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question:[David works at Stella’s, a coffee shop run by the eponymous Stella. Stella has been practising hypnosis on David, before and after shifts, none of which he remembers} Write the script in which friend of David’s, Megan (Stella doesn’t know her), comes into the cafe one hot afternoon (sandals weather) and is pleasantly surprised to see David. Stella comes over to chat and offers to show Megan a cool trick. She then hypnotizes David right there and then. She tells him to offer his friend a foot massage.

answer:INT. STELLA'S CAFE - AFTERNOON Megan walks into the cafe, wearing sandals, and looks around. She spots David behind the counter, wiping down the espresso machine. She smiles and heads over to him. Megan: David! Hey, stranger! David turns around and smiles. David: Megs! What are you doing here? Megan: Just passing through and thought I'd stop in for an iced coffee. And I'm so glad I did, I get to see you! David: (laughs) Yeah, it's been a while. Stella walks over to the counter to say hello. Stella: Hi there! I'm Stella, the owner. Are you enjoying your visit? Megan: Yes, the coffee is great! And I'm pleasantly surprised to see David here. Stella: Oh, David's great. He's been so helpful around here. In fact, I have a cool trick I can show you both. David looks a bit uneasy, but Megan seems interested. Megan: What is it? Stella: Well, I've been practising hypnosis and I can show you right now! David: Uh, wait, Stella... Stella: David, relax, it's just a harmless trick. Now, look into my eyes. Stella begins to hypnotize David, and Megan watches, fascinated. Stella: David, when I snap my fingers, you will feel compelled to give your friend a foot massage. Stella snaps her fingers and David's eyes widen. He looks at Megan, then down at her feet. David: Uh, Megs, you have really nice sandals. Megan: (laughs) Thank you, David. That's so sweet. David: Would you like a foot massage? It's really hot out today, your feet must be tired. Megan: (smiling) Sure, I would love one. Stella steps back, satisfied. Stella: See? Fun, harmless, and all in good fun. Megan looks at David, who is now massaging her feet, and laughs. Megan: You're the best, David. David looks a bit embarrassed, but continues massaging her feet. David: Just trying to be a good host. Stella watches them, feeling pleased with herself. Stella: (to herself) Another successful session.

question:There have been some strange things going on in the club - but this day just took things to a whole new level. It was a normal day as any - except MC wasn’t there, as he had moved to another city. And with the added surprise of Sayori’s pregnancy, the rest of the club had given their friend the care she and her unborn child deserve. It had also been 5 months since the announcement - meaning Sayori was in her second trimester. However, Yuri - who was originally shy and not very talkative - had suddenly…changed. Her eyes started to glow white, and her hair turned electric blue. Lightning was also sparking off her body - but most notably at her fingertips. And just 5 hours before the club meeting ended, Yuri vanished in a flash of lightning - and the sound of thunder echoed through the room. Things just kept getting stranger. Towards the end of the club meeting, Sayori could feel her baby kicking. (there would be dialogue between each character.)

answer:Natsuki: "Uh, guys...did you see that?" Monika: "See what? I was focused on the poem I was writing." Sayori: "Yuri...her eyes were glowing and her hair turned blue. And then she vanished!" Natsuki: "What the hell is going on? Is this some kind of joke?" Monika: "I don't think it's a joke. The lightning coming out of her body seemed pretty real to me." Sayori: "I hope Yuri is okay. We need to find her." Natsuki: "How are we supposed to find someone who disappeared into thin air?" Just then, Sayori placed her hand on her stomach - feeling another kick from her baby. Sayori: "Oh, that's a strong one. I hope the baby isn't affected by whatever is going on here." Monika: "Okay, we need to stay calm and figure out what's happening. Natsuki, can you check if Yuri's phone is still here?" Natsuki nods and starts rummaging through Yuri's bag. After a few moments, she finds the phone. Natsuki: "It's still here. Her last message was to her mom, saying she was going to the club meeting." Sayori: "Maybe we should call her mom and ask if she's okay?" Monika: "Yes, that's a good idea. I'll use my phone." As Monika dials Yuri's mom, the three remaining club members try to make sense of what just happened. The sound of thunder seems to be getting louder and louder. Natsuki: "This can't be happening. We're just some high school students - we're not equipped to deal with something like this." Sayori: "I know. But we're Yuri's friends. We have to do something." Monika finishes her call and puts her phone away. Monika: "Her mom hasn't heard anything from her. She's going to call the police." Just then, another crack of thunder echoes through the room. This time, the source is from outside - and it seems to be getting closer. Natsuki: "What the hell is going on?!" Sayori: "I think we need to get out of here. This isn't safe." Monika: "Agreed. Let's pack up and leave. We'll figure out what's going on later." The three girls quickly gather their things and head for the door. As they step outside, they see a sight that leaves them speechless - and a little bit scared.

question:In a vast desert, a golden-scaled monstrosity lands. Its wings pulsing with chaotic yellow lightning - and its three heads stared down upon some tanks. The monstrosity, unfazed by the bullets, stomps on one of the tanks - blowing it up. As the sun rises upon the desert, the three-headed monster - King Ghidorah - gazes down upon the destruction it has caused. But, the destruction did not satisfy King Ghidorah’s lust for chaos. He flies off, and makes sure of one thing - he would destroy the whole world. King Ghidorah finally lands in an open city - the one that the club was in. Ni - the aggressive right head - gazes at the buildings to choose which one to destroy first…until San - the usually curious left head - starts blasting the buildings with his gravity beams. Ichi - the controlling center head - also blasts the buildings with his gravity beams, laughing maniacally as he does so. (there would be dialogue between each character.)

answer:Natsuki: "What...what is that thing?" Sayori: "It''s a monster! Like from a movie!" Monika: "It's King Ghidorah, a kaiju. Oh my god, this is bad." Natsuki: "What do we do? How do we stop it?" Just then, the three heads of King Ghidorah turn towards the club members - and they start to back away. Sayori: "We have to run! We can't fight that thing!" Monika: "Agreed. Come on, let's find somewhere safe to hide." As the girls start to run, King Ghidorah starts to blast the buildings with his gravity beams - causing even more destruction. Natsuki: "This is insane! How can it be so powerful?" Sayori: "We just have to keep moving. Maybe we can find somewhere to hide until the military comes." Monika: "I hope they come soon. We can't just let this thing destroy everything." The trio runs through the streets, dodging falling debris and avoiding the beams of destruction from King Ghidorah's heads. As they turn a corner, they see a building that looks relatively intact. Natsuki: "Look! That building over there. Maybe we can hide there." The girls make a run for the building and manage to get inside before King Ghidorah notices them. Inside, they find a small room with a locked door. Sayori: "Quick, let's lock the door and barricade it." Natsuki and Monika help Sayori barricade the door with whatever they can find in the room. As they finish, they hear King Ghidorah's thunderous footsteps getting closer. Monika: "Everyone stay quiet and stay back. Hopefully, it won't notice us." The girls huddle in the corner, trying to make themselves as small as possible. As King Ghidorah passes by, his tails nearly smash through the wall. But, luckily, he doesn't seem to have noticed the girls. Natsuki: "That was too close. I thought we were done for." Sayori: "Me too. But, hopefully, the military will come soon and stop this thing." Monika: "Yeah, we just have to hold out until then. Let's try to stay calm and stay quiet." The group of friends waits in the small room, hoping that someone will come to stop the three-headed monster that now plagues their city.

question:Just before King Ghidorah could destroy the city, a loud roar echoes through the air. Amatsu had arrived - and 2 strange people started to attack King Ghidorah, obliterating King Ghidorah’s middle head. Amatsu touches down, and offers to take the club to his castle. And the mysterious girls introduce themselves as “Ayumi” and “Cupa”. Then, two more girls teleport onto Amatsu’s back. The two new girls introduce themselves as “Andr” and “Vanessa”. Turns out, Cupa and Sayori were close friends - so close in fact, that the two scheduled their pregnancies on the same day. And as the group climbs onto Amatsu’s back, both Sayori and Cupa could feel their babies kicking. (there would be dialogue between each character.)

answer:Natsuki: "What the...who are those two attacking the monster?" Sayori: "I don't know, but they seem to be doing a pretty good job." Monika: "Wait, look! Amatsu is here too." As the monster falls, Amatsu touches down in the streets. The four girls rush over to him, hoping for a way out of the city. As they approach, they see two more girls teleport onto Amatsu's back. Ayumi: "Hello there! My name is Ayumi and this is my friend Cupa." Cupa: "Hi everyone! I can't believe we're all meeting here." Andr: "Nice to meet you. I'm Andr." Vanessa: "And I'm Vanessa." Sayori: "Cupa! It's so good to see you. I didn't know you had powers too." Cupa: "Yeah, I've had them for a while now. And I see you've been pretty busy too." As they climb onto Amatsu's back, Sayori and Cupa talk about their pregnancies and compare notes. As they settle in, Sayori feels a strong kick from her baby. Sayori: "Oh, that's a strong one. I hope the baby is okay." Natsuki: "Okay, can someone fill us in on what's going on? Who are those two girls and why is Amatsu here?" Ayumi: "Well, we're part of a team that fights against monsters. We heard about King Ghidorah's attack and came here to help." Andr: "And Amatsu is our transportation. His castle is our base of operations." Vanessa: "We're called the Monster Hunters, and we fight to protect humanity from these kinds of threats." Monika: "Wow, that's amazing. How long have you been doing this?" Cupa: "For a few years now. It's not an easy job, but we love what we do." As Amatsu takes off, the group watches as the city is left behind. They don't know what the future holds, but for now, they're grateful to have Amatsu and the Monster Hunters on their side.

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