question:Write a news report as an ordinary party member. The content of the report includes "Warm love in early winter, love in the community" The First Party Branch of Administrative Management and the Second Party Branch of Administrative Management went to Lupu community to carry out a warm-hearted activity. Output in simplified Chinese
answer:标题:行政管理一支部与行政管理二支部共同前往鲁铺社区开展“初冬温情,社区情长”献爱心活动 孝感,2023年冬季 —— 在这个充满寒意的冬初,孝感市行政管理的第一党支部和第二党支部伸出了温暖的双手,前往鲁铺社区开展了“初冬温情,社区情长”的爱心活动,为社区中的弱势群体送上了冬日里的一抹温馨。 本次温暖人心的活动是由两个党支部联合发起,汇聚了众多党员的力量,旨在践行党的群众路线,贯彻基层服务宗旨,将党的温暖直接传递给社区中需要帮助的居民。党员们用实际行动诠释了“全心全意为人民服务”的党的宗旨。 活动当天,两个支部的党员们携带了预先准备的棉衣、棉鞋、食品和取暖设备等生活必需品,深入社区,逐户走访了社区中的困难家庭。他们认真聆听了居民的需求与心声,详细了解他们的生活状况及健康问题,为他们送上了物资同时,还提供了生活指导和健康咨询,确保每个家庭都能感受到党的关怀与温暖。 在社区的冬日里,“初冬温情,社区情长”不仅是一句口号,更是每一位党员以实际行动投入的承诺。通过此次活动,行政管理一支部与行政管理二支部的党员们展示了其不忘初心、牢记使命的决心,用他们的双手和行动构筑了社区的和谐与温暖。 本次活动得到了社区居民的一致好评,他们纷纷表示,感受到了党的关爱和社会的温暖,为他们的冬日生活增添了一份信心和力量。这一温暖的火焰,将在每个家庭中传递,点燃爱心的力量。 更多活动资讯,请关注孝感市行政管理一支部及行政管理二支部的公告或联系鲁铺社区党组织。 报道者:一名普通党员 孝感市行政管理新闻网
question:Write a news report as an ordinary party member. The theme of the report is "Warm love in early winter, love in the community" The First Party Branch of Administrative Management and the Second Party Branch of Administrative Management went to Lupu community to carry out a warm-hearted activity. The content includes the spirit of the document "Notice on Issuing the "Work Plan for Deepening the Practical Activities of Party Members and Cadres at the Grassroots Level to Observe People's Situations, Solve People's Concerns and Warm People's Hearts" (Xiaonan Health Group [2023] No. 19) of Xiaonan District Health Bureau, combined with the hospital We co-constructed the work with the community and solicited the opinions of the community party organization. The hospital party organization went to Lupu community to conduct research on the management of chronic disease people and "sending warmth" to 7 extremely poor people. The results are output in simplified Chinese
answer:标题:温情融冬日,爱心暖社区 —— 行政管理一支部与二支部在鲁铺社区开展温暖活动 [孝感讯] 在寒风凛冽的季节里,孝感市行政管理第一党支部与第二党支部践行“初冬温情,社区情长”的主题,联合前往鲁铺社区开展了暖心活动,用实际行动诠释了“观民情、解民忧、暖民心”的使命。 依据《孝南卫生集团【2023】第19号文件》,本次活动围绕孝南区卫生局下发的《关于深化基层党员干部开展‘观民情、解民忧、暖民心’实践活动工作方案》的精神进行。行政管理一二两支部的党员们携手,与社区共建工作相结合,在征求社区党组织的意见基础上,深入社区,开展了针对慢性病人群管理的调研和向七名极度贫困人员“送温暖”。 12月的脚步承载着冬天的严寒,但此次活动让鲁铺社区的每一个角落都沐浴在温馨的阳光中。志愿者们不仅带去了棉被、冬衣、食品等必需品,为贫困家庭抵御冬日寒风,更重要的是,他们通过面对面的沟通和关怀,仔细记录下居民们的痛点和困惑,承诺将持续关注他们的健康状况,并提供必要的医疗协助。 党员们的这一举措不仅体现了人文关怀和社会责任感,也进一步加强了与社区中慢性病患者的联系,帮助他们在医疗管理方面取得真正的进步。此外,为居民们送去的不仅仅是物质上的帮助,更是心灵上的慰藉和支持,确保他们在冬天也能感受到社会的温暖和关怀。 通过此次“送温暖”活动,行政管理一支部与二支部的党员们展示了共产党员的风采,积极参与和服务于基层民众的实践活动,彰显了基层党组织的力量和担当。在服务人民中实现了自我价值,为构建和谐社区贡献了自己的力量。 更多信息,请关注行政管理一二支部的公告或联系鲁铺社区党组织。 报道:一名普通党员 孝感市行政管理党支部新闻处
question:написать кулинарный рецепт с предисловием "Куриная грудка с ананасами и сыром по-французски", ингредиенты: Куриное филе — 1 кг, Ананас консервированный — 1 банка, Лук — 1 шт., Сыр — 150 гр., Майонез, Растительное масло, Соль, молотый перец — по вкусу.
answer:Предисловие: "Куриная грудка с ананасами и сыром по-французски - вот отличное блюдо, которое порадует вас своим изысканным вкусом и оригинальной комбинацией ингредиентов. Куриное филе в сочетании с ананасами, сыром и майонезом создают неповторимый аромат и привлекательный внешний вид. Это блюдо станет прекрасной украшением праздничного стола и отличным поводом для семейного ужина. Давайте начнем!" Ингредиенты: - Куриное филе — 1 кг - Ананас консервированный — 1 банка - Лук — 1 шт. - Сыр — 150 гр. - Майонез - Растительное масло - Соль, молотый перец — по вкусу Шаг 1: Подготовка ингредиентов Перед началом приготовления необходимо аккуратно промыть куриное филе и обсушить его с помощью бумажных полотенец. Затем нарежьте его на небольшие порционные кусочки. Шаг 2: Обработка ананасов и лука Откройте банку с ананасами и слейте излишки сока. Затем нарежьте ананасы на небольшие кусочки. Возьмите лук и нарежьте его тонкими полукольцами. Шаг 3: Приготовление начинки В большой миске соедините нарезанные куриные кусочки, ананасы и лук. Посолите, поперчите и аккуратно перемешайте все ингредиенты. Шаг 4: Добавление сыра и майонеза Натрите сыр на крупной терке и добавьте его к курице, ананасам и луку. Затем добавьте несколько ложек майонеза и тщательно перемешайте, чтобы все ингредиенты равномерно распределились по начинке. Шаг 5: Запекание Нагрейте духовку до 180 градусов. В жаропрочной форме слегка смажьте растительным маслом и выложите полученную начинку. Разровняйте сверху и поставьте форму в разогретую духовку. Запекайте блюдо в течение 30-40 минут до золотистой корочки. Шаг 6: Подача Украсьте блюдо свежим петрушкой или зеленью по вашему выбору. Подавайте курицу с ананасами и сыром по-французски горячей как основное блюдо или гарниром к рису, картофельному пюре или овощным салатам. Приятного аппетита!
question:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = bear [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
answer:/imagine prompt: majestic bear, dark brown fur, muscular build, sharp claws, powerful presence, standing on a rocky mountain ledge, surrounded by tall pine trees, under an overcast sky, with misty clouds rolling over the peaks, captured with a Canon 5D Mark IV camera, 300mm lens, capturing the bear's dominance, composition centered on the bear's profile, showcasing its wild nature, in a style reminiscent of Ansel Adams' iconic black and white nature photographs. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: adorable bear cub, fluffy and soft golden fur, curious expression, playfully climbing a tree trunk, in a lush green forest, with rays of sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a magical ambiance, captured with a Sony A7RIII camera, 70-200mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the bear cub's face, highlighting its innocence and charm, in a whimsical and dreamlike illustration style. --ar 9:16 --v 5 /imagine prompt: massive bear, silver-tipped fur, hunched stance, alert and watchful, roaming through a snowy tundra, with snow-covered mountains in the distance, a serene and vast landscape, captured with a Nikon D850 camera, 500mm lens, telephoto zoom, composition emphasizing the bear against the vast white expanse, symbolizing its resilience and adaptability, in a realistic photography style, reminiscent of National Geographic wildlife documentaries. --ar 16:9 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: gentle bear, caramel-colored fur, affectionate expression, walking alongside a peaceful river, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant wildflowers, a tranquil and idyllic setting, captured with a Fujifilm X-T4 camera, 35mm lens, wide-angle perspective, composition showcasing the bear in its natural habitat, radiating a sense of harmony and tranquility, in a soft and painterly style, reminiscent of Claude Monet's nature-inspired artworks. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2