question:a que se refiere "Comprensión de la organización y de su contexto" en la norma iso 9001 version 2015?
answer:La sección "Comprensión de la organización y de su contexto" en la norma ISO 9001:2015 se refiere a un requisito clave para el establecimiento de un sistema de gestión de calidad eficaz. Este requisito implica que la organización debe analizar y comprender su propio contexto interno y externo para determinar los factores que pueden afectar su capacidad para alcanzar los resultados deseados. Para cumplir con este requisito, la organización debe identificar y comprender su contexto interno, que incluye su estructura organizativa, sus funciones y responsabilidades, recursos disponibles, cultura empresarial, entre otros aspectos. Además, la organización también debe comprender su contexto externo, que abarca las condiciones económicas, políticas, sociales, tecnológicas y legales, así como las necesidades y expectativas de las partes interesadas relevantes, como clientes, proveedores, reguladores y la sociedad en general. La comprensión del contexto de la organización es esencial para establecer y mantener un sistema de gestión de calidad que se ajuste a sus necesidades y objetivos, y que pueda adaptarse a los cambios en su entorno.
question:function calculateDiscountedCosts() { // Pobieranie tekstu z pola textarea let text = document.getElementById('textArea').value; // Sprawdzenie czy tekst zawiera dane do analizy if (text.trim() !== '') { // Podziel tekst na linie let lines = text.split('n'); // Tworzenie nagłówka tabeli let tableContent = '<tr><th>Nazwa</th><th>Ilość</th><th>Cena</th></tr>'; // Przetwarzanie każdej linii tekstu lines.forEach(line => { let data = line.split('t'); // Podziel linię na kolumny // Sprawdź czy linia zawiera wymaganą liczbę kolumn if (data.length === 5) { // Pobranie danych z podziału let cost = data[0]; let itemName = data[1]; let quantity = data[2].replace(' szt.', ''); // Usunięcie 'szt.' z ilości // Dodanie wiersza do tabeli z danymi tableContent += `<tr><td>{itemName}</td><td>{quantity}</td><td>{cost}</td></tr>`; } }); // Wstawienie tabeli do kontenera document.querySelector('.my-table-class').innerHTML = tableContent; } } document.getElementById('displayButton').addEventListener('click', calculateDiscountedCosts);
answer:The given code defines a function `calculateDiscountedCosts()` that is called when a button with the id "displayButton" is clicked. First, the function gets the text from a textarea with the id "textArea". It then checks if the text is not empty. If it is not empty, it splits the text into lines and creates a header for a table. It then processes each line of the text. For each line, it splits the line into columns and checks if the line contains the required number of columns (5 in this case). If it does, it extracts the cost, item name, and quantity from the split and removes the 'szt.' from the quantity. It then adds a row to the table with the extracted data. Finally, it inserts the table content into a container with the class "my-table-class". Note: The code assumes that there is an HTML structure with a textarea element with the id "textArea", a button element with the id "displayButton", and a container element with the class "my-table-class".
question:teraz do kolumny cena pobierz cene po nazwie z tego const fetchPrices = (fileName) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(fileName) .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer()) .then((data) => { const workbook =, { type: 'array', }); const sheet = workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]]; const rows = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(sheet, { header: ['name', 'price', 'quantity'], }); const products = {}; rows.forEach((row) => { products[] = { price: parseFloat(row.price), quantity: parseInt(row.quantity), }; }); resolve(products); }) .catch((error) => { reject(error); }); }); };
answer:The given code defines a function `fetchPrices(fileName)` that fetches and parses an Excel file with the given `fileName` to extract the prices of products by their names. It returns a promise that resolves with an object containing the prices and quantities of the products. Here's a breakdown of what the code does: 1. It fetches the Excel file using the `fetch()` function and converts the response to an array buffer using `response.arrayBuffer()`. 2. It creates a workbook object using the `` function by passing in the array buffer and specifying the type as 'array'. 3. It retrieves the first sheet from the workbook using `workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]]`. 4. It converts the sheet to JSON using `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json()`, specifying the header as an array with the keys 'name', 'price', and 'quantity'. 5. It initializes an empty object `products` to store the extracted data. 6. It iterates over each row in the converted JSON and adds an entry to the `products` object, using the name as the key and storing the price as a floating-point number and the quantity as an integer. 7. Finally, it resolves the promise with the `products` object. Note that this code relies on the `fetch()` function to retrieve the Excel file from a server or network. Additionally, it assumes that the `XLSX` library is available and correctly configured to parse Excel files.
answer:Being naturally funny can be advantageous in many situations, including work, socializing, and dealing with difficult situations. It can help to lighten the mood, make others feel at ease, and create a positive, enjoyable atmosphere. Additionally, humor can be a powerful tool for connecting with others and building relationships. Naturally funny people tend to have a unique perspective and can find humor in everyday situations. They have a quick wit and are skilled at making others laugh. This ability can make them likable and memorable, as people are naturally drawn to those who can make them smile and laugh. In the workplace, being naturally funny can create a more enjoyable environment, reduce stress, and improve team dynamics. It can also be helpful in diffusing tension, resolving conflicts, and improving communication. When people are laughing and having fun, they are often more productive and engaged in their work. In social situations, being naturally funny can help in making new friends and fostering connections with others. It can also make social gatherings more enjoyable and memorable. Being funny can also be a great icebreaker, making it easier to start conversations and break the ice with strangers. In difficult situations, humor can be a coping mechanism that helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. By finding the humor in a challenging situation, one can maintain a more positive outlook and approach problems with a lighter attitude. This can also help to inspire others and provide them with a fresh perspective on their own challenges. In conclusion, being naturally funny can bring numerous benefits to various aspects of life. It can improve relationships, create a positive atmosphere, and help navigate difficult situations. Whether it's making people laugh at work, connecting with others socially, or finding humor in tough times, being naturally funny is a valuable and advantageous trait.