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question:Write “DOMINION Licenses” (Monster Hunter versions of “UNITE Licenses”) for the following monsters - Shogun Ceanataur, Bazelgeuse, Chameleos, Mizutsune, Somnacanth, Lunagaron, Espinas, Astalos, Gaismagorm, and Crimson Glow Valstrax. Each license should include the monster’s difficulty, shop price, battle style, stats, variations (subspecies, apex versions, variants, rare species, and risen versions), abilities, skills, and dominion move. (Current battle styles: Attacker, All-Rounder, Defender, Supporter, Speedster.) (Monsters with variations available: Bazelgeuse [variant], Chameleos [risen version], Mizutsune [apex version] [rare species], Somnacanth [subspecies], Espinas [subspecies], and Crimson Glow Valstrax [risen version].) (Variations known: Seething Bazelgeuse, Risen Chameleos, Apex Mizutsune, Violet Mizutsune, Aurora Somnacanth, Flaming Espinas, Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax.) (The dominion moves for Bazelgeuse, Mizutsune, and Astalos will be the same as their kinship skills [Nova Strike for Bazelgeuse, Moonlight Transience for Mizutsune, and Astalos Pulse for Astalos].) (The dominion moves for Bazelgeuse, Chameleos, Mizutsune, Somnacanth, Espinas, and Crimson Glow Valstrax will have different effects for each variation - for example, Aurora Somnacanth deals ice damage instead of putting enemies to sleep and Flaming Espinas has a small chance of dropping an opponent's defense instead of poison [both standard Espinas and Flaming Espinas will always inflict fire damage and poison opponents after using their dominion move]. When using the Apex Mizutsune variation, Mizutsune's dominion move turns from "Moonlight Transience" to "Sublime Transience".)

answer:1. Shogun Ceanataur - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 3/5 - Shop Price: 7,500z - Battle Style: Defender - Stats: High defense, low speed - Variations: N/A - Abilities: Water resistance, Shell Shield - Skills: Shell Smash, Water Slicer, Guard - Dominion Move: Ceanataur Crush (Deals high damage and has a chance to decrease the enemy's defense) 2. Bazelgeuse - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 4/5 - Shop Price: 10,000z - Battle Style: Attacker - Stats: High attack, moderate speed - Variations: Seething Bazelgeuse (variant) - Abilities: Blastblight, Explosive Scales - Skills: Aerial Dive, Scale Barrage, Tail Slam - Dominion Move: Nova Strike (Deals massive damage; varies depending on the variation used) 3. Chameleos - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 3/5 - Shop Price: 8,000z - Battle Style: Supporter - Stats: High evasion, low attack - Variations: Risen Chameleos (risen version) - Abilities: Stealth, Item Theft - Skills: Lingering Mist, Cloak Attack, Recovery Mist - Dominion Move: Invisible Ambush (Deals moderate damage and has a chance to steal an item; varies for Risen Chameleos) 4. Mizutsune - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 3/5 - Shop Price: 8,500z - Battle Style: All-Rounder - Stats: Balanced stats - Variations: Apex Mizutsune (apex version), Violet Mizutsune (rare species) - Abilities: Bubble Affinity, Slippery - Skills: Bubble Splash, Moon Beam, Soothing Song - Dominion Move: Moonlight Transience (Deals damage and inflicts various status effects; varies and changes to Sublime Transience for Apex Mizutsune) 5. Somnacanth - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 2/5 - Shop Price: 6,500z - Battle Style: Supporter - Stats: Moderate health, low speed - Variations: Aurora Somnacanth (subspecies) - Abilities: Sleep Breath, Soothing Mist - Skills: Lullaby, Sleepy Tail, Quicksand - Dominion Move: Somnus Waltz (Deals damage and puts enemies to sleep or deals ice damage for Aurora Somnacanth) 6. Lunagaron - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 4/5 - Shop Price: 11,000z - Battle Style: Speedster - Stats: High speed, moderate attack - Variations: N/A - Abilities: Moonlit Howl, Evasion Boost - Skills: Crescent Claw, Lunar Charge, Shadow Pounce - Dominion Move: Eclipse Assault (Deals high damage and boosts evasion) 7. Espinas - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 2/5 - Shop Price: 6,000z - Battle Style: Defender - Stats: High defense, moderate health - Variations: Flaming Espinas (subspecies) - Abilities: Fire Affinity, Poisonous Spikes - Skills: Flamethrower, Poison Spike, Fireball - Dominion Move: Ember Enigma (Deals damage, inflicts fire damage and poison or lowers defense for Flaming Espinas) 8. Astalos - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 4/5 - Shop Price: 9,000z - Battle Style: Attacker - Stats: High attack, moderate speed - Variations: N/A - Abilities: Thunder Affinity, Stamina Drain - Skills: Electric Strike, Tail Flip, Sudden Charge - Dominion Move: Astalos Pulse (Deals massive damage and drains enemy stamina) 9. Gaismagorm - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 5/5 - Shop Price: 12,500z - Battle Style: All-Rounder - Stats: High health, low speed - Variations: N/A - Abilities: Elemental Mastery, Immovable - Skills: Geyser Eruption, Ice Shatter, Lightning Beam - Dominion Move: Elemental Onslaught (Deals damage and inflicts various elemental effects) 10. Crimson Glow Valstrax - DOMINION License - Difficulty: 5/5 - Shop Price: 14,000z - Battle Style: Speedster - Stats: High speed, high attack - Variations: Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax (risen version) - Abilities: Red Comet, Dragon Affinity - Skills: Comet Strike, Dragon Eruption, Blazing Charge - Dominion Move: Scarlet Supernova (Deals massive damage and inflicts high dragon damage; varies for Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax)

question:class node: def init(self, identity, label, parents, children): ‘’‘ identity: int; its unique id in the graph label: string; parents: int->int dict; maps a parent node’s id to its multiplicity children: int->int dict; maps a child node’s id to its multiplicity ‘’’ = identity self.label = label self.parents = parents self.children = children def repr (self): return "id: "+ str( + ", " + "label: " + str(self.label) + ", " + "parents: " + str(self.parents) + ", " + "children: " + str(self.children) #ok def get_id (self): return def get_label (self): return self.label #ok def get_parents_ids (self): return [i for i in self.parents.keys()] #ok def get_children_ids (self): return [i for i in self.children.keys()] #ok def get_children(self): return self.children.values() def get_parents(self): return self.parents.values() def set_id(self, i): = i #ok def set_label(self, i): self.label = i #ok def set_parents_ids(self, i): self.parents = i #ok def set_children_ids(self, i): self.children = i #ok def add_child_id(self, i): if i in self.get_children_ids(): self.children[i] +=1 else: self.children[i] = 1 #ok def add_parent_id(self, i): if i in self.get_parents_ids(): self.parents[i] +=1 else: self.parents[i] = 1 #ok def remove_parent_once(self, id): try: if self.parents[id] <= 1: self.remove_parent_id(id) return self.parents[id] = self.parents[id] - 1 except KeyError: raise “Invalid parent id” #ok def remove_child_once(self, id): try: if self.children[id] <= 1: self.remove_child_id(id) return self.children[id] = self.children[id] - 1 except KeyError: raise “Invalid child id” #ok def remove_parent_id(self, id): try: self.parents.pop(id) except KeyError: raise “Invalid parent id” #ok def remove_child_id(self, id): try: self.children.pop(id) except KeyError: raise “Invalid child id” #ok def indegree(self): res = 0 for p in self.parents.values(): res += p return res def outdegree(self): res = 0 for c in self.children.values(): res +=c return res def degree(self): return self.indegree()+self.outdegree() n = node(2, 0, {1: 2}, {3: 2}) #print(n.indegree()) #print(n.outdegree()) #print( class open_digraph(open_digraph_display_mx, open_digraph_connectivite_mx, open_digraph_tritopo_mx, node): # for open directed graph def init(self, inputs, outputs, nodes): ‘’‘ inputs: int list; the ids of the input nodes outputs: int list; the ids of the output nodes nodes: node list; ‘’’ self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs self.nodes = { for node in nodes} # self.nodes: <int,node> dict def str (self): return "inputs: " + str(self.inputs) + “n” + "outputs: “+ str(self.outputs) + “n” + “nodes: " + str(self.nodes) @classmethod def empty(cls): return cls([],[],[]) def copy(self): newNodes = {} d = open_digraph.empty() d.inputs = self.inputs.copy() d.outputs = self.outputs.copy() for key in self.nodes.keys(): n0 = node(-1, ‘’, {}, {}) = self.nodes[key].id n0.label = self.nodes[key].label n0.parents = self.nodes[key].parents.copy() n0.children = self.nodes[key].children.copy() newNodes[key]=n0 d.nodes = newNodes return d #ok def get_input_ids(self): return self.inputs #return [i.get_id() for i in self.inputs] #ok def get_output_ids(self): return self.outputs #return [i.get_id() for i in self.outputs] #ok def get_id_node_map(self): return self.nodes #ok def get_nodes(self): return [i for i in self.nodes.values()] #ok def get_node_ids(self): return [i for i in self.nodes.keys()] #ok def get_node_by_id(self, i): ‘’‘ i : int (id of the node) ‘’’ return self.nodes[i] #ok def get_nodes_by_ids(self, t): ‘’‘ t : int iter ‘’’ return [self.nodes[i] for i in t] #ok def get_input_nodes(self): return [self.nodes[node_id] for node_id in self.inputs] def get_output_nodes(self): return [node for node in self.nodes.values() if node.outdegree() == 0 and node in self.outputs] def set_input_ids(self, t): ‘’‘ t : int list ‘’’ self.inputs = t #ok def set_output_ids(self, t): ‘’‘ t : int list ‘’’ self.outputs = t #ok def add_node(self, label=‘’, parents=None, children=None): #parents et children sont des dictionnaires ‘’‘ adds a NEW (it creates it !) a node label : string parents : int:int dict children : int:int dict ‘’’ if parents is None: parents = {} if children is None: children = {} new_id = self.new_id() new_node = node(new_id, label, parents, children) self.nodes[new_id] = new_node for parent_id in parents: self.nodes[parent_id].children[new_id] = parents[parent_id] for child_id in children: self.nodes[child_id].parents[new_id] = children[child_id] return new_id #ok def add_input_node (self, id): nid = self.new_id() if (id in self.get_input_ids()) or (id in self.get_output_ids()): raise “invalid connection” else: self.nodes[nid] = node(nid, “input”, dict(), {id:1}) self.nodes[id].parents[nid] = 1 self.add_input_id(nid) #ok def add_output_node (self, id): nid = self.new_id() if (id in self.get_input_ids()) or (id in self.get_output_ids()): raise “invalid connection” else: self.nodes[nid] = node(nid,“output”,{id:1},dict()) self.nodes[id].children[nid] = 1 self.add_output_id(nid) #ok def add_input_id(self, t): ‘’‘ makes an existing node an input t : int (id of the node) ‘’’ if t in self.inputs: raise “Already an input” else: self.inputs += [t] #ok def add_output_id(self, t): ‘’‘ makes an existing node an output t : int (id of the node) ‘’’ if t in self.outputs: raise ‘Already an output’ else: self.outputs += [t] #ok def add_edge(self, src, tgt): if src not in self.nodes: raise ValueError(f"node id source invalide :{src}”) #vĂ©rifie si le noeud source (src) existe dans la liste des noeuds (nodes) de ce graph if tgt not in self.nodes: raise ValueError(f"node id cible invalide :{tgt}”) #vĂ©rifie si le noeud cible (tgt) existe dans la liste des noeuds (nodes) src_node = self.get_node_by_id(src) # rĂ©cupere le noeud source a partir de la liste de neouds en utilisant l’identifiant src du noeud source tgt_node = self.get_node_by_id(tgt) # recupere le noeud cible a partir de la liste des noeuds en utilisant l’id tgt du noeud cible src_node.add_child_id(tgt) tgt_node.add_parent_id(src) #ok def add_edges(self, edges): ‘’‘ edges : (int, int) iter ‘’’ for src, tgt in edges: self.add_edge(src, tgt) #ok class bool_circ(open_digraph): def init(self,g): circuit = {} nod = g.get_node_ids() inp = g.get_input_ids() out = g.get_output_ids() for n in nod: if (n not in inp) or (n not in out): circuit.update(rand.randint(0,3),n) #porte et = 0, porte ou = 1, porte not = 2, porte copie = 3 self.circ = circuit self.outputs = g.outputs self.inputs = g.inputs self.nodes = g.nodes if not self.is_well_formed(): raise “Invalid circuit”

answer:There are several issues with the code: 1. The `init` method of the `bool_circ` class is missing the `self` parameter, which will result in a `TypeError` when trying to create an object of this class. 2. The `circuit` dictionary in the `init` method of `bool_circ` is initialized incorrectly. Instead of creating an empty dictionary and updating it, it should be an empty dictionary literal `{}`. 3. The `update` method of the `circuit` dictionary in `bool_circ` is being used incorrectly. It should be used to update the dictionary with a key-value pair, but instead, it is being used to randomly choose a number and assign it to `n`. This is likely to cause a `TypeError`. 4. The `circ` attribute in `bool_circ` is not being set correctly. Instead of assigning the `circuit` dictionary to it, it should be converted to a list of tuples using `items()` method. 5. The `is_well_formed` method is missing from the `bool_circ` class. Here's the corrected code: ``` class bool_circ(open_digraph): def __init__(self, g): circuit = {} nod = g.get_node_ids() inp = g.get_input_ids() out = g.get_output_ids() for n in nod: if (n not in inp) or (n not in out): circuit[n] = rand.randint(0,3) #porte et = 0, porte ou = 1, porte not = 2, porte copie = 3 self.circ = list(circuit.items()) self.outputs = g.outputs self.inputs = g.inputs self.nodes = g.nodes if not self.is_well_formed(): raise ValueError("Invalid circuit") def is_well_formed(self): # TODO: Implement this method pass ```

question:En fonction des mĂ©thodes que je t’ai fourni, implĂ©mente une mĂ©thode de la classe bool_circ qui code Addern(self,n) , voici l’énoncĂ© : pour avoir d’autres types de circuits que ceux al ́eatoires sur lesquels tester nos m ́ethodes, on propose de cr ́eer des circuits bool ́eens qui vont calculer la somme de deux registres (de taille une puissance de 2). On va manipuler deux familles de circuits assez proches l’une de l’autre : (Addern)n et (Half_Addern)n. Half-Addern prend deux registres de tailles 2n et renvoie un registre de taille 2n (qui contient la somme des deux nombres donn ́es en entr ́ee, modulo 2n), plus un bit appel ́ee retenue (”carry”), qui indique si le calcul a d ́epass ́e la taille du registre : Half_Addern 
 ~a ~b ~rc (On considere ici et dans la suite que le bit de poids fort<br/>est a gauche.) Addern fait essentiellement la mˆeme chose, mais en prenant en compte un bit de retenue additionnel

answer:Here's an implementation of the `Addern` method for the `bool_circ` class, which computes the sum of two registers using full adders: ``` class bool_circ(open_digraph): def __init__(self, g): # initialization code for bool_circ def Addern(self, n): # create n full adders adders = [self.Full_Adder() for _ in range(n)] # connect the inputs for i in range(n-1): self.add_edge(adders[i][0], adders[i+1][1]) # connect the outputs for i in range(n): self.add_output_id(adders[i][2]) # add the carry chain for i in range(n-1): self.add_edge(adders[i][3], adders[i+1][0]) # return the output nodes return self.get_output_nodes() def Full_Adder(self): # create the input nodes a = self.add_input_node(0) b = self.add_input_node(0) cin = self.add_input_node(0) # create the intermediate nodes x1 = self.add_node() x2 = self.add_node() x3 = self.add_node() # create the output nodes sum_out = self.add_node() cout = self.add_node() # connect the circuit self.add_edge(a, x1) self.add_edge(b, x1) self.add_edge(x1, x2) self.add_edge(cin, x2) self.add_edge(x1, x3) self.add_edge(cin, x3) self.add_edge(x2, sum_out) self.add_edge(x3, cout) # return the input, output and carry nodes return (a, b, sum_out, cout) ``` Note that this implementation uses the `Full_Adder` method to create a single full adder, and then composes `n` of these adders to create the `Addern` circuit. The `Full_Adder` method creates a full adder circuit using the `add_node` and `add_edge` methods of the `bool_circ` class, and returns the input, output and carry nodes of the circuit as a tuple.

question:UTilise seulement les méthodes que je t'ai donné dans les précédents messages que j'ai envoyé, fais attention aux arguments des méthodes que tu utilies par exemple add_node, add_edge et corrige

answer:Voici une version corrigée de l'implémentation de la méthode `Addern` en utilisant seulement les méthodes fournies : ``` class bool_circ(open_digraph): def __init__(self, g): # initialization code for bool_circ def Addern(self, n): adder_nodes = [] for i in range(n): adder_nodes.append(self.Full_Adder()) # connect the sum nodes and carry nodes for i in range(n - 1): self.add_edge(adder_nodes[i][2], adder_nodes[i+1][0]) self.add_edge(adder_nodes[i][3], adder_nodes[i+1][1]) # connect the input nodes to the first adder input_nodes = self.get_input_nodes() self.add_edge(input_nodes[0].get_id(), adder_nodes[0][0]) self.add_edge(input_nodes[1].get_id(), adder_nodes[0][1]) self.add_edge(input_nodes[2].get_id(), adder_nodes[0][2]) # connect the output nodes to the last adder output_nodes = [] for i in range(n): output = self.add_node(label='output') output_nodes.append(output) self.add_edge(adder_nodes[i][2], output) self.set_output_ids([node.get_id() for node in output_nodes]) # return the output nodes return output_nodes def Full_Adder(self): # create the input nodes a = self.add_input_node(0) b = self.add_input_node(0) cin = self.add_input_node(0) # create the intermediate nodes x1 = self.add_node(label='x1') x2 = self.add_node(label='x2') x3 = self.add_node(label='x3') # create the output nodes sum_out = self.add_node(label='sum') cout = self.add_node(label='carry') # connect the circuit self.add_edge(a.get_id(), x1.get_id()) self.add_edge(b.get_id(), x1.get_id()) self.add_edge(x1.get_id(), x2.get_id()) self.add_edge(cin.get_id(), x2.get_id()) self.add_edge(x1.get_id(), x3.get_id()) self.add_edge(cin.get_id(), x3.get_id()) self.add_edge(x2.get_id(), sum_out.get_id()) self.add_edge(x3.get_id(), cout.get_id()) # return the input, output and carry nodes return (a, b, sum_out, cout) ``` Cette nouvelle implémentation utilise les méthodes `get_input_nodes`, `get_output_nodes`, `set_output_ids`, `add_input_node`, `add_node`, `add_edge`, `add_output_id` et `get_id` pour construire les circuits `Addern` et `Full_Adder`.

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