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question:Cette cliente a fait une demande d’ouverture de compte bancaire AXA via le site AXA .Fr. Elle a déjà fait la signature électronique et envoyé les pièces justificatives ,elle s’étonne qu’on lui réclame une attestation de conformité de signature Attention : Cliente assez agacée Objection(s) : le process de souscription est trop complexe

answer:Réponse(s) possible(s) : 1. Je comprends votre frustration concernant la demande d'attestation de conformité de signature après avoir déjà effectué la signature électronique et envoyé les pièces justificatives. Chez AXA, nous nous efforçons d'assurer la sécurité et l'authenticité de toutes les transactions effectuées en ligne. L'attestation de conformité de signature est une mesure supplémentaire pour garantir votre protection et celle de vos informations personnelles. Cependant, je vais examiner votre dossier et voir s'il est possible de simplifier le processus afin de vous aider à finaliser votre demande rapidement. 2. Je suis désolé de voir que vous trouvez le processus de souscription trop complexe. Chez AXA, nous nous efforçons de protéger vos informations personnelles et de garantir la sécurité de vos transactions en ligne. Parfois, cela implique des étapes supplémentaires, comme la demande d'une attestation de conformité de signature. Cependant, je comprends votre frustration et je vais faire de mon mieux pour simplifier le processus et vous aider à terminer votre demande d'ouverture de compte bancaire dans les plus brefs délais. 3. Je comprends votre agacement face à la complexité du processus de souscription. Chez AXA, notre priorité est de garantir la sécurité et l'intégrité de votre demande d'ouverture de compte bancaire en ligne. L'attestation de conformité de signature fait partie de nos procédures de sécurité pour prévenir toute utilisation frauduleuse de vos informations. Néanmoins, je vais examiner votre dossier et voir s'il est possible d'alléger certaines étapes du processus afin de faciliter votre expérience et de vous aider à finaliser rapidement l'ouverture de votre compte bancaire AXA.

question:Make an article about forbidden pairs tweet in Twitter. It's about comparing celebrities to other celebrities who resemble each other. Forbidden Pairs list: - 1980s Matthew Broderick (Ferris Bueller's Day Off, WarGames, Project X and Biloxi Blues) and Rico Yan, Filipino actor. Rico looks like Filipino version of young Matthew because of his boyish charm. - James Broderick, Matthew Broderick's father & most known for Family (TV series) as Doug Lawrence in 1970s and Sung Dong-il, Korean actor & most known for K-dramas such as Reply series. They look alike because they are both grumpy. - 1980s Alan Ruck and Go Kyung-pyo. When Kyung-pyo played Sung Sun-woo in Reply 1988, he resembled the Korean version of Alan Ruck because Alan wore a similar bowl haircut when he played Cameron Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

answer:Forbidden Pairs: A Tweeting Trend Comparing Celebrities to Their Doppelgängers In the vast world of social media, trends come and go in the blink of an eye. One trend that has recently caught the attention of Twitter users is the concept of "forbidden pairs." This trend revolves around comparing celebrities to other celebrities who bear a striking resemblance to them. Today, we delve into the world of forbidden pairs and highlight some of the most interesting comparisons from this viral phenomenon. One of the most popular forbidden pairs is the resemblance between 1980s heartthrob Matthew Broderick, known for his roles in iconic movies like "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "WarGames," "Project X," and "Biloxi Blues," and the late Filipino actor Rico Yan. Many netizens noticed that Rico Yan had an uncanny similarity to a young Matthew Broderick, with both exuding a boyish charm that made them magnetic on screen. This led to the perception that Rico Yan could be considered the Filipino version of a young Matthew Broderick. Moving on to the next forbidden pair, we discover an intriguing comparison between James Broderick, Matthew Broderick's father, and Sung Dong-il, a prominent Korean actor best known for his roles in the popular K-drama series "Reply." James Broderick gained recognition for his portrayal of Doug Lawrence in the 1970s TV series "Family," while Sung Dong-il captured the hearts of viewers with his performances in various K-dramas. What links these two celebrities is their grumpy demeanor, which is a shared characteristic that fans have noticed. It's fascinating to see how father and son, despite being from different eras and cultural backgrounds, can be connected through such a distinctive trait. Lastly, let's explore the comparison between 1980s actor Alan Ruck and Go Kyung-pyo, a rising star in the Korean entertainment industry. Alan Ruck caught the attention of audiences with his memorable role as Cameron in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," sporting a recognizable bowl haircut. When Go Kyung-pyo played Sung Sun-woo in the popular K-drama "Reply 1988," viewers couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between him and a Korean version of Alan Ruck. Both actors had sported a similar hairstyle during their respective roles, contributing to the perception that Go Kyung-pyo was the Korean equivalent of the talented Alan Ruck. The forbidden pairs trend on Twitter has sparked countless discussions and debates among fans, as they explore the striking similarities between celebrities from different parts of the world. It highlights how unique physical attributes or character traits can transcend the boundaries of culture and time, creating unexpected connections between seemingly unrelated individuals. While forbidden pairs might be a lighthearted and entertaining trend on social media, it also serves as a reminder of the true power of celebrity personas. When fans discover similarities between their favorite stars and other celebrities, it creates a sense of familiarity and draws them closer to their idols. It's a testament to the universal human desire to find connections and resemblances, even in the realm of entertainment. As with any viral trend, forbidden pairs might fade away as quickly as they appeared. However, for the moment, Twitter users continue to indulge in this amusing comparison game, uncovering hidden similarities and delighting in the unexpected connections between their beloved celebrities. So, why not join in on the fun and discover your favorite forbidden pair?


answer:要判断一个圆和一个不规则图形是否相交,可以使用以下方法: 1. 检查圆心到不规则图形的最短距离。首先,找到离圆心最近的不规则图形上的点。然后,计算圆心与该点之间的距离。如果这个距离小于圆的半径,那么圆和不规则图形相交。 2. 使用包围盒检查。将不规则图形与一个矩形包围盒进行比较。如果圆和矩形包围盒相交,那么圆和不规则图形可能相交。然后,进一步检查圆心是否在不规则图形内部,如果是,则判定圆和不规则图形相交。 3. 检查不规则图形的边界点是否在圆内。遍历不规则图形的所有边界点,逐一计算该边界点到圆心的距离。如果所有边界点到圆心的距离都小于圆的半径,那么圆和不规则图形相交。 这些方法可以结合使用,根据具体情况选择最适合的方法来判断圆和不规则图形是否相交。

question:Hanefiler’e göre namazda Fatiha suresinin okunuşu ile ilgili anlatımlardan hangisi doğrudur? a Bağlayıcılık bakımından en üst seviyede istenildiği halde, delaleti kat'i olan meşhur hadislerle sabit olduğundan vacib olmuştur. b. Sübutu ve delaleti kati naslarla sabit olmakla birlikte, mükellefleri bağlayıcılık açısından farza göre bir kademe alt seviyede istendiğinden dolayı vacib olmuştur c. Subutu ve delaleti zanni naslarla sabit olmakla birlikte, bağlayıcılık bakımından mendubdan bir kademe yukarı seviyede istendiğinden dolayı vacib olmuşturBu hüküm sübutu kati, delaleti zanni bir nas ile sabit olmuştur. Bağlayıcılık bakımından en üst seviyede istenildiği halde, sübutu zannidelaleti kat'i naslarla sabit olduğundan vacib olmuştur.

answer:Seçenek a doğrudur.

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