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question:Please explain how does rank preserving structural failure time model (RPSFTM) work to handle treatment switch in an oncology trial in an plain language with example .

answer:The Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Model (RPSFTM) is a statistical method used in clinical trials to account for situations where patients switch their treatments during the study. This is particularly important in oncology trials, where patients may need to change treatments due to their cancer progression, side effects, or other reasons. In simple terms, RPSFTM aims to estimate what would have happened if patients had not switched their treatments. This helps researchers better understand the true effect of each treatment. Here's an example to illustrate how RPSFTM works: Imagine a clinical trial where patients with a specific type of cancer are randomly assigned to one of two treatments: Drug A (the new cancer drug being tested) and Drug B (the standard cancer drug). During the trial, some patients see their cancer getting worse and decide to switch from Drug A to Drug B, while others switch from Drug B to Drug A for various reasons. In this scenario, it becomes difficult to evaluate whether Drug A is truly more effective than Drug B, because some patients received both treatments. This is where RPSFTM comes in. The RPSFTM method works by essentially "undoing" the effects of the treatment switch. It does this by comparing the survival times of patients who switched treatments to a hypothetical scenario where they did not switch. This comparison helps researchers estimate the true treatment effect, which is crucial for making conclusions about the effectiveness of the drugs being studied. To make these adjustments, RPSFTM relies on a key assumption that the probability of a patient's survival only depends on their current treatment, not the past treatments they received. This is known as the "rank preserving" property. In our example, this assumption means that even after switching from Drug A to Drug B, a patient's survival chances are only affected by the time they spend on Drug B, and not by their prior experience with Drug A. In summary, RPSFTM is a useful method for handling treatment switches in oncology trials by estimating the true treatment effect in a hypothetical scenario where patients do not switch treatments. This helps researchers better understand the effectiveness of different cancer drugs, ultimately leading to better treatment options for patients.

question:翻译成中文:Hello 靖, The App Store’s world-class commerce and payments system provides a convenient and effective way to set equalized prices across international markets, adapt to foreign exchange rate or tax changes, and manage prices per storefront. Last month, we introduced major pricing upgrades, including enhanced global pricing, across all purchase types. Now more customer friendly, the new price points follow the most common conventions in each country or region, and are globally equalized to your selected base country or region using publicly available exchange rate information from financial data providers. As a reminder, on May 9, 2023, pricing for existing apps and one-time in-app purchases will be updated across App Store storefronts using your current price in the United States as the basis — unless you’ve made relevant updates after March 8, 2023. You can update your base country or region at anytime using App Store Connect or the App Store Connect API. If you choose to do so, prices in your selected base country or region won’t be adjusted when prices are globally equalized on the App Store to account for foreign currency changes or new taxes. You can also choose to manually adjust prices on multiple storefronts of your choice instead of using the equalized price.

answer:你好靖, 应用商店世界级的商务和支付系统提供了一种方便、高效的方式,在国际市场上设置平价的价格,适应汇率或税收变化,并管理每个 storefront 的价格。上个月,我们推出了包括所有购买类型在内的重大价格升级,包括加强的全球定价。现在更加顾客友好,新的价格点遵循每个国家或地区最常见的惯例,并使用来自金融数据提供商的公开可用的汇率信息在全球范围内进行平衡,以你选择的基础国家或地区为基础进行均衡。 请记住,在2023年5月9日之前,现有应用程序和一次性应用内购买的定价将使用你在美国的当前价格作为基础,在所有应用商店 storefront 上进行更新。除非你在2023年3月8日之后进行了相关的更新。你可以随时使用应用商店连接或应用商店连接API更新你的基础国家或地区。如果你选择这样做,当应用商店全球平价以考虑外币变化或新税时,选定的基础国家或地区的价格不会调整。你还可以选择手动调整你选择的多个 storefront 上的价格,而不是使用均衡价格。


answer:《幼儿和爱》是一本关于儿童心理学的书籍,作者向读者阐述了幼儿心理发展的重要性,并着重强调爱在幼儿成长过程中的作用。 作者指出,儿童的心理发展需要稳定,有安全感的基础,而爱和关爱是这一基础的关键。家长和教师都应该从身体、感情和心理多方面来关注幼儿,给他们温暖和信任,让他们能够在愉快的心境中成长。 在书中,作者对于幼儿和爱的关系做了深入的探讨,并列出了许多精彩的句子。其中一些句子包括: 1. “爱是引导幼儿自由拓展天地的能量场。” 2. “爱是给予儿童同理心和信任的礼物。” 3. “幼儿的成长需要充满爱和关爱的土壤。” 4. “爱是儿童养成健康人格的必需品。” 通过这本书,我们能够更深刻地认识和理解幼儿成长的重要性和爱在其中的作用。同时,它也提醒我们每个人都应该关注身边的孩子,努力去给他们更多的爱与关爱,让他们在这个温暖的环境中成长。


answer:以下是我为您推荐的几本儿童心理学方面的书籍: 1.《幼儿和爱》:作者强调爱和关爱在幼儿成长过程中的作用,向读者阐述了幼儿心理发展的重要性。 2.《儿童心理学》:作者系统而全面地阐述了儿童心理学的相关理论和研究成果。 3.《0-6岁婴幼儿教育心理学》:该书讲述了婴幼儿心理发展的趋势和规律,以及如何在教育中更好地促进其心理发展。 4.《高EQ家长的育儿经》:作者从情商角度解析儿童心理发展,为家长提供了一些育儿方法和建议。 5.《孩子的内心世界》:作者通过幼儿园教育实践经验来讲述儿童的内心世界,并提供了一些实用的教育方法和策略。 这些书籍都有不同的角度和深度来解析儿童心理学,希望能够对您有所帮助。

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