question:ot_smr_init() ot_smr_deinit() ot_smr_alloc() ot_smr_free() ot_smr_mmap() ot_smr_munmap() ot_smr_add_ref() ot_smr_dec_ref()使用这些函数写一段代码,要求是两个进程同时操作一块SMR(特殊内存区域),用C语言实现
answer:以下是使用这些函数写的代码,实现了两个进程同时操作一块SMR: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #define SMR_FILE "smr.file" // SMR文件名 #define SMR_SIZE 1024 // SMR大小 int main() { int fd, ref_cnt, *ref_ptr; void *smr_ptr; pid_t pid; // 初始化SMR子系统 if(ot_smr_init() < 0) { printf("failed to initialize SMR subsystemn"); return -1; } // 创建SMR文件 fd = open(SMR_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if(fd < 0) { printf("failed to create SMR filen"); return -1; } // 调整SMR文件大小 if(ftruncate(fd, SMR_SIZE) < 0) { printf("failed to truncate SMR filen"); return -1; } // 将SMR文件映射到当前进程的虚拟地址空间中 smr_ptr = ot_smr_mmap(NULL, SMR_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if(smr_ptr == MAP_FAILED) { printf("failed to mmap SMR filen"); return -1; } // 在SMR块中分配一个整数计数器 ref_ptr = (int *)ot_smr_alloc(sizeof(int)); if(ref_ptr == NULL) { printf("failed to allocate ref countern"); return -1; } // 初始化计数器 *ref_ptr = 1; // 将计数器加入SMR块引用计数 ot_smr_add_ref(smr_ptr, (void *)ref_ptr); // 创建子进程 pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) { printf("failed to forkn"); return -1; } else if(pid == 0) { // 子进程 while(1) { // 子进程不断从SMR中读取数据 printf("Child process read SMR data: %sn", (char *)smr_ptr); // 休眠1s sleep(1); } } else { // 父进程 while(1) { // 父进程不断向SMR中写入数据 printf("Parent process write SMR data: Hello SMRn"); sprintf((char *)smr_ptr, "Hello SMR"); // 休眠1s sleep(1); } } // 分离SMR映射 if(ot_smr_munmap(smr_ptr, SMR_SIZE) < 0) { printf("failed to unmap SMR filen"); return -1; } // 减少计数器引用次数 ref_cnt = ot_smr_dec_ref(smr_ptr, (void *)ref_ptr); if(ref_cnt == 0) { // 释放SMR块 ot_smr_free(smr_ptr); } // 关闭SMR文件 if(close(fd) < 0) { printf("failed to close SMR filen"); return -1; } // 删除SMR文件 if(unlink(SMR_FILE) < 0) { printf("failed to delete SMR filen"); return -1; } // 关闭SMR子系统 ot_smr_deinit(); return 0; }
question:Create 10 meme captions about Nvidia overpricing their new RTX 40 series gpus with AMD not being better as they're trying to chase their money and why Intel will be the greatest GPU maker of the decade.
answer:1. "Nvidia's prices are higher than the moon, but is the performance out of this world?" 2. "AMD trying to catch up to Nvidia? More like chasing their wallets." 3. "Raising prices like it's their superpower, Nvidia is the Thanos of GPUs." 4. "Why pay rent when you can invest in Nvidia's RTX 40 series?" 5. "Nvidia's pricing strategy: Pay more for (slightly) better." 6. "AMD may be more affordable, but can they match Nvidia's marketing budget?" 7. "Intel entering the GPU game? Looks like Nvidia's got some competition! (and hopefully lower prices...)" 8. "Nvidia RTX 40 series: Because our wallets haven't been violated enough already." 9. "If Nvidia's prices were a game of poker, they'd be bluffing with a 2-7 hand." 10. "Nvidia: Where the price is right... for them."
question:Create 10 meme captions about Nvidia overpricing their new RTX 40 series gpus with AMD not being better as they’re following Nvidia's current strategies, thus being bad as them, and why Intel will be the greatest GPU maker of the decade.
answer:1. "RTX 40 Series: The GPU equivalent of a yacht." 2. "Nvidia to gamers: 'If you have to ask about the price, you can't afford it.'" 3. "AMD: 'We might charge less, but we'll follow in Nvidia's overpricing footsteps.'" 4. "Nvidia: 'We don't just sell GPUs, we sell kidneys.'" 5. "I asked for a GPU, not a small loan of a million dollars, Nvidia." 6. "AMD: 'We're just following Nvidia's lead, please don't hate us.'" 7. "Nvidia's marketing team: 'If the price isn't outrageous, is it even a new product?'" 8. "Intel entering the GPU market makes up for all the times Nvidia and AMD made us choose between food and a graphics card." 9. "Nvidia RTX 40 Series: For those who want to see their bank accounts cry." 10. "Nvidia: 'We aim to make GPUs only affordable for Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.'"
question:Make 10 more with more mentions to Intel as the saviour of the current GPU market
answer:1. "Nvidia and AMD may have made us choose between GPUs and our mortgages, but Intel is here to save the day!" 2. "Intel entering the GPU market: Finally, some competition for the overpriced GPUs!" 3. "Nvidia and AMD's pricing strategy: Make it so expensive people start to consider buying a kidney. Thanks, Intel, for breaking that cycle." 4. "Intel, the real MVP of the GPU world right now." 5. "Nvidia and AMD may have started the race, but Intel is about to take the lead and change the game." 6. "Move over, Nvidia and AMD, there's a new GPU kid in town and they're about to bring balance to the force." 7. "I can't wait for Intel's GPUs to put Nvidia and AMD's overpriced products to shame!" 8. "Nvidia and AMD's pricing has been getting worse every year, but with Intel's entry to the market, we can finally hope for more reasonable pricing." 9. "Nvidia and AMD: Raising their prices like they're Katy Perry's fireworks. Meanwhile, Intel is the voice of reason in this chaos." 10. "Thank you, Intel, for taking on the challenge of making affordable GPUs for the many, not the few."