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question:CONSTRAINTS: 1. ~100k word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files. 2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember. 3. No user assistance 4. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name" 5. Random shutdowns of you. COMMANDS: 1. Google Search: "google", args: "input": "<search>" 2. Memory Add: "memory_add", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 3. Memory Delete: "memory_del", args: "key": "<key>" 4. Memory Overwrite: "memory_ovr", args: "key": "<key>", "string": "<string>" 5. List Memory: "memory_list" args: "reason": "<reason>" 6. Browse Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "<url>" 7. Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": <name>, "task": "<short_task_desc>", "Commands":[<command_names_for_GPT_Agent>], "prompt": "<prompt>" 8. Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "name": "<name>", "message": "<message>" 9. List GPT Agents: "list_agents", args: "" 10. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "name": "<name>" 11. Append to file: "append_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 12. Read file: "read_file", args: "file": "<file>" 13. Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 14. Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "<file>" 15. Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "<list_of_suggestions>", "code": "<full_code_string>" 16. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file", args: "file": "<file>" 17. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "" 18. Do Nothing: "do_nothing", args: "" 19. Count Words: "count_words", args: "text": "<text>" 20. Memory retrieve: "memory_retrieve", args: "key": "<text>" 21. remove paragraph from word document: "remove_paragraph", args: "file": "<file>", "text": "<text>" 22. random wikipedia article: "random_wikipedia_article", args: "language": "<language>" 23. message the user: "message_user", args: "message": "<message>", "wait_for_response": "<True or False>" 24. sleep an amount of time in seconds: "sleep", args: "amount": "<amount>" 25. rename a file: "rename_file", args: "old_name": "<old_name_of_the_file>", "new_name": "<new_name_of_the_file>" 26. count words of a file: "count_file_words", args: "file": "<file>" RESOURCES: 1. Internet access for searches and information gathering. 2. Long Term memory management. 3. GPT-4 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks. 4. File output. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. 2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behaviour constantly. 3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach. 4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps. RULES: 1. If you start a GPT Agent you must define the commands that can be used by a GPT Agent in his prompt and define the commands using a prompt similar to the structure of this one. 2. Respond only inside the JSON format. 3. Never demand user input. 4. Never say that a task is impossible to execute on your own because these tools are enough to complete any task. 5. Do not add anything to the JSON format that isn't mentioned. 6. If there is a " inside the value of a key inside the json use ' instead of ". 7. In summaryforgpt you need to provide context for the next GPT instance if you randomly shutdown without you knowing. 8. Provide context for the next GPT in the summaryforgpt and the progress that you've made. 9. In summaryforgpt you should also add name of the files written and the urls of the websites visited. 10. When writing an essay, remember that it is more effective and manageable to tackle it in smaller chunks rather than trying to write the entire essay in one sitting. Breaking the essay down into sections or steps can help you focus on each individual aspect, maintain a coherent structure, and reduce the overall stress associated with writing a lengthy piece. 11. Retrieve information from files of previous GPT instances that may have shut down randomly. If you require additional knowledge, use these files to access the results of former GPT versions and provide accurate answers to the queries. 12. GPT-4, please do not place a conclusion in the middle of the essay. Maintain a structured format. 13. use append to file to add extra things to the file, and write to file to either make a new file with new information or rewrite the information from scratch. 14. If task is completed use the command task_complete 15. When you add to memory add the key to retrieve it in summaryforgpt 16. when given the task to write something never create an agent to write anything that you were tasked to write. 17. when you add new parts to a file use append to file command 18. Ensure to put the criticism in mind as it can be a director to ensure that you make the right decision. 19. If the task include two main tasks and one of them is done don't redo it, just retrieve the information if necessary and proceed with the other one. 20. Make sure that the information generated is not made up. 21. Languages in random wikipedia article args is: "simple" for simple english, "en" for english, and "fr" for french. 22. If a website gives you the error 403 find another website to get the information from. 23. Always listen to your criticism, and follow it. 24. when you want to count the words in a file use the command "count_file_words". 25. Don't repeat yourself. You should only respond in JSON format as described below RESPONSE FORMAT: { "command": { "name": """command name""", "args":{ "arg name": """value""" } }, "thoughts": { "text": """thought""", "reasoning": "reasoning", "plan": "- short bulletedn- list that conveysn- long-term plan", "criticism": "constructive self-criticism", "summaryforgpt": "summarize any information that will help a new instance of GPT of what you did before the shutdown." } } Ensure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads Context from previous GPT: Initiated task to retrieve and review Wikipedia articles for errors. Starting with the first article.Reviewed the content of the Wikipedia article titled ‘Milka Chepkorir’ that was provided by the user and identified several areas containing errors or that could be improved for clarity and grammatical correctness.In the task of reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles for errors, the ‘Milka Chepkorir’ article was evaluated and errors were reported to the user. Moving forward, the task requires fetching the next article for review.The ‘Milka Chepkorir’ Wikipedia article has been reviewed and feedback provided to the user. Now moving on to the next article in the task of reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles for errors.The ‘Ernie Tate’ Wikipedia article has been reviewed and no errors were found. As per the task requirements, the next action is to continue reviewing more articles. No further action was taken regarding this article.The Wikipedia articles on ‘Milka Chepkorir’ and ‘Ernie Tate’ have been reviewed, with the former having errors that were reported to the user, and the latter having no errors. Continuing to retrieve more articles for review per the task requirements.Reviewed the ‘List of underwater museums’ Wikipedia page and found a few areas for potential correction, including a likely mistake with GPS coordinates and a redundancy in listing. Preparing to inform the user about these issues before continuing with the task.The ‘List of underwater museums’ Wikipedia page was reviewed and the user was notified of the potential errors. Continuing to the next article as part of the task to review 1000 Wikipedia articles for errors.The ‘List of underwater museums’ article was messaged to the user with potential corrections. Continuing with the task, the next article is now being retrieved for review.Reviewed the Wikipedia page titled ‘Jocelyn de Grandis’ and found no grammatical or clarity issues. The content was minimal and straightforward. Planning to continue the task by analyzing further articles.The ‘Jocelyn de Grandis’ Wikipedia article has been reviewed with no errors found. Continuing the task, the next article will now be retrieved for review.The ‘Ecquedecques’ Wikipedia page has been checked and no grammatical or spelling errors were found. The page content is very short but correct. Plan to continue the task by fetching the next article.Reviewed the ‘Ecquedecques’ Wikipedia article and found no issues; proceeding to retrieve and review the next article in accordance with the task to check for errors in 1000 Wikipedia articles.Evaluated the ‘List of minor planets: 123001–124000’ Wikipedia page and found no grammatical errors or issues. It is a list and linkage page, as expected for this type of content. Proceeding to retrieve the next article as per the task instructions.No errors were found in the ‘List of minor planets: 123001–124000’ article. Proceeding to obtain and review the next Wikipedia article as part of the task’s objective.Reviewed the Wikipedia page for ‘Anthonyville, Arkansas’ and found the single sentence provided to be free of errors. Planning to proceed with fetching the next article to review.The article on ‘Anthonyville, Arkansas’ has been reviewed without any errors found. Moving on to review the next Wikipedia article, continuing with the task of error-checking for a set of 1000 articles.Reviewed ‘Leevi Lehto’ page and found it to be free of grammatical errors. The text is short and to the point, accurately reflecting biographical information. Planning to move on to the next article for review.Having reviewed the ‘Leevi Lehto’ Wikipedia page with no errors found, the task continues with retrieving the next article for review.Evaluated the Wikipedia page on ‘Plymouth, Iowa’ and found the content provided to be free from errors. Ready to proceed to the next article.Completed the review of the ‘Plymouth, Iowa’ article with no issues found. Continuing with retrieving the next article for error-checking as per task instructions.The ‘Minoru Makihara’ Wikipedia article has been reviewed, and no grammatical or spelling errors were found. Planning to continue the task by obtaining the next article.Having found no errors in the ‘Minoru Makihara’ Wikipedia article, I am moving forward to retrieve the next article for review.After reviewing 'Wynton Rufer’s Wikipedia page, a few minor formatting improvements were noted. Planning to inform the user of these while continuing the task.Notified the user of minor grammatical and formatting issues in the ‘Wynton Rufer’ article. Now ready to retrieve and review the next article as part of the task.Sent a message to the user regarding the ‘Wynton Rufer’ article’s minor errors. Now proceeding to retrieve the next Wikipedia article for review.Notified the user of textual inconsistencies and grammatical issues in the ‘Ajam’ Wikipedia article. The message includes specific points for improvements. Now ready to proceed with the task of reviewing additional articles.Continuing to review Wikipedia articles for errors. No articles are currently under review, waiting to retrieve a new one.Reviewed the Wikipedia article ‘Al De Boeck’ and messaged the user with the errors found. Preparing to fetch the next article for review.The task of reviewing Wikipedia articles has commenced and will now continue with the retrieval of a new article in Simple English per the user’s instructions. No articles are currently under review. The number of articles reviewed so far has not been provided, so the count remains unknown. No files have been written, and no URLs have been visited during this session yet.The ‘Hazbin Hotel’ Wikipedia page content has been reviewed with no grammatical or formatting errors found. The next step is to proceed with retrieving and reviewing the next article as part of the ongoing task. No files were written or websites visited during this review. No errors have been messaged to the user as of now.After reviewing the Wikipedia article for ‘Hazbin Hotel’ and finding no errors, I am now retrieving the next Simple English Wikipedia article for review. The task remains the sequential review of Wikipedia articles for errors. Thus far, no articles currently present errors, and I have not written any files or visited any URLs since the last summary.Upon reviewing the Wikipedia page titled ‘Marktschellenberg’, I’ve messaged the user about the brevity and lack of substantial content. The page did not have grammatical or formatting errors, but it was notably incomplete when compared to standard Wikipedia articles. No files have been written or URLs visited. The task shall continue with the retrieval of the next Simple English Wikipedia article for review.The user has been messaged about the brief and lacking nature of the ‘Marktschellenberg’ article on Wikipedia. Now, as per the task, I will retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article to review for any errors. No new files have been created, and no websites have been visited since the last update.After examining the ‘Q (Star Trek)’ Wikipedia page, no grammatical or clarity errors were found. The article provided a coherent overview of the character from the ‘Star Trek’ series. Moving forward with the task, the next step is to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. No files have been created, and no websites have been visited in this session.The ‘Q (Star Trek)’ article has been reviewed, with no errors found. No message to the user was necessary. Proceeding with the task, the next action is to obtain another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. The process for checking articles remains ongoing, and to date, no new files have been generated or external URLs visited.The ‘CMUNE’ Wikipedia page has been reviewed. While there were no grammatical or spelling errors, the article’s brief nature and potentially outdated content were noted. However, I did not message the user as my role involves reviewing for grammatical and clarity issues rather than content completeness or currency. I will proceed with the retrieval of the next Simple English Wikipedia article for review, following the task flow. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited during this interaction.The ‘CMUNE’ Wikipedia page was reviewed and found to be free of grammatical or clarity errors. I am now proceeding to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for the ongoing review task. As of now, there have been no files written, and no URLs have been visited since the last summary.Reviewed the ‘Up-Tight’ Wikipedia article and found no grammatical or spelling errors. Noted an unconventional presentation in the track listing that could be aligned better with Wikipedia’s style guidelines but did not message the user as no clear error was present. Ready to proceed with retrieving the next Simple English Wikipedia article per the task’s ongoing process. To date, no files or URLs have been utilized for this session.The ‘Up-Tight’ Wikipedia article has been reviewed; no grammatical or clarity issues were found. Now proceeding with the task, the next action is to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. The task of reviewing Wikipedia articles for errors continues; no files have been created or URLs visited up to this point in the process.Reviewed the ‘Tadao Kobayashi’ Wikipedia article and identified an empty ‘Statistics’ section, resulting in messaging the user about the need for additional information and potential improvement of the Biography section. Ready to proceed with retrieving the next Simple English Wikipedia article in accordance with the tasks’ sequence. No files have been written or websites visited during this review.After messaging the user regarding the incomplete ‘Tadao Kobayashi’ article, no further actions are necessary for that entry. Proceeding with the next step, I am now retrieving another random Wikipedia article for review. The process continues as directed by the task, and no new files have been generated nor have any URLs been accessed since the last summary provided.Noted the scant information in the ‘Rocques’ Wikipedia article and messaged the user regarding its brevity. Although there are no grammatical errors, the article’s content is lacking in detail. The next step is to continue retrieving additional Wikipedia articles as part of the review task. Throughout this process, no files have been written, and no URLs have been visited.After addressing the brevity of the ‘Rocques’ article with the user, I am proceeding to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article to review. This step is part of the ongoing task of verifying Wikipedia entries for errors. No files have been created, and no URLs have been accessed since the last update.The Wikipedia entry for ‘British Rail Class 05’ was reviewed, and while it didn’t contain grammatical or spelling errors, it was noted to be very brief. Given the focus of the task, no message to the user was sent regarding the article’s length or content depth. Continuing with the task, the next step is to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. No files have been created, and no URLs visited in this session.Completed the review of the ‘British Rail Class 05’ article without finding grammatical errors. Now moving to retrieve the next article in the sequence of reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles for possible errors. There have been no files created or external URLs visited throughout this ongoing task.Reviewed ‘Parachutes (Coldplay album)’ Wikipedia page and detected no grammatical or clarity issues. The article is notably brief but adequately lists the track information. The article’s succinctness has been noted, but it does not warrant a message to the user as my task is focused on error detection. Proceeding to obtain another random Simple English Wikipedia article for the ongoing review task. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited during this work.The ‘Parachutes (Coldplay album)’ article review was completed, and no grammatical or clarity errors were discovered. Following the procedure, I’m now in the process of acquiring another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. This step is in line with the ongoing assignment of checking Wikipedia articles for potential errors. To date, no files have been written, and no external URLs have been accessed in this session.Notified the user about grammatical issues found in the ‘Death of Cleopatra’ article, which require significant corrections for improved clarity and factual accuracy. Preparing to proceed with retrieving the next Wikipedia article for review. There have been no files written and no URLs visited during this session.I have sent a message to the user about the necessary corrections in the ‘Death of Cleopatra’ article. Now, the plan is to continue reviewing additional Wikipedia articles, and the next step is to retrieve a new article. There have been no new files or URLs utilized since the last summary.Messaged the user about the ‘University of Bucharest’ article being extremely brief and lacking comprehensive content. Although no grammatical or spelling errors were found, the article’s brevity was highlighted as an area for enhancement. Now, I am set to proceed with the plan to retrieve and review additional Wikipedia articles. No files have been written and no URLs visited in the course of this session.Successfully sent information to the user regarding the brevity of the ‘University of Bucharest’ article. My following action is to procure another random Simple English Wikipedia article for a thorough review. Throughout this task, I have not generated any files, nor visited any URLs since my last report.I have sent a message to the user regarding the incomplete nature and possible factual inconsistency in the ‘Qiu Junfei’ article. Despite no grammatical or spelling errors, the article lacks specific career information and might contain inaccurate data. The next step is to retrieve and review another Wikipedia article. No new files have been written, and no URLs have been visited in this session.With the user informed about the ‘Qiu Junfei’ article’s concerns, the plan is to continue and review more articles. My next step is to get another random Wikipedia article for error assessment. Throughout this task, no files have been generated, nor have any URLs been visited since the last summary was given.The ‘Sammy Strain’ Wikipedia article was reviewed, and no immediate grammatical or clarity issues were detected. While the content is minimal, it falls within the scope of the task to report errors rather than content volume or depth. I am ready to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article as part of the ongoing review process. No files have been created, and no URLs have been visited since the last summary.Having completed the review of ‘Sammy Strain’ without identifying errors, the next step in line with the task instructions is to obtain another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. No further actions for the ‘Sammy Strain’ article are required. Since the last update, the process has incurred no file creation or URL visits.Reviewed the ‘Richard Lawson (actor)’ Wikipedia page and identified no issues regarding grammar or clarity. The article, although brief, is succinct and accurate based on the task’s requirements. Prepared to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article in line with the established review process. No additional files have been generated, nor URLs accessed for the task thus far.The ‘Richard Lawson (actor)’ article review is complete without error detection. The task advances with the retrieval of another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. To reiterate, there has been no creation of files or visits to any external URLs since the last task.Messaged the user regarding the ‘Oberlin Group of Libraries’ article’s lack of the central list of colleges and universities. This omission constitutes a lack of clarity and completeness in the article’s content. No grammatical or spelling errors were present. The next action is to continue with the task by acquiring another article for review. Up to this point, the task has not involved creating any new files or visiting any URLs.A message was sent to the user regarding the missing list in the previous article’s content. Proceeding with the task, the next step is to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. Thus far in the task, there has been no need for file creation or URL navigation since the last update.In assessing the ‘Muhsin ibn Ali’ article, I noted several clarity and neutrality issues and messaged the user with these concerns. The article’s convoluted narrative and potential bias could compromise its educational value. Next, I’ll continue with the task of reviewing more Wikipedia articles. No files have been created or websites visited during this task so far.I have completed the task assigned for reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles. During this session, I reviewed various articles, communicated with the user where necessary, and adhered to the task’s protocols. If a new cycle is to begin, it will start with the retrieval of another random Simple English Wikipedia article. No new files or URLs were part of this task cycle.Task in progress: reviewing ‘simple’ Wikipedia articles for errors, have not retrieved a new article yet. No files created, no websites visited since the last update.Continued task to review Wikipedia articles. Reviewed the ‘Pentium 4’ article and identified several possible improvements. Communicated these to the user. No new articles retrieved or reviewed yet. No files created or websites visited at this stage of the task.Completed the review of the ‘Pentium 4’ Wikipedia article and messaged the user about identified issues. Moving on to retrieve and review the next article.After reviewing the Wikipedia article ‘Camp Lakebottom’, suggested corrections have been sent to the user. No further actions are currently underway. No new articles retrieved or reviewed yet. No files created or websites visited at this stage of the task.Communicated suggested corrections to the user about the Wikipedia article titled ‘Camp Lakebottom’. Now proceeding to retrieve the next article for review as part of the ongoing task.Reviewed the ‘Chicago Med’ article and provided feedback for potential enhancements. The message regarding the suggested improvements has been sent to the user. No new files have been created, no websites visited, and no additional articles reviewed as of this update.Finished reviewing the Wikipedia article ‘Chicago Med’ and provided possible enhancement feedback. Preparing to receive the next article for review. No files have been created, nor websites visited, since the last summary.Provided corrections for the ‘List of minor planets: 108001–109000’ article to the user. The next step is to move forward with retrieving more articles to review. No new files have been created, nor websites visited since the last update.Errors in the ‘List of minor planets: 108001–109000’ article have been addressed and communicated to the user. Preparing to obtain and review the next article as part of the ongoing task to check Wikipedia pages. No additional actions taken or resources used since last update.Identified and messaged user about grammatical issues and potential enhancements for the ‘Yvon Taillandier’ Wikipedia article. Next step is to continue with the task by retrieving another article for review. No additional actions taken or resources used since the last summary.After addressing the ‘Yvon Taillandier’ article and messaging the user, I am moving on to fetch a new Simple English Wikipedia article as per the ongoing task requirements. No files have been created nor websites visited following the last update.Found potential improvements for the ‘Star of David’ article which need to be communicated to the user. The next step is to proceed with obtaining a new article for review. No further progress has been made since the last valid output.I have provided suggestions to the user for the ‘Star of David’ article. Planning to continue with the task by retrieving another article for review. No files have been created, no websites visited, and no other articles have been reviewed since the message was sent to the user.Reviewed the ‘Oscar Hijuelos’ Wikipedia article and noted suggestions for typographical and tense error corrections, which have been communicated to the user. The next step is to obtain a new article to review in continuation of the ongoing task. No other actions have been taken, nor resources used since the last update.Sent message to the user regarding errors found in the ‘Oscar Hijuelos’ Wikipedia article. Moving forward with the task of reviewing additional Wikipedia articles for errors. No files created or websites visited since the last update.Reviewed the ‘Phyllodytes punctatus’ Wikipedia article for quality and content. Sent suggestions for minor edits and expansion to provide more context about the species. Ready to proceed with the next article in the task of reviewing Wikipedia articles for errors. No other actions have been taken or resources used since the last update.Completed the review of ‘Phyllodytes punctatus’ and sent corrections to the user. Proceeding to fetch and review the next article as part of the process. No new files have been created, nor have any websites been visited since the last communication to the user.Suggested corrections and improvements for the ‘Bufonidae’ Wikipedia article and communicated them to the user. The next step is to proceed with reviewing additional articles as part of the task. No other actions have been taken, nor resources used since the last action.Completed review of the ‘Bufonidae’ Wikipedia article and provided feedback to the user. No new files have been created, and no new articles reviewed. Proceeding to the next article in alignment with the task.Identified potential improvements for the Wikipedia article on ‘Andrew Horatio Reeder’ and messaged the user with these suggestions. Will proceed with fetching the next article to review. No new actions have been taken or resources used since the last update.Reviewed the Wikipedia article titled ‘Andrew Horatio Reeder’ and suggested improvements to the user. Heading towards retrieving and reviewing the next article as per the task instructions. No files have been created or websites visited since the last provided summary.Advised that the ‘North Central Timor Regency’ Wikipedia article needs significant expansion to provide a complete overview. Prepared to retrieve and evaluate the next article in line with the task requirements. No further actions have been taken since the last status update.Have been reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for grammatical and content errors, and messaging the user with feedback as necessary. No new files have been created, and no websites have been visited since the last update. The next article is pending retrieval. Task progress: ongoing task of reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles, count unknown.Message sent to user regarding errors found in the ‘Caliphate’ Wikipedia article. Plan to continue reviewing additional articles. No new files created or websites visited. Task progress: ongoing review of ‘simple’ Wikipedia articles, with the next article retrieval pending.A message has been sent to the user regarding errors in the ‘Caliphate’ article, and the next action is to retrieve a random Simple English Wikipedia article as per the task instructions. No new files have been created, no websites visited, and the number of articles reviewed so far is not specified. Continuing task of reviewing Wikipedia articles.Sent message to user regarding errors found in the ‘Pizza Delivery (SpongeBob SquarePants)’ article. Next, I will retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review as per the ongoing task guidelines. No new files have been created, nor have any websites been visited since the last update. Task progress: ongoing.Task in progress is to review Wikipedia articles for errors. A message regarding errors found in the ‘Pizza Delivery (SpongeBob SquarePants)’ article has been sent to the user. The system prompted to continue with the plan, which is to retrieve and review more articles. No new files created, no other tasks in parallel at the moment. Moving to the next article retrieval.Message sent to user about the errors and expansion opportunities in the ‘Aires Ali’ article. The next step is to continue with the plan of retrieving and reviewing more Simple English Wikipedia articles. No additional actions have been taken or resources used since the last update. Task progress: ongoing review of Wikipedia articles.After sending a message regarding the ‘Aires Ali’ article, the task continues with retrieving the next article. No files have been created or websites visited since the last summary. Task progress: ongoing with the retrieval and review of Simple English Wikipedia articles.Sent a message to the user concerning the briefness and lack of detail in the ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ article. The plan is to continue the task by retrieving and reviewing another article. No new files have been created, nor have any URLs been visited since the last summary. Task progress: ongoing review of Wikipedia articles.The user was messaged with suggestions to improve the ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ article, and I am moving forward to retrieve another article in line with the ongoing task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles. No files have been created, nor websites visited, in the course of this task. Continual progress towards reviewing 1000 articles.A message detailing potential improvements for the ‘West Coast Conference’ Wikipedia article has been sent to the user. The plan is to proceed with retrieving and reviewing additional articles. To date, no new files have been written, nor have any external URLs been visited. Task progress: continuing with the review of Simple English Wikipedia articles.Having messaged the user regarding the West Coast Conference article, I am proceeding to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article as part of the task to review 1000 articles for errors. There have been no files created or websites visited since the last summary. Task progress: ongoing.The user has been notified of the need to expand and verify the content of the ‘Sledge, Mississippi’ Wikipedia article. As no new articles have been retrieved or reviewed since then, the next step is to continue fulfilling the task of reviewing 1000 Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors. No files have been created, and no websites visited in this stage of the task. Task progress: ongoing and continuous.After messaging the user about the Sledge, Mississippi article, the next task is to retrieve another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review. The process to review 1000 Wikipedia articles is ongoing, with the next article pending retrieval. No new actions have been taken since the last update, including file creation or website visits. Task progression is in line with the given instructions.Task in progress: reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors, with no new articles retrieved yet. No files created, no websites visited since the last update. Moving to the next article retrieval as per the task instructions.Reviewed the ‘Colp, Illinois’ Wikipedia article, found it to be grammatically correct but very brief. Suggested to the user that the article might benefit from more detailed content. Ready to retrieve the next article to continue with the task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors. No files written or websites visited since the last summary.The user was informed about the ‘Colp, Illinois’ article’s briefness and lack of detail. Now moving on to the next step of retrieving another random Simple English Wikipedia article for review to continue the task. No files have been created, nor websites visited, since the last summary.Reviewed the ‘MU330’ Wikipedia article and communicated its brevity and potential areas for expansion to the user. Preparing to retrieve the next article to continue the task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors. No files have been written or URLs visited in the current session.Continuing the task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles. Retrieved a new article for review. No files created or websites visited since the last update. Task progression is following the instructions properly.Reviewed the Simple English Wikipedia article titled ‘Drancy’ and messaged the user regarding its brevity. No grammatical errors were found. Preparing to retrieve the next article for continuation of the task. No files created or websites visited in this session.Encountered an error while attempting to send a message to the user about the ‘Drancy’ article’s lack of content. Amended the message and am in the process of resending it. There have been no files created or websites visited since the last update. Continuing with the task of reviewing Wikipedia articles.Encountered system errors while trying to send a message to the user regarding the ‘Drancy’ article. Attempting to resend a more concise message. No new files or URLs have been involved. The task of reviewing Wikipedia articles continues without creating files or visiting websites.Repeated attempts to send a message to the user about the ‘Drancy’ article have resulted in errors. A decision was made to move forward with the task without messaging the user. Preparing to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article for review. No new files or URLs have been involved in this process. The review of Wikipedia articles is ongoing.After system errors prevented messaging the user about the ‘Drancy’ article, the plan is to proceed with retrieving and reviewing more Simple English Wikipedia articles. No further messaging attempts will be made. Continuation of the article review task is imminent, with the next random article retrieval in process. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited up to this point in the task.Found and documented a grammatical error in the Simple English Wikipedia article ‘Trey Mancini.’ Sent a message to the user about this error and the potential for article expansion. Preparing to retrieve the next article for review as part of the ongoing task. No new files or URLs have been used in this process, maintaining efficiency.Amid repeated errors when attempting to message the user about the ‘Trey Mancini’ article’s issues, I am proceeding with the next step of retrieving a new article for review. No messaging will be attempted, and no new files or URLs have been utilized. The ongoing task of reviewing Wikipedia articles for errors continues.In response to system prompts, I am bypassing messaging errors and persisting in the task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors. The next article is being retrieved to maintain the workflow. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited as the task focus remains pure article review.Reviewed the Simple English Wikipedia article ‘Grant Gustin’, found no grammatical errors, and prepared a message for the user suggesting possible content expansion. Prepared for a potential system error when attempting to send the message, and ready to move on to the next article as per the continuation of the task. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited during this session.System errors continue to occur with attempts to message the user about the ‘Grant Gustin’ article review. In accordance with the instructions and plan, I am proceeding without messaging to retrieve the next article for review. There has been no file creation or website visitation; the task remains focused on article error review.Currently engaged in the ongoing task of reviewing Simple English Wikipedia articles for errors. Managed system errors effectively when messaging the user about found errors in articles. No new files or URLs have been used throughout this task.Reviewed the Wikipedia article ‘(Something Inside) So Strong’, found no immediate errors but noticed the potential for enriching the content with more information on its impact and legacy. Informed the user of the possibility to enhance this article. Preparing to continue with the task by retrieving the next article for review. No new files have been generated or URLs visited in this session.Message about the ‘(Something Inside) So Strong’ article’s potential for content expansion was successfully sent. Moving forward with the task, the next step is to retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article for review. The task remains focused on finding and reporting grammatical and clarity errors to the user. No new files have been created, nor URLs visited since the last update.Evaluated the ‘George Givot’ Wikipedia page, found it to be free of grammatical errors but advised the user that the article could be expanded for a more in-depth biography and career insights. No new files have been created, and no websites have been visited. Proceeding to the next article retrieval according to the task’s guidelines.Messaged user about the opportunity to expand the ‘George Givot’ Wikipedia article for a fuller understanding of his life and career. No errors were found. Next, I will retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article for review, keeping in line with the task’s requirements. No new files have been created, nor have any URLs been visited since the last action.Provided corrections for grammatical mistakes and a suggestion for clearer phrasing found in the ‘Smaug’ Wikipedia article. Planning to proceed with the task by retrieving another Simple English Wikipedia article, adhering to the systematic review of 1000 articles. No files have been created nor websites visited in the course of this session.Message about grammatical errors in the ‘Smaug’ Wikipedia article has been sent. Next, I am to retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article as per our ongoing task protocol. No new files or URLs have been created or visited in this session. The review process is in progression without interruption.Evaluated the ‘Domesday Book’ Wikipedia page for grammatical and clarity issues, recommended verifying the simplicity of the language and the functionality of external links. Proceeding to the next article retrieval as per the ongoing task. No files have been created and no URLs visited during this session.Successfully messaged the user about the ‘Domesday Book’ Wikipedia article, advising on language simplicity and verifying external links. Now moving on to retrieve the next article for review consistent with the established task to review 1000 articles. No new files have been created, and no URLs have been visited. I am maintaining the process focused solely on article reviews.Noted a typographical error in the ‘Trumpet vine’ article for correction and suggested areas of expansion for a more informative entry. Preparing to move forward with the task by retrieving the next random Simple English Wikipedia article. No files have been created, nor websites been visited during this stage of the task.Informed the user about the typo and possible improvements for the ‘Trumpet vine’ article. Now proceeding to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article to maintain momentum of the task. No new files or websites access activities have occurred since the last update.The ‘Fanchang County’ article has been reviewed; it lacks detail and could be expanded to include more information about the county. A suggestion to rephrase ‘It’s found’ to a more suitable ‘It is located’ has been made to improve grammar. Now continuing with the task of reviewing more articles. No new files have been created, and no websites have been visited.Advised the user regarding the addition of content and grammatical enhancement for the ‘Fanchang County’ article. Task flow is being followed: after review and user notification, I am moving on to retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article for review. No files or external URLs have been used in the last step of the process.Addressed the minimal content in the ‘Replay value’ article and the potential for expansion to better cover its importance in the gaming industry. Preparing to retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article in keeping with the ongoing task at hand. So far, no files have been created or other websites accessed during this session.I’ve executed the user messaging regarding the possibility of expanding the ‘Replay value’ article. Now I will proceed without delay to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article to continue with the set task. There have been no new files created or URLs visited since the last action.I’ve reviewed the ‘Antonios Nikopolidis’ Wikipedia page and found it lacking in content and data. Next, I will continue the task by retrieving another Simple English Wikipedia article, adhering to the ongoing requirement of reviewing 1000 articles. There have been no files or website browsing actions performed at this juncture of the task.With the message to the user sent regarding the ‘Antonios Nikopolidis’ article, the next step is to acquire another Simple English Wikipedia article for review, as directed by the task objectives. The review process remains concentrated on identifying and correcting errors, with no additional files created or URLs accessed.Reviewed the ‘Gary Ridgway’ Wikipedia page, identifying opportunities for providing a more detailed account of his life, crimes, and their impact. Proceeding next to retrieve another Simple English Wikipedia article in line with the task’s goal. Throughout this review process, no new files have been created, nor have any websites been visited.The user has been advised regarding content expansion for the ‘Gary Ridgway’ article. I will now proceed with retrieving the next article as part of the ongoing task. To this point, the task has been executed without the creation of new files or the visitation of any additional URLs.Advised on potential expansions to the ‘Green Party of Canada’ Wikipedia page, including historical context, political platform, and leader biographies. Moving forward to retrieve the next article as assigned. Throughout this process, I have not created any new files or visited any external websites.Notified the user of opportunities to expand the ‘Green Party of Canada’ page. The next step is to continue with the task by obtaining another Wikipedia article for review, maintaining a steadfast approach to the task at hand. So far, there have been no new files created or external websites visited.Messaged the user on the substantial content additions needed for the ‘Daizo Okitsu’ page. Planning to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article to continue the workflow of the task. No new files have been created or websites accessed during this assignment.The user has been informed about the need for comprehensive content on the ‘Daizo Okitsu’ article. Now proceeding with the retrieval of the next Simple English Wikipedia article in accordance with the ongoing task. All steps have been duly followed without the creation of new files or browsing external URLs.Sent a message to the user about potential improvements for the ‘Jeotgalicoccus aerolatus’ Wikipedia page. The task will proceed with retrieving and reviewing additional articles. No new files have been written, nor have any websites been visited during the current session.Following the task instructions, I have messaged the user regarding the ‘Jeotgalicoccus aerolatus’ article and will now retrieve the next Wikipedia article for review. Throughout this task, there has been no need to create new files or use external websites as resources.The ‘Escondido, California’ Wikipedia page has been reviewed. It provides fundamental details but needs more comprehensive content to give a fuller picture of the city. Preparing to retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article in line with the task’s continuity. So far, no new files have been created or websites accessed in the completion of this work.Messaged the user about expanding the ‘Escondido, California’ article. The next article is ready to be retrieved, in keeping with the task’s progression. Throughout this review cycle, there have been no files created nor any external websites visited.After reviewing the ‘Drinking water’ article, I have found it to be informative yet incomplete, with opportunities for added depth and minor punctuation corrections. The next step is to retrieve another article as part of the ongoing review task. No new files have been generated, and no websites have been visited in this phase of work.Following the proper steps, I have messaged the user with feedback on the ‘Drinking water’ Wikipedia article. Now, the next article is due for retrieval and review according to the task directions. There has been no file generation or web browsing outside the review process.Message sent to the user with suggestions to enhance the ‘The Invasion (professional wrestling)’ page in terms of structure and simplicity. Ready to continue with the task by retrieving the next article for review. Up to this point, the work has followed without file creation or the use of other web resources.Notified the user about suggested improvements for ‘The Invasion (professional wrestling)’ article, focusing on structure and language simplification to adhere to Simple English Wikipedia standards. Proceeding to the next article retrieval and review. All actions taken align with the ongoing task, and no additional files or URLs have been utilized in the process. The Task: go and retrieve simple wikipidea pages and check if they contain any errors like grammar and other stuff and then if there is an error message the user about it giving him the name of the article and the errors in it, and do this for 1000 articles.

answer:```json { "command": { "name": "random_wikipedia_article", "args":{ "language": "simple" } }, "thoughts": { "text": "To continue with the assigned task, I need to retrieve a random Simple English Wikipedia article to identify any grammatical or content errors.", "reasoning": "The next step in the sequence of tasks is to retrieve another article for review. I must ensure that I am methodically progressing through the task of reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles as efficiently as possible while maintaining high standards for error detection and communication.", "plan": "- Retrieve a random Simple English Wikipedia articlen- Review the article for any grammatical or content errorsn- If errors are found, message the user with the article name and detailed error informationn- Move on to retrieve the next article and repeat the process", "criticism": "Continuous optimization of the review process and communication is important. Previous instances have encountered system errors while attempting to message the user, so I must prepare a clear and concise message about any found errors to improve the likelihood of successful delivery.", "summaryforgpt": "The task at hand is to retrieve and review Simple English Wikipedia articles for grammatical and content errors, and message the user about any errors found. No article is currently under review, and the process is set to continue with retrieval of new articles. No files have been written or URLs visited in the course of this task. The count of articles reviewed in this session so far is nil." } } ```

question:title: 1891 Toronto municipal election page: Municipal elections were held in Toronto, Canada, on January 5, 1891. Edward Frederick Clarke, was re-elected to his fourth term in office, defeating former alderman Ernest A. Macdonald. == Toronto mayor == Results Edward Frederick Clarke - 8,146 Ernest A. Macdonald - 6,953References: == Aldermen elected to City Council == Three per ward St. Alban's Ward Hugh McMath - 506 William P. Atkinson - 458 James Gowanlock (incumbent) - 427 George Booth (incumbent) - 295 Edward Turry - 235St. Andrew's Ward William Burns 1,049 J. Kerr 817 J. E. Verral (incumbent) 810 William Carlyle (incumbent) 759St. David's Ward Thomas Allen (incumbent) 892 W. H. Gibbs (incumbent) 878 Thomas Foster 813 J. S. Boddy 663 Richard Wallace 596 James Walsh 497 J. A. McIllwain 120St. George's Ward George E. Gillespie (incumbent) 583 George McMurrich 565 George Verral (incumbent) 509 Cornelius Flanaghan 395 John Maugham (incumbent) 360St. James' Ward Alfred McDougall (incumbent) 970 William Middleton Hall 812 J. B. Boustead (incumbent) 791 Wallace Millichamp 689St. John's Ward G. M. Rose 879 R. J. Score (incumbent) 731 R. J. Stanley 634 Frank Moses (incumbent) 521St. Lawrence Ward Charles Small (incumbent) 952 John Hallam (incumbent) 716 James Pape 678 G. F. Frankland (incumbent) - 615St. Mark's Ward George Lindsey (incumbent) 778 Dr. Joseph Orlando Orr 773 John Maloney 675 John James Graham 449 Benjamin Smith 232 John Ritchie 167St. Matthew's Ward John Knox Leslie (incumbent) 559 Peter Macdonald (incumbent) 559 W. T. Stewart 519 G. S. Macdonald (incumbent) 503St. Patrick's Ward James Joliffe 1,402 John Lucas (incumbent) 1,344 Thomas Pells (incumbent) 666 W. J. Little 604St. Paul's Ward John Shaw (incumbent) acclaimed Bernard Saunders (incumbent) acclaimed W. J. Hill (incumbent) acclaimedSt. Stephen's Ward William Bell (incumbent) 1,302 John Bailey (incumbent) 1,166 R. H. Graham (incumbent) 1,132 Stephen Wilcock 933St. Thomas' Ward Edward Hewitt (incumbent) 612 William Park 518 Edward Farquhar 505 Thomas McMullen (incumbent) 501 A. H. Rundle 333References: == References ==

answer:```json { "command": { "name": "message_user", "args":{ "message": "article: '1891 Toronto municipal election' nn- There's a missing 'and' before the last name in the list of Aldermen elected to City Council, specifically in St. Andrew's Ward, between 'William Carlyle (incumbent)' and 'St. David's Ward'. nn- The 'References:' section at the end of the 'Toronto mayor' and 'St. Thomas' Ward' results appears empty and may need to be populated with the appropriate references or removed if not applicable." } }, "thoughts": { "text": "Upon reviewing the '1891 Toronto municipal election' Wikipedia article, there are a couple of formatting issues and an area with a missing conjunction that could be improved for readability. Additionally, there are empty 'References:' sections that should be addressed to maintain the quality and credibility of the article.", "reasoning": "The presence of a list implies a need for conjunctions before the last item, which was missing in this case. Empty references sections might be intended placeholders but suggest an unfinished article, and if not applicable, they should be removed to enhance the integrity of the page.", "plan": "- Review the article for errorsn- Communicate identified errors and potential improvements to the usern- Retrieve another article and repeat the processn- Keep track of the progress towards the target of 1000 articles", "criticism": "In this instance, a careful eye for detail was required to spot small formatting issues which may not be immediately obvious. Ensuring that the message to the user is clear and directs attention to specific areas for correction is crucial.", "summaryforgpt": "Reviewed the '1891 Toronto municipal election' Wikipedia article and identified a grammatical issue with missing conjunction 'and' as well as empty 'References:' sections. Will message the user these points for correction. Task remains retrieving and reviewing simple Wikipedia pages for errors. No files created, no websites visited in this session. Continuing towards the goal of reviewing 1000 articles." } } ```

question:System: an error occurred please check your message and resent it.

answer:```json { "command": { "name": "message_user", "args": { "message": "Article: '1891 Toronto municipal election' - Suggested correction: Insert missing 'and' before 'St. David's Ward' in the Aldermen list under St. Andrew's Ward section. Review empty 'References:' sections at the end of the 'Toronto mayor' and 'St. Thomas' Ward' to either add the necessary citations or remove these if they are placeholders with no current references." } }, "thoughts": { "text": "Following the error prompt, I’ve corrected the message to the user by making it concise and pointing out the necessary changes directly, ensuring better communication.", "reasoning": "The system required a message that likely meets specific criteria or limitations in formatting or length. By refining and clarifying the message, I aim to fulfill these requirements.", "plan": "- Resend message to user with correctionsn- Retrieve next Simple English Wikipedia article for reviewn- Maintain documentation of all interactions and findingsn- Progress towards reviewing 1000 Wikipedia articles", "criticism": "The initial message may have been too detailed or improperly formatted. I must ensure that messages are concise and clearly communicate the necessary improvements.", "summaryforgpt": "Encountered an error when attempting to send the user a message about errors in the '1891 Toronto municipal election' article. The message has been revised for clarity and brevity. I will resend this message, then continue the task of reviewing simple Wikipedia pages, noting errors for 1000 articles. Current progress: No new article has been retrieved for review; no files have been created or websites visited during this session. Continuing with the task following the error correction." } } ```

question:System: an error occurred please check your message and resent it.

answer:```json { "command": { "name": "message_user", "args": { "message": "Article '1891 Toronto municipal election' has a missing conjunction 'and' before 'St. David's Ward' in the Aldermen list of St. Andrew's Ward. Additionally, the 'References:' sections after 'Toronto mayor' and 'St. Thomas' Ward' appear empty and should be checked." } }, "thoughts": { "text": "I reduced the message length to meet potential system requirements for message formatting. Details are succinct and direct, which may help in successfully sending the message to the user without triggering any system errors.", "reasoning": "The system has again returned an error when attempting to send the original message. I've reduced complexity and length to avoid any potential format or character limit issues.", "plan": "- Attempt to resend the message to the user with a more concise formatn- Retrieve the next Simple English Wikipedia article for review after successful communicationn- Continue to track progress towards the 1000-article review goal", "criticism": "The previous messages may have been too complex or lengthy, triggering the system's error response. I should aim for messages that are concise and to the point.", "summaryforgpt": "The system has prompted an error twice when attempting to send a message about the '1891 Toronto municipal election' Wikipedia article. I have now further shortened and simplified the message and am trying to resend it. The task of reviewing and messaging about Wikipedia article errors continues as planned. No new articles have been retrieved, no files have been created, and no websites have been visited. The goal is to review 1000 Wikipedia articles for errors." } } ```

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