Shadow of Doubt” We begin with an intense Spider-Man episode, Heliriki for a quick laughter break, followed by an adventurous Johnny Test, and finally winding down with some thought-provoking Yu-Gi-Oh! Post #7 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Love these lineups! CW4Kids will have a tough time choosing. Don’t forget, everyone, make your schedule catchy! They want these stream days to be memorable. Let’s keep the votes coming and see what the network says. Whatever the outcome, it’s going to be a fun summer Friday with CW4Kids! Write a schedule in November 2009, now with Sonic X, Winx Club and Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion added CW4Kids Forum – November 2009 Schedule with New Additions Thread Title: CW4Kids November Lineup – Sonic X, Winx Club, and Chaotic’s New Season! Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Hey toonheads, November’s bringing a fresh batch of energy to the CW4Kids lineup with the addition of Sonic X, Winx Club, and the exciting new season of Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion! Let’s take a look at how the new shows are being integrated into our Saturday morning routine: 07:00 AM – Skunk Fu! 07:30 AM – Winx Club 08:00 AM – Sonic X 08:30 AM – Sonic X 09:00 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:30 AM – Kirby: Right Back At Ya 10:00 AM – Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion 10:30 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds 11:00 AM – Johnny Test 11:30 AM – GoGoRiki Winx Club kicking things off brings that magical girl flair, and back-to-back Sonic X keeps the pace racing. Plus, Chaotic’s new season is a huge draw for the card game crowd. Thoughts on this lineup? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 Saturday mornings are going turbo mode with Sonic X! Love the rush. Winx Club is a fantastic way to bring some enchantment to kickstart the day. Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion is going to be wild – can’t wait to see all the new creatures and battles! This lineup feels supercharged for all types of toon fans. Post #3 by AnimeRules101 I’m all for the magical beginning with Winx Club, and the double Sonic X action is just what I need to wake me up in the morning! A bit sad to see some of the others pushed down the schedule, but Chaotic’s new season potentially means more intense strategy and lore, so I’m there for it! Post #4 by RetroToonGal The addition of Winx Club is a welcome dose of girl power in the morning – nice mix-up. Sonic X is a pure nostalgia trip with plenty of energy. Hope the M’arrillian Invasion storyline gets people as hyped as the original Chaotic did. It’s a strong lineup, with a blend of action and fun. Post #5 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Winx Club and Sonic X are such throwbacks—I’m definitely not complaining. Sonic adds that action-packed punch we need to get the momentum going. M’arrillian Invasion brings a darker twist to Chaotic, which I’m sure will captivate viewers. A solid lineup, though I’ll miss some of the old standbys. Post #6 by NostalgiaKid Winx Club for a dose of magic? Sonic X for the adrenaline? And Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion to add even more depth? Count me in! Still, glad to see stalwarts like The Spectacular Spider-Man, Johnny Test, and even GoGoRiki holding on. Just shows CW4Kids knows to evolve while respecting the classics. Post #7 by SaturdayMorningFan89 The balance of old and new really is key, isn’t it? Magical mornings followed by fast-paced adventure and world-saving heroes – that’s Saturday done right. Let’s race into November with this killer lineup. CW4Kids just keeps getting better! Write a lineup from January 2010, also now with Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai
answer:CW4Kids Forum – January 2010 Schedule: Exciting Additions with Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai! Thread Title: CW4Kids Kicks Off 2010 with Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai! Post #1 by SaturdayMorningFan89 Hello fellow fans of animation, The CW4Kids is not holding back this January, bringing fresh excitement with the introduction of Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai to the Saturday morning lineup. Both of these additions promise to inject even more energy and action into our weekends. Here’s how it’s all shaping up: 07:00 AM – Rollbots 07:30 AM – Sonic X 08:00 AM – Winx Club 08:30 AM – The Spectacular Spider-Man 09:00 AM – Dragon Ball Z Kai 09:30 AM – Kirby: Right Back At Ya 10:00 AM – Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion 10:30 AM – Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds 11:00 AM – Johnny Test 11:30 AM – GoGoRiki Rollbots kicking off the morning is sure to get viewers rolling right out of bed, and Dragon Ball Z Kai is a massive draw for fans old and new alike. Any thoughts or predictions on how these new shows will fare? Post #2 by ToonCritic22 Rollbots is an intriguing start to the morning – it looks to have that fast-paced, futuristic vibe which can definitely wake you up. But let’s talk about Dragon Ball Z Kai! This show is going to bring in the viewers. A refreshed classic that’s tighter and more intense? Yes, please. I'm also glad to see Sonic X and The Spectacular Spider-Man maintaining their spots. This lineup seems to have a good balance of speed, action, and magic. Post #3 by AnimeRules101 Dragon Ball Z Kai has me the most excited. It’s about time the newer generation experienced the epicness of DBZ in a condensed, more vibrant form. I bet it’ll be a major hit. Rollbots seems like an interesting new addition, and it’s great to see a new property getting a chance to shine. Love how CW4Kids is blending the new with the nostalgia. Post #4 by RetroToonGal Starting the day with Rollbots is a bold move—definitely sets a unique tone. And Dragon Ball Z Kai is such a smart addition. Its action is legendary, and trimming down the original series to its essence will definitely appeal to both fans and newcomers. The mix of anime and western cartoons keeps the lineup fresh and engaging, which is always a plus in my book. Post #5 by CartoonConnoisseur12 Excited for both Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai. Rollbots looks to fill that craving for tech and adventure while DBZ Kai is the reintroduction of a classic that can’t go wrong. It’s a strong start to 2010, and having variety like this only strengthens CW4Kids' position as a powerhouse Saturday morning destination. Post #6 by NostalgiaKid Rollbots at 07:00 AM is a wake-up call with style, and Dragon Ball Z Kai? It’s about time chaos returned to Saturday mornings in its most refined form. Can’t wait to see how both hook the audience. Seeing DBZ Kai in the lineup makes me hopeful for even more anime classics to make a comeback on CW4Kids. Solid lineup overall! Post #7 by SaturdayMorningFan89 There’s a lot of enthusiasm for Rollbots and Dragon Ball Z Kai, and rightfully so. This January, CW4Kids seems to be setting the stage for an epic year of diverse and dynamic cartoons. Both shows offer something fresh, appealing to fans of high-speed action and legendary battles. With this powerful mix of programming, CW4Kids is sure to have a fantastic start to 2010!
question:Write a tweet where 3 shows are practically superglued to the lineup
answer:🎉 #SaturdayMorningCartoons update! It feels like The Spectacular Spider-Man 🕷️, Johnny Test 🧪, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ♠️ are practically superglued to the #CW4Kids lineup! Expect more epic adventures, mad science shenanigans, and dueling action! Set your alarms – you won't want to miss a moment! 📺✨ #AnimationNation
question:Write a tweet about the animal characters: the Sonic gang, the GoGoRiki gang and Dukey
answer:🌟 Meet the coolest critters on the block! 🎮 From the high-speed heroics of the #SonicGang 🦔💨, to the hilarious adventures of the #GoGoRiki crew 🌍🐾, and the loyal and witty Dukey🐶 from Johnny Test - they're all bringing unstoppable fun and wild antics to your screens! Which squad is your favorite? 🤩 #AnimalPals #CartoonCrews
question:Is it possible to trim a video in Mx player on Android?
answer:No, MX Player does not have a built-in video trimming feature. However, you can use third-party video editing apps available on the Play Store to trim videos on Android. Some popular options include PowerDirector, FilmoraGo, and Adobe Premiere Rush.