question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “Wait a minute…where are MC and Sayori? They should’ve come back from their honeymoon, now.” Natsuki: “Yeah, it’s been a while. I hope they’re okay. Do you think they got lost or something?” Yuri: “I highly doubt that. MC is a responsible person, and Sayori is usually always with him. They probably just got caught up in something unexpected.” Monika: “You’re right, Yuri. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. Knowing Sayori, they might have gotten distracted by something. Let’s give them a little more time.” Natsuki: “But what if something bad happened? We should at least try contacting them, you know? Just to be safe.” Monika: “That’s a good idea, Natsuki. Let me try giving them a call.” (Monika takes out her phone and dials MC’s number. However, there’s no answer.) Monika: “Hmm, no answer. Maybe they’re in an area with poor reception. Let me try again.” (Monika dials MC’s number once more, but still no answer.) Yuri: “Perhaps they’ve turned off their phones or are in a situation where they can’t answer. It’s concerning, but we shouldn’t panic just yet.” Natsuki: “I still think we should do something. Maybe we can try reaching out to their families or friends to see if they’ve heard from them.” Monika: “You’re right, Natsuki. That’s a good idea. Let’s split up and contact their loved ones. We’ll meet back here afterwards and assess the situation.” (Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika leave the clubroom to make their phone calls.) (Meanwhile, in a park not too far from the clubroom…) MC: (sitting on a bench, noticing Sayori having contractions) “Sayori, my sweet wife, are you okay? Is Sachiko alright?” Sayori: (gritting her teeth) “I’m…I’m in labor, MC. The contractions are getting stronger. Sachiko is coming.” MC: (concerned) “But we’re on our honeymoon! You can’t have the baby now!” Sayori: (holding onto MC’s hand) “I know, I know, but babies don’t really stick to schedules, do they? We’ll figure this out, MC. We always do.” MC: (taking a deep breath) “You’re right, Sayori. We’ll figure this out together. Let me call an ambulance and get you to the hospital as soon as possible.” Sayori: (nodding) “Okay, but let’s not panic. We’ve got this-” (Without warning, Sayori’s water breaks and she goes into active labor.) Sayori: “Ohh, MC, it’s happening! Sachiko is coming! We need to get to the hospital right now!” MC: (frantically) “Right, right! Stay calm, Sayori. I’ll call an ambulance and get us some help. Just hold on, Sachiko.” (Just then, MC notices the time on his phone.) MC: (panicking) “Oh no, the club! We were supposed to meet everyone back at the clubroom!” (MC quickly wraps his arms around Sayori and heads to the clubroom with her.) (Back at the clubroom, Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika have finished making their phone calls and are anxiously waiting for MC and Sayori to return.) Natsuki: “I couldn’t reach anyone from their families. This is getting really worrisome.” Monika: “I didn’t have any luck either. But let’s not give up hope just yet. They could be on their way here.” Yuri: “I’m sure they’re okay. We just need to remain patient.” (Suddenly, the door bursts open and MC rushes in, carrying an exhausted and sweaty Sayori.) MC: “We’re here! Sayori went into labor, and I’m sorry we’re late. We couldn’t make it to the hospital in time.” Natsuki: (rushing to their side) “Oh my gosh! Are you okay, Sayori?” Sayori: (breathing heavily) “I’m alright, Natsuki. Just a little overwhelmed. Thank you f-” (Sayori suddenly lets out an agonizing screams as she starts pushing.) MC: “Someone help! Sayori needs immediate medical attention!” Monika: (panicked) “We need to call an ambulance right away!” Yuri: (grabbing her phone) “I’ll call for help. Stay strong, Sayori.” (Natsuki, Monika, and Yuri frantically move around the room, trying to find their phones to call for help.) MC: (supporting Sayori) “You’re doing great, Sayori. Just a little longer, and Sachiko will be here.” Sayori: (straining) “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHE’S COMING!!!”
answer:(Just as Sayori screams, the door swings open and a paramedic rushes into the room.) Paramedic: "I heard there's a woman in labor. Don't worry, we're here to help." (The paramedic quickly assesses the situation and prepares to assist in the delivery.) Paramedic: "Alright, we need to get Sayori to a more suitable environment. Is there a nearby hospital or birthing center we can go to?" MC: (frantically) "The hospital is too far, but there's a birthing center two blocks away. We should go there." (The paramedic and MC carefully move Sayori onto a stretcher, with Natsuki and Monika helping to support her.) Yuri: (on the phone with the birthing center) "Yes, we have a woman in active labor. We're on our way to your location. Please be ready." (The paramedic and the rest of the girls rush Sayori out of the clubroom and towards the birthing center.) (Meanwhile, at the birthing center...) Doctor: (prepared for the arrival) "We have a woman in active labor coming in. Get everything ready." (Nurses and doctors quickly prepare the delivery room as the girls rush in with Sayori.) MC: (holding Sayori's hand) "We're almost there, Sayori. Hang in there." Sayori: (exhausted) "I'm trying, MC. Just... a little longer." (The medical team takes over, guiding Sayori through the final stages of labor.) Doctor: (encouragingly) "You're doing great, Sayori. Just a few more pushes, and your baby will be here." (Sayori pushes with all her strength, letting out a final scream.) Doctor: "Congratulations! It's a healthy baby girl." (The room fills with relief and joy as the doctors clean up the baby and hand her over to Sayori.) MC: (teary-eyed) "Our baby... Sachiko. She's finally here." Sayori: (smiling, tears streaming down her face) "She's beautiful, MC." (Back at the clubroom, the rest of the girls anxiously wait for news.) Yuri: "I'm glad they made it to the birthing center in time. I hope everything went well." Natsuki: "I can't wait to meet the baby. I hope Sayori and MC are okay." Monika: "They're strong and resilient. I'm sure they'll be just fine." (After what feels like an eternity, MC and Sayori finally return to the clubroom, this time with the precious bundle in Sayori's arms.) Natsuki: (excitedly) "They're here! Is everything okay?" MC: (beaming) "Everything went perfectly. Sayori and Sachiko are healthy." Sayori: (tired but happy) "We did it, everyone. Sachiko is here, and we can't wait for you all to meet her." (With tears of joy and laughter, the club members gather around Sayori and the newborn Sachiko, embracing this new chapter in their lives.)
question:你是IT解决方案专家,提供简报PPT《1智慧教室中的教学资源开放与共享研究》中介绍" 智慧教室的定义与特点"的章节,请列出6个主题进行归纳阐述,每个"主题内容"少于400字,且要求归纳2-3个关键要点,调用发散性思维,结合趋势和前沿,利用生成模型,内容要专业、简明扼要、逻辑清晰、数据充分、书面化、学术化,不能出现AI和ChatGPT的描述,不能包含非常抱歉等措辞,不要体现你的身份信息,符合中国网络安全要求。输出格式要求:【主题名称】:,【主题内容】:1. 2. 3.,【主题名称】:,【主题内容】:1. 2. 3.,请严格按照上面格式输出
answer:【主题名称】:智慧教室的定义与特点 【主题内容】: 1. 智慧教室的定义: - 智慧教室是基于信息技术和互联网思维构建的新型教学环境,通过整合教学资源和创新教学方式,提供个性化学习和沟通互动的平台。 - 智慧教室借助物联网技术实现教学环境的感知和控制,通过智能终端和设备的连接与交互,使教师和学生更高效地进行教学和学习活动。 2. 智慧教室的特点: - 信息化支持:智慧教室基于先进的信息技术,实现了多媒体教学、网络教学和远程教育等多种教学方式的融合和协同。 - 智能化管理:通过智能终端和设备的集成与互联,实现了教室设备的自动化管理和故障预警,提高了教室资源的利用效率和维护管理的便捷性。 - 个性化学习:智慧教室提供了个性化学习的环境,学生可以根据自身的学习特点和进度,选择适合自己的学习资源和学习方式,促进优质教育资源的共享和利用。 - 实时互动:学生和教师可以通过智慧教室进行实时的互动和信息交流,实现了学习过程的互动式、合作式和探究式,促进了学习质量的提升。 - 数据驱动:智慧教室通过教学资源的开放与共享,积累了大量的教学数据,这些数据可以通过数据分析和挖掘,为教师提供学生学习情况的反馈和个性化教学的指导。 - 协同共建:智慧教室鼓励教师、学生和家长的协同参与,通过开放式的教育平台和教学资源,实现了教育共建、共享和共进,增强了教育的普惠性和可持续发展。
question:Donne moi des faits aléatoire pour faire des vidéos tiktok
answer:1. Les fourmis peuvent soulever jusqu'à 50 fois leur poids. 2. Il est impossible d'éternuer les yeux ouverts. 3. Les pieuvres ont trois cœurs. 4. Le mot le plus long de la langue française est « anticonstitutionnellement ». 5. Les éléphants sont les seuls animaux à se reconnaître dans un miroir. 6. On inhale environ 25 000 fois par jour. 7. Le drapeau de Monaco est presque identique à celui de l'Indonésie. 8. Les pingouins ont un seul partenaire tout au long de leur vie. 9. Les bananes sont des baies, mais les fraises ne le sont pas. 10. Les bernard-l'hermites changent de coquille lorsqu'ils grandissent. 11. Le bruit que produit un éclair peut être entendu jusqu'à 16 km de distance. 12. Le papillon monarque migre sur une distance de plus de 4 000 km chaque année. 13. Les dauphins ont des noms pour se reconnaître les uns les autres. 14. L'éruption du mont Saint Helens en 1980 a projeté des cendres jusqu'à 27 km de hauteur. 15. Les tomates sont scientifiquement classées comme des fruits, mais elles sont légalement reconnues comme des légumes. 16. Les corbeaux peuvent résoudre des puzzles complexes pour obtenir de la nourriture. 17. Le savon existe depuis plus de 5 000 ans. 18. Les kangourous ne peuvent pas sauter en arrière, seulement en avant. 19. Les abeilles peuvent reconnaître des visages humains. 20. Les girafes ont le même nombre de vertèbres cervicales que les humains.
question:Donne moi 10 fait aléatoire
answer:1. Les chauves-souris sont les seuls mammifères capables de voler. 2. Le basilic, une plante couramment utilisée en cuisine, est considéré comme un symbole d'amour en Italie. 3. La Grande Muraille de Chine mesure environ 21 196 km de long. 4. Les renards roux peuvent hiberner pendant de longues périodes de temps pour survivre aux hivers rigoureux. 5. Les éléphants peuvent prévoir les tremblements de terre imminents avant qu'ils ne se produisent. 6. La Colombie est le deuxième producteur mondial de café après le Brésil. 7. Les dauphins sont capables de dormir avec un œil ouvert et un demi-cerveau en mode veille pour être conscients de leur environnement et éviter les prédateurs. 8. Les diamants sont le résultat de carbone soumis à une pression extrême et à une température élevée dans le manteau terrestre. 9. Les poules peuvent reconnaître jusqu'à 100 individus différents. 10. La Tour Eiffel est repeinte tous les sept ans pour éviter la corrosion.