answer:《贝壳葫芦胸针》 在大海的宁静之中,有一种珍贵而神秘的宝藏,那就是贝壳。而这款贝壳葫芦胸针,将贝壳的美丽与葫芦的寓意完美融合,带给您一份幸福和好运。 胸针以贝壳为基底,仿佛是大海的礼物,一片自然的艺术品。在贝壳的中心,嵌入着精
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = A couple pushing a girl in a wheelchair by the sea [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: A couple pushing a young girl in a wheelchair along the sandy beach, the cool ocean breeze gently brushing against their skin. The girl in the wheelchair has a contagious smile on her face and her hair is flowing in the wind. The couple's expressions are filled with love and care as they enjoy this precious moment together. The wheelchair is decorated with colorful balloons, adding a touch of vibrancy to the scene. The beach is dotted with seashells and the sound of crashing waves can be heard in the distance. The composition focuses on the trio, with the couple on either side of the wheelchair, symbolizing their unwavering support for the girl. The mood is joyful and peaceful, capturing the profound bond between the family members. The scene is depicted in a realistic photographic style, captured with a Canon 5D Mark IV camera, using a 24-70mm lens. The shallow depth of field brings emphasis to the girl's radiant smile, while the wider lens captures the beauty of the beach. This image aims to evoke a sense of admiration and appreciation for the strength and resilience of the human spirit. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A couple tenderly pushing their daughter in a wheelchair near the serene shoreline, the tranquil sea reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. The girl in the wheelchair is wearing a flowy dress that catches the breeze as her parents gently propel her forward. Seagulls swoop in the sky, adding a touch of liveliness to the scene. The beach is adorned with colorful beach umbrellas and the couple's hands are adorned with delicate silver bracelets that glisten in the sun. The composition showcases the love and unity of the family, with the couple leaning in towards their daughter, creating a protective and nurturing atmosphere. The mood is bittersweet, intertwining moments of joy and longing, as the family cherishes the present while dreaming of a future filled with possibilities. This scene is rendered in a painterly style, reminiscent of Impressionist masterpieces, with vibrant brushstrokes capturing the play of light and color. The image aims to evoke a sense of hope and resilience in the face of adversity. --ar 9:16 --v 5 /imagine prompt: A couple pushing their daughter in a wheelchair across a wooden boardwalk overlooking the vast expanse of the ocean. The girl's eyes sparkle with excitement as they explore the quaint coastal town. Seagulls soar across the sky, their shadows dancing on the wooden planks. The boardwalk is lined with charming beachside cafes and vibrant flower pots, immersing the scene in an atmosphere of coastal charm. The composition is framed to highlight the family's journey, with the boardwalk stretching into the distance, symbolizing the limitless possibilities ahead. The mood is filled with a sense of adventure and exploration, as the family embarks on this shared experience. The scene is depicted in a detailed and realistic style, capturing the intricate textures of the wood, the sparkling ocean, and the architecture of the town. This image aims to evoke a sense of wanderlust and the joy of discovery. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A couple unwaveringly guiding their daughter's wheelchair along a picturesque seaside promenade, lined with colorful flower beds and quaint benches. The girl in the wheelchair has a mischievous grin on her face, her eyes twinkling with playful delight. The promenade offers breathtaking views of the rugged cliffs, crashing waves, and seagulls flying overhead. The composition is framed to showcase the family against the backdrop of the magnificent coastline, with the promenade curving gracefully in the foreground. The mood is filled with a sense of serenity and contentment, as the family embraces the beauty of nature and the strength of their bond. This scene is rendered in a mixed media artwork style, combining elements of photography, painting, and collage, to create a unique and visually engaging image. The image aims to evoke a sense of joy, resilience, and the beauty that can be found even in the face of adversity. --ar 9:16 --v 5.2
answer:大学生个人评价因人而异,以下是一些可能的评价标准: 1. 学业表现:大学生的个人评价中,最重要的指标之一是学业表现。这包括学生在课堂上的表现,考试成绩,以及对课程的理解和应用能力。 2. 思维能力:大学生个人评价还会考虑学生的思维能力。这包括学生的逻辑推理能力、问题解决能力、创新性思维以及对复杂问题的分析和反思能力。 3. 积极参与:大学生个人评价还会考虑学生的积极参与度。这包括学生在学校的社团、实习、志愿者活动等方面的参与程度以及对学校生活的积极态度。 4. 价值观:大学生个人评价中还会考虑学生的价值观。这包括学生的道德观念、对他人的尊重、社会责任感以及学生是否具有批判思维和人文素养等。 5. 沟通能力:大学生个人评价中还会考虑学生的沟通能力。这包括学生的口头表达能力、写作能力、团队合作和领导能力以及在社交场合的表现等。 6. 自主学习能力:大学生个人评价中还会考虑学生的自主学习能力。这包括学生在学习过程中的自主性、独立性、计划能力以及自主获取和整理知识的能力。 这只是一些常见的评价标准,实际评价还会因具体情况和目标而有所不同。个人评价不仅仅局限于学术能力,还包括个人的综合素质和潜力。
question:高中 常见运动损伤的防治 教案
answer:教案:高中常见运动损伤的防治 教学目标: 1. 了解高中常见的运动损伤类型和发病原因。 2. 学习运动损伤的基本急救措施。 3. 掌握预防运动损伤的方法和技巧。 教学内容: 1. 运动损伤的分类和发病原因。 2. 运动损伤的急救措施。 3. 预防运动损伤的方法和技巧。 教学步骤: Step 1:引入话题 引入运动损伤的话题,与学生讨论他们在运动中是否曾经遇到过损伤,以及他们知道的常见运动损伤类型。 Step 2:运动损伤的分类和发病原因 向学生讲解运动损伤的分类和发病原因,包括肌肉拉伤、扭伤、骨折等常见运动损伤类型。 Step 3:运动损伤的急救措施 介绍运动损伤的基本急救措施,包括休息、冰敷、固定等,针对不同类型的损伤给出具体的应对方法。 Step 4:预防运动损伤的方法和技巧 讲解预防运动损伤的方法和技巧,包括适当的热身准备、正确的运动姿势、选用适合的运动装备等。 Step 5:案例分析 给学生提供一些常见的运动损伤案例,让他们分析该损伤的类型、原因和急救措施,并提出预防措施。 Step 6:讨论和总结 与学生进行讨论,总结本课所学内容,强调一些重点和注意事项。并提醒学生,如遇到运动损伤,应及时进行急救,并遵循医生的指导进行治疗。 Step 7:作业布置 布置相关作业,要求学生整理并总结运动损伤的防治方法,并在下节课进行分享。 教学资源: 1. 投影仪和电脑。 2. 运动损伤案例材料。 评估方式: 1. 学生对运动损伤分类和发病原因的理解程度。 2. 学生对急救措施的掌握情况。 3. 学生对预防措施的总结和分享。 拓展活动: 鼓励学生深入了解某种运动损伤类型,包括其发病机制、康复过程和预防方法,并进行小组报告或展示。 注意事项: 在教学过程中,要注重实际案例的引入,与学生进行互动讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣。同时,要重视学生的实践操作能力,可以结合模拟教学或实践训练,让学生动手实践运动损伤急救措施。