answer:Winsock是Windows下的Socket网络编程库,而QtWebSocket是Qt的WebSocket实现。 要在Qt程序中使用Winsock,需要先将Winsock库链接到Qt程序中,并使用Winsock提供的函数来创建、连接、发送和接收套接字数据。例如,可以使用以下代码创建一个Winsock客户端套接字: ```C++ #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> SOCKET ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; struct addrinfo *result = NULL, *ptr = NULL, hints; int iResult; // Initialize Winsock WSADATA wsaData; iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); if (iResult != 0) { qDebug() << "WSAStartup failed: " << iResult; return; } // Setup the hints address info structure ZeroMemory(&hints, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; // Resolve the server address and port iResult = getaddrinfo("localhost", "12345", &hints, &result); if (iResult != 0) { qDebug() << "getaddrinfo failed: " << iResult; WSACleanup(); return; } // Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds for (ptr=result; ptr != NULL ;ptr=ptr->ai_next) { // Create a SOCKET for connecting to server ConnectSocket = socket(ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype, ptr->ai_protocol); if (ConnectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { qDebug() << "socket failed: " << WSAGetLastError(); WSACleanup(); return; } // Connect to server. iResult = connect( ConnectSocket, ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(ConnectSocket); ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; continue; } break; } freeaddrinfo(result); if (ConnectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { qDebug() << "Unable to connect to server!"; WSACleanup(); return; } // Send data to server char *sendbuf = "Hello, server!"; iResult = send(ConnectSocket, sendbuf, strlen(sendbuf), 0); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { qDebug() << "send failed: " << WSAGetLastError(); closesocket(ConnectSocket); WSACleanup(); return; } // Close the socket iResult = shutdown(ConnectSocket, SD_SEND); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { qDebug() << "shutdown failed: " << WSAGetLastError(); closesocket(ConnectSocket); WSACleanup(); return; } closesocket(ConnectSocket); WSACleanup(); ``` 然后,可以在Qt程序中使用这些函数来与Winsock连接通信。例如,结合Qt的信号和槽机制,可以写一个槽函数来处理从Winsock客户端接收到的数据: ```C++ void MainWindow::onSocketReadyRead() { QByteArray buffer; buffer.resize(ConnectSocket->bytesAvailable()); ConnectSocket->read(, buffer.size()); // process data in buffer } ``` 对于Qt的WebSocket实现,可以使用QtWebSockets模块来创建WebSocket客户端和服务器。例如,可以使用以下代码创建一个WebSocket客户端: ```C++ #include <QWebSocket> QWebSocket *socket = new QWebSocket(); socket->open(QUrl("ws://localhost:12345")); // Send data to server socket->sendTextMessage("Hello, server!"); // Handle data received from server connect(socket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived, this, [&](const QString &message) { // process message }); // Disconnect from server socket->close(); ``` 可以看到,与Winsock相比,QtWebSocket在连接和通信方面更加简单易用。
answer:尊敬的学校领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 首先,我要感谢各位领导和老师对我的信任,让我有机会承担起这份重任。同时,我也要感谢我的竞选对手们,因为你们的出色表现激励了我更加努力地准备自己。我深知,领导和老师们对于学校干部的选拔,是基于对考察对象的全面评估和审核,而非个人情感或关系,因此我将对我的责任和承诺更加严肃和认真。 作为一名新任干部,我认识到我需要带给学校更多美好的东西,需要付出比其他同学多得多的努力和玩具,需要推动学校发展并鼓励和规范其他同学的行为和言论。我将以身作则,始终树立起一名学生干部的视角,更多地考虑学校和同学们的需要,积极推进学校各项事务。 在学习方面,我将一如既往地注重课堂学习,深入挖掘各项知识点,不断提高自己的学术水平。我将认真对待老师们指导和要求,保持敬师之心,虚心请教,共同进步。同时,我也会带头组织学生之间的学习共同体,推动同学们按照自己的兴趣和特长,相互学习、相互激励,发掘自己的成长潜力。 在活动方面,我将积极主导组织校园文化建设,让同学们在校内尽情释放自己的才华,增强文化自信心和创新实践能力。同时,我会组织各项公益活动,让同学们在实践中感悟公益的意义和价值,更好地融入社会,传播正能量。 最后,我承诺,我将坚持问题导向,持续推进学校各项事务;坚持以学生为中心,积极关注同学们的需求和反馈;坚持以示范带动,鼓励同学们做出应有的表现。我相信只要我们共同努力、同心协力,就一定能够让我们的学校更加美好、更加进步。
question:retell the following text. don't omit in volume. tell it in your own words, rewrite it in academic style so that it is part of the text of the graduate paper Until recently, Russian terminology has only sporadically touched upon the issues of the functions of the philosophical term and the peculiarities of its semantics. Philosophical terms in general and the terms of Russian philosophy of the period under study are characterized by a number of specific features. The complexity of the semantic structure of meaning in a number of cases determines the presence of several generic identifiers: this phenomenon is especially characteristic of the terms included in the core of the terminosystem of a particular author. The specificity of the terminology of the Russian scientific text of philosophical orientation is also in the definability of the whole text: the term, as a rule, is not given a strict and brief authorial definition; the "growth of terminology" of a philosophical term is similar to the process of meaning accretion in a fiction text. The question of semantic polysemy of philosophical term is removed within the limits of specific philosophical terminosystem: the term can be polysemantic within the "big" philosophical terminosystem, but the belonging of the term to a certain philosophical movement and to the philosophical terminosystem of one particular thinker determines its relative uniqueness, which is the uniqueness within the terminosystem. The correlation of terms with the worldview of a particular thinker allows us to talk about the author's philosophical terminosystems, the study and lexicographical description of which is an important task of modern terminology. V.D. Tabanakova has introduced a new interpretation of the concept: the authorial term is a discursive function of the term. "The concept of "author's term" extends to the author's concept, author's predication, author's interpretation of the special concept in the text and discourse Author's term will become the central special concept that carries the main idea, concept, semantic load in the text. It is always a new angle, a new aspect... It builds its logical and conceptual system". [Tabanakova, 2013, p. 208]. V.D. Tabanakova connects the author's term with the author's intent, referring to the semiotic plan of the latter, and limits the concept of "author's term" to the result of the contextual semantic analysis of language forms in a special text [Tabanakova, 2013, p. 144].
answer:In the past, the exploration of the functions and semantics of philosophical terms in Russian terminology has been limited and inconsistent. Generally speaking, philosophical terms, especially those in the Russian philosophy during the period under examination, exhibit several distinctive characteristics. The semantically complex nature of these terms often leads to the existence of multiple general identifiers, a phenomenon that is particularly prevalent among terms that are part of an author's core terminosystem. One unique aspect of Russian scientific texts with a philosophical focus is the definability of the entire text, as terms usually lack a concise and precise authorial definition. The "growth of terminology" in a philosophical term parallels the process of meaning accumulation found in fictional texts. The issue of semantic polysemy in philosophical terms tends to be confined within the boundaries of specific philosophical terminosystems. Although a term may be polysemantic within the "large" philosophical terminosystem, its association with a certain philosophical school of thought and a specific philosopher's terminosystem defines its relative uniqueness, which is the degree of uniqueness it possesses within that terminosystem. The relationship between terms and the worldview of an individual philosopher enables the discussion of authorial philosophical terminosystems, the investigation and lexicographical documentation of which remains a critical endeavor in contemporary terminology studies. V.D. Tabanakova has proposed a novel interpretation of the concept, defining the authorial term as a discourse function of the term. The notion of an "author's term" encompasses the author's concept, author's predication, and author's interpretation of a special concept within a text and discourse. The author's term represents the central special concept that conveys the primary idea, concept, or semantic load within a text, providing a fresh perspective or aspect that forms the basis of its logical and conceptual system (Tabanakova, 2013, p. 208). Furthermore, Tabanakova associates the author's term with the author's intention, linking it to the semiotic aspect of the latter, and narrows the definition of "author's term" to the outcome of the contextual semantic analysis of linguistic forms in a specialized text (Tabanakova, 2013, p. 144).
question:I am writing chapter 1.2 Philosophical text as an object of linguistic research. please complete the continuation at least a page. write in an academic style. my work is devoted to the translation of scientific texts of philosophical orientation. in this chapter you need to disclose the concept of a philosophical text A philosophical text is a general term for certain varieties of texts whose syntactic, stylistic, or grammatical structure lacks certain elements that could uniquely unite them or define their inherent characteristics. This means that the text as an entity has no distinctive characteristics within it, indicating that it belongs to a particular type of text. There are no absolute markers of a philosophical text with respect to typological attribution, so the problem of defining a philosophical text emerged as early as the beginning of the twentieth century. The problem of defining a philosophical text correlates with the problem of self-identification of philosophy. Throughout the history of philosophy, various interpretations of philosophy have been proposed, and no unambiguous answer to this question has been found. Since the nature of philosophy remains unresolved, the understanding of the philosophical text also fluctuates depending on the historical, communicative, and other contexts in which the text exists. The text is a particular kind of integrity, embodying various aspects, such as discursive and communicative features, which determine the typology of the text and the realization of its potential in communicative reality. It is assumed that by examining the differences of these features, it is possible to establish whether the text belongs to the philosophical category or not. Consequently, these features serve as analytical material. Philosophical text, existing within the framework of communication, can function as artistic, scientific, esoteric and other types of philosophical texts. Our work focuses on scholarly texts with a philosophical orientation, we will identify this concept with philosophical texts and take the following definition as the basis: a philosophical text is a subtype of scholarly text that systematically presents ideas, thoughts and arguments related to metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, social, political or aesthetic issues [Blackburn, 2005]. These texts are often characterized by their abstract and reflective nature, exploring questions about existence, truth, logic, meaning, values, and principles that guide human and social behavior [Copleston, 1993]. Unlike other forms of academic writing, philosophical texts often address and critique existing theories and ideas, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. [Grayling, 1998]. Among the main characteristics of philosophical texts are the following [Koskinen, 2010]: 1. abstract language: Philosophical ideas are often expressed in abstract and complex terms that require a high level of understanding and reasoning from the reader. 2. logical coherence: Philosophical texts strive for clarity and coherence of argumentation, ensuring logical consistency of ideas. 3. Interconnectedness: Philosophical texts often refer to and build on the ideas of other philosophers and texts, so it is important for translators and readers to be aware of these interconnections. In general, the concept of "philosophical text" in linguistic studies is characterized by an emphasis on abstract ideas, argumentation, and complex terminology. This poses unique challenges for translators, who must navigate the linguistic, cultural, and stylistic complexities in order to accurately convey the meaning and intent of the original text. In the past, research on the functions and semantics of philosophical terms in Russian terminology has been limited and inconsistent. In general, philosophical terms, especially those that have been in use in Russian philosophy during the period under consideration, have a number of distinctive characteristics. The semantically complex nature of these terms often results in the existence of several common identifiers, and this phenomenon is particularly common among terms that are part of the author's core terminological system. One of the unique aspects of Russian scholarly texts with a philosophical focus is the definability of the entire text, since terms usually do not have a concise and precise authorial definition. "Growth of terminology" in a philosophical term parallels the process of meaning accumulation observed in fiction texts. The problem of semantic polysemy in philosophical terms is usually limited to the framework of specific philosophical terminological systems. Although a term may be polysemic within a "large" philosophical terminosystem, its connection with a particular philosophical school and the terminosystem of a particular philosopher determines its relative uniqueness, that is, the degree of uniqueness it possesses within a given terminosystem. The interrelation of terms and worldview of a particular philosopher allows us to speak about author's philosophical terminosystems, the research and lexicographic documentation of which remains the most important direction of modern terminology. V.D. Tabanakova proposed a new interpretation of this concept, defining the authorial term as a discursive function of the term. The concept of "author's term" includes author's concept, author's predication and author's interpretation of the special concept in the text and discourse. An author's term is a central special concept that conveys the main idea, concept or semantic load in the text, giving a new perspective or aspect underlying its logical and semantic system [Tabanakova, 2013, p. 208]. In addition, Tabanakova associates the authorial term with the authorial intent, linking it with the semiotic aspect of the latter, and narrows the definition of "authorial term" to the result of contextual and semantic analysis of language forms in a specialized text [Tabanakova, 2013, p. 144]. Thus, the author's philosophical term of the studied period can be defined as verbalizing philosophical concept and formed by morphological, syntactic or semantic way a special lexeme, the meaning of which is determined only within the philosophical term system of a particular author, or the author's term system. The concept of "author's philosophical term" combines rather heterogeneous phenomena: authorial neologisms, which have overcome "occasionalism" and entered into the authorial philosophical terminosystem; terminologized commonly used lexemes; reinterpreted philosophical terms with a pronounced subjective component of meaning, realized only within a particular terminosystem.
answer:As an object of linguistic research, the philosophical text stands out due to its emphasis on abstract ideas, argumentation, and complex terminology. A philosophical text, being a subtype of scholarly text, systematically presents ideas, thoughts, and arguments related to metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, social, political, or aesthetic issues [Blackburn, 2005]. The abstract and reflective nature of these texts encourages readers to delve deeper into questions on existence, truth, logic, meaning, values, and principles that guide human behavior [Copleston, 1993]. Moreover, philosophical texts tend to challenge and critique existing theories and ideas, aiming to illuminate new dimensions of human understanding [Grayling, 1998]. There are several significant characteristics of philosophical texts [Koskinen, 2010] that include: 1. Abstract language: These texts tend to employ highly nuanced and complex language, which demands an elevated level of comprehension from readers in order to discern meaning. 2. Logical coherence: These texts also exhibit an unwavering commitment to clarity and coherency of argumentation, ensuring that explored ideas are logically consistent. 3. Interconnectedness: Given the often interconnected nature of philosophical ideas, philosophical texts may frequently reference or build upon the work of other philosophers, necessitating a deep understanding of these connections by translators and readers. Considering these characteristics, philosophical texts pose a myriad of challenges for translators, who must maneuver through linguistic, cultural, and stylistic complexities to effectively communicate the meaning and intent of the original text. Examining the issue of semantic polysemy within specific philosophical terminological systems evidences the fluidity and interconnectedness of such ideas. Though polysemantic terms may exist within a larger philosophical terminosystem, the connection between a term and a specific school of thought or philosopher often imbues the term with unique context-specific significance. Consequently, the research and lexicographic documentation of authors' philosophical terminosystems remain essential for the effective understanding and translation of philosophical texts [Tabanakova, 2013]. As such, the concept of the "author's philosophical term" brings together a wide array of phenomena, from authorial neologisms that have transcended their original context to more common lexemes that have been terminologized and reinterpreted with a discernible subjective component of meaning specific to a particular terminosystem. This complex relationship between authorial intent, individual terminosystems, and the semantic analysis of language necessitates a thorough and comprehensive contextual understanding in order to achieve accurate translations of these challenging philosophical texts.