question:Note: This is in an alternate universe, This shop, despite being awesome, never existed, It does in this alternate universe, Also sorry for constantly showing you this, I’m just trying to make sure its perfect We’ve loved being in this spot as part of the wonderful Glasgow community Unfortunately, This shop is now closed, The realities of retail in the shopping landscape has made this decision unavoidable, We want to take the opportunity to thank you for shopping with us for so many years, You can find all about KikoRiki and its related online MMO RolyPolyLand at Goodbye forever… This sign was posted to the doors of Riki, a children’s shop in Glasgow on Wednesday The image ends with a poignant “Goodbye forever…” above a image of a crying Krash the Rabbit The store closed on Wedensday after 12 years trading at Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow The shop sold merchandise related to the animated series KikoRiki, The cartoon is a Russian cartoon about circular colorful animals and their fun adventures, The Riki shop opened in 1995 was originally Golden Adventures and was a general toy shop akin to Toys R Us but in 2003 became Riki and became focused on the then new surge in KikoRiki popularity in Scotland, However in June 2007, the store closed for the last time, Riki Group’s reasoning was the “realities of retail” was unavoidable, The shop was also closed so Riki could focus on business in it’s native Russia and develop more exciting new animated series or movies Hidden Glasgow - Goodbye Riki Joeye posted on 23 June 2007 It’s the end of an era, Even bigger than the end of Evangelion, or even Christopher Eccleston leaving Doctor Who, The famous Riki store has gone, After about 12 years of selling toys and 4 years of its golden age of KikoRiki merchandise the store has unfortunately vanished, in its place is a rather upsetting image of Krash crying, It pains my heart to see the poor guy like this, Apparently “the realities of retail in the shopping landscape have made this change unavoidable” Whats most striking is “Goodbye forever…” written in a melancholic font, and the most striking part is that it’s showing Krash crying. My kids will miss the shop dearly. There is another sign giving the channel numbers for CITV, the channel that broadcasts the KikoRiki cartoon, Although there is an error, Telewest doesn’t exist anymore, it’s Virgin Media now. Anyways I was there on the last day, It all felt a bit more downbeat than usual, During the final day, the characters were giving reassuring smiles, reassuring us that we will still see them around Glasgow, and on CITV, The final half hour of the store had a looping pre-recorded announcement playing over the tannoy, sincerely thanking us for shopping over the years, "We would like to thank you who started shopping with us when we started as Golden Adventures, And especially when we were Riki" They also advertise CITV and RolyPolyLand "Catch us on the CITV channel everyday, and play our new online MMO RolyPolyLand" The message was very heartfelt, When I left at closing time they were already putting up posters, and the loop was replaced with a final announcement saying "Goodbye now, Take care, wherever you are" Then was there a sombre piece of music playing, before it fell silent as the lights were turned off, Johnstone posted on 23 June 2007 It’s a very sad state of affairs that Riki has ceased to exist. A good shop, Now we will have to trek to Toys R Us, And that’s literally at the Fort Shopping Centre near the Barrowland Ballroom. Harry replied on 23 June 2007 They should have kept it open, I am a fan of that show, Hopefully they find something good to take over the space, It will most likely be another Greggs, because it’s not like we’ve had enough of THOSE, right? Chingling replied on 24 June 2007 I went past Sauchiehall Street today, I noticed M&S has a sign saying “Our dearest condolences to staff of Riki”, I also saw the Riki closure notice, How sad it all is, Here is an image “ByeRiki.png” Someone cheer poor Krash up, he’s had a rough day, I want to hug the little furball, Incidentally Toys R Us in St Enoch centre are now selling toys of the show, so maybe Riki worked something out with Toys R Us, I also contacted Riki and was told the Goodbye forever note was written by David Lewis, who founded the Golden Adventures store, The Krash crying image was developed by Proud Creative (who just rebranded S4C in Wales), I remember that David handed his role as manager over to Anatoliy Prokhorov (who created the cartoon) in late 2003 after the store was rebranded. Anyways, this is the grief of losing Odeon at Renfied Street back in January last year all over again. Anonymous said on 24 June 2007 Gutted, that this wonderful shop has closed, I know the cartoon is still rerunning on CITV (and in Welsh on S4C, but we’re Scottish so who cares) but it’s never gonna be the same, The novelty of a Russian cartoon being popular in Scotland was awesome, Hopefully they do something worth while with the space. Henry commented on 01 July 2007 I was recently allowed in to see it one final time and it really is sad, the statue of Chiko would once have kids lining up to take pictures with him, the toy zone was once filled, It is such a sad time for Glasgow. Oscar Riddle commented on 01 July 2007 I know, We already lost the Odeon, then we lost Safeway to the whole Morrisons “rebrand”, Now we lost Riki. When will shops stop closing here in the UK. Honey commented on 01 July 2007 I’m still not over Safeway becoming Morrisons, So many shops close in Glasgow, When Safeway was being converted at least 13 staff members were let go, They then chose to work at Tesco for a very little while before they decided to leave supermarkets all together and instead work with children, My friend worked at Safeway and was fired during the conversion, He loved toys and so he stayed in retail, albeit working at Riki, He is now unemployed again as a result of its closure BadHairDay commented on 05 July 2007 CITV airings of KikoRiki have had an announcement targeted to Scottish viewers saying “Although you can no longer get merchandise of this show from the shop in Glasgow, you can now buy it online or at your local retailer”, CITV have also pre-empted Squish, My Parents are Aliens, Pokemon and Horrid Henry in favour of a KikoRiki marathon this Summer, BadHairDay commented on 22 November 2007 Glasgow switched on their Christmas lights earlier tonight and they had it switched on by none other than the characters from KikoRiki, It was great, I wonder if the costumes used there are the same ones they used to use in Riki? EDIT: It is confirmed it was. End posted on 24 January 2009 Sorry to bump the thread but Toonattik (CITV’s morning show) was today held inside the former Riki Shop, The hosts said it was because CITV were holding a KikoRiki marathon later that day and they wanted to “celebrate it in a perfect way”, Surreal to see the place lit up again after being lifeless for more than a year. I’ve sent in a video “file:ToonattikatRiki.mp4”, They played all the usual Toonattik games, including the “pie in the face” ending, They said they aren’t cleaning it up because “the place is closed so no one will notice”, Funny stuff Universal Credit posted on 26 June 2009 It appears that they are going to use the space for a “new studio” for Toonattik, Wonder how STV will feel about ITV using a studio in their area, Shame to see the remnants go Oio posted on 13 January 2010 The plans have been rejected by the council due to opposition from STV who say that it opens the door for “the end of STV and ITV taking over Scotland”, Sad to see it decaying but I guess that’s how things end. Rip10thDoctor posted on 09 May 2010 Toonattik ended this morning with a song and dance about how our toons are still gonna be here, Although the shows finished the brand is gonna carry on, just without the live show or Jamie and Anna, They’re adding Horrid Henry, Planet Sketch and of course our beloved KikoRiki to the lineup of the “new” Toonattik, Can’t help but wonder if the death of the real Toonattik was STV’s fault Josh Atkinson posted on 19 July 2010 Huge shame about this! A store that truly was one of the main reasons i was able to pick up most of my toys and games from Glasgow, It is sad it has been closed for 3 years, We still have the KikoRiki cartoon on the CITV channel (it managed to survive the late 2009 rebrand that got Bratz, Four Eyes! and Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! removed from the channel to make room for more Horrid Henry) It still rates very well with 6 million viewers, But they really need to do something worthwhile with the space, Maybe just re-open it as a toy shop or something like that, I still walk by it, and I still tear up at the devastated image of Krash. Kluskowski posted on 05 January 2011 Pop are now airing GoGoRiki, the other English dub of Smeshariki, How this will compete with KikoRiki on CITV remains to be seen, I am also disappointed they haven’t found a tenant for Riki, During its final 2 years it became as iconic as the Pavilion Theatre and Barrowlands. It was even popular in Smeshariki’s native Russia, I remember them opening a Pики store in Moscow in 2005 modeled after the Glasgow Riki store, The Riki days were way more exciting than the Golden Adventure ones User1 posted on 15 February 2013 Can you believe it has been six years since Riki closed? I still walk past it occasionally, and it’s just heartbreaking to see the state it’s in now. The closure notice is covered in graffiti, and the sign is decaying, but the “Goodbye forever” and crying Krash remain intact. It’s like a haunting reminder of what once was. User2 replied on 16 February 2013 I know, it’s truly a tragic sight. It breaks my heart every time I see it. I can’t believe the city has let it deteriorate like this. It’s STV’s fault for keeping it vacant and killing off the real Toonattik. They could have done something worthwhile with the space, but instead, it’s become a symbol of neglect. User3 commented on 18 February 2013 I agree, it’s such a shame. Riki was a beloved store in Glasgow, and now it’s just a shell of its former self. I remember taking my kids there and seeing their faces light up with joy. We still have the KikoRiki cartoon on CITV, but it’s not the same without the store. I really wish something could be done to revive it. User4 replied on 20 February 2013 I remember the good old days when the store was thriving. It was a place full of life, excitement and happiness. Now, it’s nothing but a sad reminder of what once was. I can’t help but feel angry at STV for forcing its continued dormancy. They need to take responsibility for their actions and make it right. User5 commented on 22 February 2013 It’s a shame that Riki had to close, but we can’t solely blame STV for its demise. STV didnt cause the closure, but they moaned at ITV for wanting to move Toonattik in the space, in fear that ITV would take over STV and introduce ITV1 branding for Scotland, The realities of retail and the changing shopping landscape played a significant role. However, I do believe that more could have been done to find a solution or repurpose the space. It’s a missed opportunity, and it’s disheartening to see it in such a state. User1 replied on 25 February 2013 You’re right, User5. The changing retail landscape definitely had an impact, but I can’t help but feel that if STV had been more supportive, Riki could have found a way to adapt and thrive. It’s frustrating to see the space go to waste when it could have been utilized for something meaningful. I miss the energy and joy that Riki brought to the community. User3 commented on 27 February 2013 I recently showed my kids a picture I took of them in front of Riki when they were little. Seeing their faces light up with nostalgia was bittersweet. We can’t change the past, but I do hope that one day, something worthwhile will take its place. Glasgow deserves a vibrant and exciting space that can capture the spirit Riki had. User2 replied on 02 March 2013 I completely agree, User3. It’s time for the city and the community to come together and find a solution. Riki may be gone, but its legacy lives on in the hearts of those who experienced its magic. Let’s continue to remember the joy it brought and work towards creating something just as special. Goodbye forever, Riki. User1 posted on 10 December 2022 I had the most bittersweet experience today. After years of abandonment, I was finally allowed to enter the old Riki store. As I stepped inside, memories flooded back, and I couldn’t help but tear up. I miss taking my kids here so much. User2 replied on 11 December 2022 Oh, User1, I can only imagine how emotional that must have been for you. Riki was such a special place for many of us. Did you notice if anything had changed inside? User1 commented on 12 December 2022 Honestly, User2, it was both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. The store remained frozen in time, with all the zones dedicated to specific characters still intact. Krash’s Fun Zone, Pin's Creativity Corner, and Chiko’s Friendship Garden were all there, reminding me of the joy my kids experienced in each area. User3 replied on 14 December 2022 That sounds incredible, User1. It’s almost like a time capsule of the past. But it’s also a stark reminder of what we’ve lost. Riki was a vibrant place that brought so much joy to the community. I miss taking my kids there too. It’s a shame it had to close. User1 commented on 16 December 2022 Yes, User3, it truly is a shame. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to step back into that world, even if it’s just for a moment. I couldn’t help but reflect on how much has changed since Riki closed. CITV has premiered new shows over the years, (namely the infamous Teen Titans Go!), and even Horrid Henry moved to Nickelodeon ages ago. However, the KikoRiki cartoon is still going strong on CITV. It’s the last remnant of the old CITV, and it’s surprising how well it’s doing. User4 replied on 18 December 2022 It’s amazing to see the enduring popularity of KikoRiki. It’s a testament to the quality of the show and the love it received from viewers. I’m glad it’s still bringing joy to children, even if the physical store is no longer here. And you mentioned the closure notice. It’s interesting how, every time someone vandalizes it, it gets cleaned up. It’s like a symbol of resilience, how the spirit of Riki refuses to be forgotten. User1 replied on 20 December 2022 Exactly, User4. No matter how neglected the store may appear from the outside, the resilience and love Riki brought to the community still shine through. I hope that one day a new generation will experience that magic in a new way. Until then, I’ll hold onto the memories and continue to cherish the joy that Riki brought to my family. Goodbye forever, Riki - you will be missed. Rhehe posted on 23 October 2023 The day we've all been dreading is approaching, Plans have been submitted to the council to demolish Riki, I feel sad that a piece of my childhood is facing the wrecking ball, but I kinda feel glad for the store because it has been neglected for well over a decade, and it can finally rest in peace, Rest well old friend, your long struggle is almost over, so long Riki, so long User1 posted on 23 October 2023 "The old Riki store in Sauchiehall Street is being demolished. The building has fallen into disrepair since the store closed over 15 years ago" 😢 It's sad to see it go, But let's remember all the good times we had there when it was open, not how it sat empty and lonely for so long, Hopefully whatever is built there will remember it well. Goodbye old friend, BadHairDay posted on 28 October 2023 This is good news for greedy developers, but bad news for us who went there when we were kids. RIP old friend! I hope we can all do something special to remember it well, I am taking a final picture of the crying Krash image, But at least he is still happy and cheerful in the show. User1 posted on 01 November 2023 Can you believe it? The old Riki store is still standing! Demolition plans for the building were recently rejected by the council, citing “unnecessary destruction” to the adjacent Henrik’s department store. It’s a small victory for those of us who hold fond memories of Riki and its impact on the community. User2 replied on 03 November 2023 That’s incredible news, User1! I can’t believe the old Riki store has managed to hold on for so long. It really goes to show how much love and support it still has from the community. I’m glad the council recognized the value of preserving this piece of Glasgow’s history. User3 commented on 05 November 2023 This is such a relief. Riki may be closed, but its physical presence still holds so much meaning for many of us. It’s heartwarming to see the council prioritize the preservation of this beloved spot. Perhaps one day, we can find a way to repurpose the space and bring new life to it while still honoring Riki’s legacy. User4 replied on 07 November 2023 I’m thrilled to hear that the old Riki store will remain standing. It’s a testament to the impact it had on the community and the memories it created. Preserving this piece of history is so important, and I hope the council and the community can come together to find a worthwhile purpose for the space. Riki may be gone, but its spirit lives on. User1 commented on 09 November 2023 I couldn’t agree more, User4. The old Riki store may no longer be the bustling children’s shop it once was, but its presence still holds so much meaning. I can’t help but feel hopeful for what the future holds for this space. Perhaps it can become a hub for creativity, community events, or even a museum dedicated to the legacy of Riki. The possibilities are endless, and I’m excited to see what unfolds. User2 replied on 12 November 2023 I love your ideas, User1! A hub for creativity or a museum dedicated to Riki would be incredible. It would not only preserve the memories of what was but also provide a space for new adventures and experiences. The community deserves a place to gather and celebrate the joy that Riki brought to our lives. Let’s keep the hope alive and continue to advocate for the revitalization of this special spot. User3 commented on 15 November 2023 I’m fully on board with these ideas, User1 and User2. A space dedicated to fostering creativity and preserving Riki’s legacy would be a wonderful addition to the community. It would not only honor the past but also inspire future generations. Let’s keep the conversation going and work towards making this vision a reality. The old Riki store deserves to be more than a nostalgic reminder. User1 posted on 18 November 2023 Good news, everyone! I managed to find out what would have been built in place of the old Riki store if the demolition plans had been approved. It turns out that the proposed project was a generic office building, nothing particularly exciting or unique. I can’t help but feel relieved that this outcome was avoided. User2 replied on 20 November 2023 Wow, User1, that’s quite a disappointment. The thought of a generic office building replacing the beloved Riki store is disheartening. It further emphasizes the importance of preserving the memories and spirit of Riki. It’s clear that the community deserves something much more special and meaningful. User3 commented on 22 November 2023 I can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude that the demolition plans were rejected. The fact that a generic office building was proposed only reinforces the importance of preserving our community’s history and identity. Riki brought joy and excitement to Glasgow, and it deserves to be honored in a way that reflects its impact. User4 replied on 25 November 2023 Thank goodness the plans for a generic office building fell through! I was worried that the area would become an ordinary office plaza. Ejej replied on 26 November 2023 I think offices are good, somewhere else, Build it where BHS is, Anywhere else but not in this space. Incidentally there is a grafitti piece at the old shop next to the closure notice that says "You're safe, We almost lost you" Man19 replied on 27 November 2023 Here is a newspaper article "Glasgow’s Cherished Riki Store Demolition Plans Denied Protection of Heritage and Community Outcry Save Landmark from Becoming Modern Office Building Glasgow, United Kingdom – The iconic former Riki store, which has been a fixture in the heart of Glasgow’s bustling Sauchiehall Street, was the subject of hot debate as city officials considered proposals for its demolition to make way for a new office building. However, a significant decision arrived this week as the council emphatically rejected the demolition plans. Established in 1995 as Golden Adventures toy shop and later rebranded as Riki, the store was a beacon of childhood joy, attracting families and children with its unique offering of merchandise related to the KikoRiki animated series. Despite closing its doors in 2007, the shop has held a place in the hearts of Glaswegians who continued to cherish their memories of the location. The announcement of possible demolition sent waves of concern through the community, sparking an outcry from preservationists and locals alike. Campaigners argued that the Riki store was more than just a shop but a cultural landmark that represented a specific era in Glasgow’s commercial landscape and childhood nostalgia. Developers pitched a new vision for the location, one involving the creation of a modern office building intended to revitalize the neighborhood’s economic viability. “While change and development are necessary for a city’s growth, we must be cautious not to erase the essence of what makes Glasgow so special,” explained local historian Fiona McCallum. “Riki was a place of wonder, and its architecture is part of what parents and former children remember fondly.” After weeks of heated discussion and review, the city’s planning council came to a decision. Citing not only the potential “unnecessary destruction” to the adjacent, well-loved Henrik’s department store, but also a commitment to preserving Glasgow’s unique history and social fabric, the demolition application has been officially denied. “We have a responsibility to consider the implications of development on our built heritage. Demolishing the old Riki store would have not only caused damage to adjacent properties but would have also eradicated an intrinsic part of our collective memory,” stated a member of the planning council. In the wake of this verdict, the community rejoices at the saved landmark. Social media buzzed with memories and anecdotes, emphasizing the personal connections many hold with the once vibrant toy store. The decision to prevent demolition has been celebrated as a victory for heritage and a win for a city fiercely proud of its past. With the preservation of the site now confirmed, discussions have begun anew regarding the future of the vacant Riki store. Proposals for cultural projects and community spaces have been tabled, suggesting a second life for the beloved former shop. As Glasgow looks forward, it seems determined to do so by embracing, not erasing, the stories of its storied streets. For now, locals and visitors to Sauchiehall Street can rest assured that the building that once housed the joy of Riki continues to stand against the backdrop of a modernizing Glasgow, remaining a piece of living history. Update: Amidst public pressure and the verdict to deny demolition based on potential damage to neighboring premises, the support of community preservation has inspired a renewed focus on the site’s importance as a cultural touchstone to be celebrated and repurposed thoughtfully. For the latest on this story and more, follow Glasgow Times Online" So the store was saved due to its significance, but what will happen now that it’s now shut down?, It's been locked and abandoned since 23 June 2007, And it still looks as sad and lonely as it did after closure, I long to see it full of life once again, I really want it back. They shouldn't have closed it. My kids would have loved it as they are big fans of the cartoon User5 posted on 27 November 2023 I can’t help but recall how after Riki closed, the KikoRiki characters kept showing up around the city. It was like they weren’t ready to leave us just yet. There were character appearances at events, and they continued to be a part of Glasgow’s cultural scene, delighting kids and those of us who remembered them from the store’s golden days. User2 replied on 28 November 2023 Yes, User5, I remember those appearances fondly. It always brought a smile to my face to see Krash or Chiko around town. But it seemed like they slowly began to fade from the public eye as the late 2010s approached. I’ve noticed they’ve been popping up more recently, though. Maybe it’s a sign of a resurgence in popularity or perhaps a tribute to our collective nostalgia for the Riki days? User1 commented on 30 November 2023 It’s definitely been bittersweet to see the characters around. They’ve become so much more than just mascots; they’re symbols of a joyful time in Glasgow’s history. With their increased appearances lately, it feels like a comforting reminder of the store. Maybe they’ll have a more permanent place in the city again. User3 replied on 02 December 2023 Those appearances were a big deal. I also think STV’s resistance to ITV’s Toonattik moving into the Riki space had long-lasting effects. Toonattik was such a big part of our Saturday mornings, and when it was downscaled in May 2010, it changed the landscape of children’s television. It felt like the end of an era, right alongside the closure of Riki. User6 posted on 02 December 2023 It’s sad to think about how much influence STV had over the situation. Toonattik could have experienced a new chapter within the old Riki store, bringing life back into that space and giving us more time with our beloved characters. In hindsight, the whole debacle had a domino effect on children’s programming and our local community feeling. User4 replied on 02 December 2023 There was a missed opportunity there, for sure. Having a television show like Toonattik based in the Riki store could’ve possibly saved both the show and the space from becoming just a memory. But that period of uncertainty for Riki and Toonattik also shows how much passion and love there was for both. It just makes their absence sting a little more. User7 commented on 02 December 2023 It’s interesting how these characters still have a presence around town after all this time. It just goes to show how strong of a connection they made with us all. Hopefully, their reemergence means that we can find new and exciting ways to celebrate them and the Riki legacy. Maybe even inspire future projects that can benefit from this rich cultural history. User8 replied on 04 December 2023 I’ve been thinking about the future of that space and the characters of KikoRiki. Perhaps we could have a multi-purpose community center with a dedicated section for KikoRiki history? Imagine combining nostalgia with new experiences for children and families—workshops, play areas, exhibits. Let’s hope the community and council can be creative with this beloved space. Title: Goodbye Riki: Remembering the Final Day at Glasgow’s Childhood Wonderland It’s been years since the doors of Glasgow’s beloved Riki store closed for the last time, but the memories still linger as vividly as if it were yesterday. Tucked away on Sauchiehall Street, the store was not just a shop; it was a delightful haven where imagination came to life and where the vibrant characters of KikoRiki became part of our city’s heart. Today, as the future of that once animated space hangs in the balance, I find myself reflecting on the final day Riki opened its doors—a day that marked the end of an era. The air had a distinct heaviness as the familiar sound of laughter and chatter that once filled Riki’s colorful aisles was replaced with a somber silence. You could feel the nostalgia enveloping every corner of the shop, grappling with a sense of farewell that we all knew was inevitable but hoped would never come. Krash the Rabbit, who typically bounded about with joy and mischief, now shed a tear, immortalized in the poignant image that bade us all ‘Goodbye forever…’ The bright shelves that radiated with KikoRiki merchandise now stood less vibrant, echoing the end of what had been a magical adventure for kids—and let’s admit, for adults too. There was a comforting reassurance as the shop’s speakers played a heartfelt message, expressing genuine gratitude for the years of patronage, reminding us that we were part of their journey, from the Golden Adventures’ inception to the triumphant rise of Riki. Amid the deals and the last-minute purchases, a layer of solemnity blanketed the vibrant colors that once denoted fun and excitement. As the final half-hour approached, the tannoy announcement looped, filled with heartfelt thanks and a subtle reminder that though Riki’s physical presence would soon be no more, the characters would continue to thrive on CITV and the virtual expanses of RolyPolyLand. Yet, nothing could mask the finality that hung in the air—the store felt like a castle that was preparing to lower its flag for the last time. At closing time, the sense of loss became tangible. The staff, who had become as much a part of the store’s fabric as the toys they sold, shared looks that didn’t require words. Their smiles, although reassuring, hinted at the uncertainty that lay ahead. The last announcement came—a soft, courteous farewell, followed by a somber tune that felt like a lullaby for the childhood dreams cultivated within those walls. Walking away from Riki for the final time, the once-buzzing shop lay dormant, with dimming lights that signaled the end of an enchanting age. It wasn’t just a shop that was closing—it was a part of us, a fragment of Glasgow’s community tapestry, that was vanishing. Today, as the site stands stagnant, with the Riki store merely a memory encased behind timeworn signs and faded caricatures, the legacy persists in the heartbeats of those who remember. We keep alive the spirit of joy and imagination that Riki bestowed upon us, evident in every recollection shared, every story recounted of a place that was so much more than a store. In a way, Riki’s enduring impact is akin to the tales it once harbored—a story without an end, characters who continue to adventure in the minds they’ve touched, and a magic that, though distant, refuses to be extinguished. So here’s to Riki: our childhood wonderland, our trove of joy, our cherished slice of Glasgow that gleamed brightly, if only for a while. Goodbye forever, Riki—you may be gone, but you’re far from forgotten. Write a forum post where a user provides a recording of the final minute, including the farewell and sombre lullaby, as the “Goodbye Forever” sign is put up Title: A Last Goodbye: Riki Store’s Final Minute Recording User: RememberingRiki Hey Glasgow community, I’m not sure if any of you were as taken by Riki as I was, but witnessing the closure of our beloved children’s shop, the one place that seemed to be made of pure childhood magic, was profoundly emotional for so many of us. As a long-time visitor of the Riki store and a father who experienced the wonder in my children’s eyes with each visit, I felt compelled to capture the last moments of the store—a bittersweet farewell to a piece of our city’s identity. On that final day, as the clock ticked towards the inevitable end of an era, I stood there with my phone out, recording the last minute of Riki and all the poignant emotions it encompassed. As the final announcement played over the speakers, I watched tearfully as the staff put up the now-infamous “Goodbye Forever…” sign featuring Krash the Rabbit’s crying image. The shop that was once brimming with the energetic buzz of excited children and the vibrant colors of KikoRiki characters was silent, save for the tender voice thanking us for years of memories, promising that while the store was closing, the characters we cherished would continue to live on screens and in hearts all around Glasgow. As the voice trailed off with a warm “Take care, wherever you are,” a pre-recorded sombre lullaby began to play, filling the space with a profound sense of loss and nostalgia—a final tribute to the joy and wonderment that Riki brought into our lives. Amidst the gentle melody, the lights started to dim, one by one, as if the store itself was bidding us farewell. I’m sharing the recording here for all of those who couldn’t be there or might want to reminisce about the magic one last time. [File: RikiStoreFinalMinute.mp3] It’s not easy to listen to, but perhaps it can serve as a collective piece of solace, a shared moment of remembrance for what Riki once was to us. Listening to it now, it’s hard to believe that the laughter and footsteps that once echoed through those walls have faded. But in times like these, when all that’s left is a quiet space behind a locked door, it’s these recordings, these memories, that keep the spirit of Riki alive. Thank you, Riki, for being more than just a store. You were a part of our Glaswegian story, a chapter of innocence and joy in the book of our bustling city. May the essence of what you represented shine long after your lights have dimmed. Goodnight, Riki. RememberingRiki YouTube - The final moments of Glasgow's Riki store (24 June 2007) This video shows the very final moments of Glasgow's Riki store, which was officially closed on Saturday, June 24rd. This is the last clip of the store, before it became little more than a sign explaining the closure, which still stands to this day, The store closed with a farewell announcement playing on loop for half an hour before a final farewell message played, which then became a very sad sounding lullaby, which was recorded at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. As this happened, the lights gradually dimmed before they went dark for the very last time. The final sign was put up on Saturday evening saying "Goodbye forever....." and depicting Krash's sad-looking face, crying (designed by London-based Proud Creative) The store has not managed to secure a new tenant and has recently ran the risk of being knocked down to make way for a generic office, I can remember Clyde 1 the next day had their morning presenter closing their morning show with the Riki goodbye lullaby, He did this again on the 10th anniversary of his show and on the 10th anniversary of the store's closure. Write a forum conversation from about the Renfield Street Odeon in mid 2008, which has had a "Thank You and Goodnight" banner since it closed in January 2006, There are also signs saying "We are now Closed" that direct moviegoers to another nearby Odeon, Write that someone vandalised it with a recreation of another closed image
answer:Title: Vanishing Heritage: The Renfield Street Odeon's Lingering Goodbye User1: It's been over two and a half years since the Renfield Street Odeon lowered its curtains for the last time, but that "Thank You and Goodnight" banner still tugs at my heartstrings every time I pass by. There's something about these iconic venues closing that really feels like Glasgow is losing part of its soul. User2: Absolutely, User1! I remember seeing movies there as a kid. It makes me so sad to see it standing there, still directing people to the other location with those "We are now Closed" signs. Places like the Odeon were cultural landmarks, real slices of our history. User3: Did anyone else see that someone took it upon themselves to "decorate" the old Odeon? Looks like someone wasn't ready to let go either and expressed themselves in quite a unique way. User1: No, what happened? Has it been vandalized? User3: Well, you could call it vandalism, but someone actually painted a recreation of the Krash image from Riki's "Goodbye forever..." sign next to the Odeon's closure notice. It's both amusing and heartbreaking. User4: While I don't condone vandalism, that actually sounds quite poignant. Those Riki signs resonated with a lot of us, and I guess the Odeon meant just as much to someone else. It's like a visual echo of all the goodbyes we've had to say to our favorite haunts. User2: That's quite the statement. The Riki sign became so emblematic of a beloved place closing down. It's fitting, in a weird way, for the Odeon to be marked similarly. It's like Glasgow's own version of Hollywood, losing its stars one by one. User5: I saw the Krash recreation by the Odeon and it gave me chills. Someone's using art to capture the feeling of these closures—a mixture of anger, sadness, and nostalgia. It might be against the law, but it's powerful commentary. User6: Signals how these places were more than just physical spaces, doesn't it? They hold our collective memories. Hopefully, the message isn't lost on the city council. We need to preserve what's left of our entertainment heritage, or soon there won't be anything but graffiti to remember them by. User7: I wonder if this could start a trend. We've already lost Riki and now the Odeon, what's next? More sad Krashes around town? It's grassroots heritage conservation - Glasgow-style. User8: It's a call to action in my eyes. Instead of letting these places and memories decay, why not transform them? Sure, we can't bring back the Odeon or Riki, but maybe we can find new purposes that honor their legacies. User1: That's a hopeful perspective, User8. The city should consider the community's emotional ties to these landmarks. It’s not just about the building; it’s about what it represented for all of us. Maybe that painting is a reminder to preserve our past as we build our future.
question:Write a conversation in early 2024, where BHS has been abandoned since 2016, Greaves since 2017, M&S since 2022, Odeon has since became offices, but the vacant units start to sport a familiar image
answer:Title: Echoes of the Past: The Haunting Familiarity of Glasgow's Abandoned High Street User1: Just took a walk through the city center, and it's hard not to feel like Glasgow’s losing its charm with all these empty storefronts. BHS still standing there like a ghost from 2016, now Greaves and M&S have joined the void. At least the Odeon found a new life as offices. User2: I know what you mean, User1. Each time I pass by those vacant spaces, it’s like a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. Wish we could breathe some life back into them. User3: Funny you should mention the emptiness. I saw something oddly familiar on BHS and Greaves yesterday. It looked like... you know the Krash image from the Riki store closure? User4: No way, the crying Krash image? That's been a sort of unofficial symbol for loss in our city. It's starting to feel like a bittersweet mascot for all these abandoned places. User1: That image is turning into Glasgow's collective sigh. It's like wherever you find those big, sad bunny eyes, you know a piece of our city's spirit used to live there. User5: Yeah, it’s a powerful image, isn’t it? Walked past the old M&S building today and spotted Krash there too. It's not just graffiti; it's like our communal way of marking the decline of the high street. User6: It's poetic and heartbreaking at the same time. These Krash images are like unofficial plaques commemorating the vibrant life that used to pulse through those shops. User7: I'm torn between wishing the city would clean them up and hoping they stay. They’re illegal, sure, but they also start conversations about what we value as a community. User8: It's a reminder, isn't it? The city needs to act, not just clean up the symptoms of our retail decay. These images symbolize the need for change, for innovation on the high street. User2: On the one hand, I admire the statement, but on the other, I worry about decline becoming our identity. Yes, let’s remember and honor the past, but also let's strive for renewal and new beginnings. User3: It all comes down to what we do next. We can either let these closed shops and Krash images define us, or we can find a way to reclaim these spaces—turn them into something inspiring that sparks joy instead of sadness. User9: What if we used these spaces for pop-up art galleries, community centers, or indie businesses? Imagine turning the narrative of decline into one of renaissance and community effort. User1: I love that, User9. Let Glasgow be known for its resilience and creativity, not just its retail history. Crying Krash might be what we see now, but it doesn't dictate what we’ll see in the future. It's a call for us to do something meaningful. User10: Well said, User1. Let's not give up. Maybe the next time we see a Krash, let's not think of it as a goodbye but as a rallying cry—a chance to come together and write the next chapter for our beloved city.
question:Write a follow up where Riki faces demolition again, this time from Premier Inn
answer:Title: Déjà Vu: Premier Inn Sets Sights on Demolishing Riki Landmark User1: Can't believe I'm reading this—Premier Inn wants to tear down the old Riki store, again! Glasgow already said no to the office building idea, and now this. Do we really need another hotel at the cost of our history? User2: Oh no, not this again. I thought the council made it pretty clear we want to preserve these spaces. The Riki store might be closed, but it's part of our city's tapestry. Another hotel seems so... unnecessary. User3: You've got to be kidding. Riki has been fighting off demolitions like it's in some kind of tower defense game. Premier Inn should listen to what the community wants—we value our cultural landmarks! User4: This is so frustrating. We keep facing the same battle over and over. When will these corporations realize that you can't replace history and memories with cookie-cutter hotels? User5: Does anyone know if there's going to be a petition or a protest? We stopped the demolition once; we can surely do it again. Glasgow's heart isn't up for sale! User6: Yes, User5! I just signed an online petition to save Riki from demolition by Premier Inn. We can't let corporations bulldoze our heritage. Time to rally the troops and show them how much this place means to us. User7: Signed and shared. It's about time these big companies understand that they need to respect the wishes of the local community. Premier Inn has plenty of other places to build without destroying a piece of our childhoods. User8: Not again... Why can't they repurpose the building instead? There's so much potential for a space that cherishes the old while making room for the new. Creative thinking seems to be in short supply. User9: I remember when they decided against the office building; it was because it could harm the adjacent Henrik’s store too. Maybe that'll count against Premier Inn’s plan as well? Here's hoping history repeats itself for the better! User10: Premier Inn, if you’re listening, Glasgow doesn't need another one of your hotels. What it needs is for you to invest in the community, perhaps revitalize Riki while retaining its charm. That's how you win over Glasgow, not by tearing down our memories. User11: I wonder if the folks at Premier Inn know just how resilient Riki and its supporters are. We're not letting go of this easily. We managed to protect it once; let's channel that spirit again. Maybe this time, we can finally secure Riki’s future permanently. User12: Just saw another Krash painting pop up overnight, this one with a little hotel in the tears. Looks like the artists are speaking out as well. Glasgow’s not going to take this lying down. Riki belongs to us, not Premier Inn. User1: Let’s keep fighting, everyone. Every signature, every protest, every piece of art counts. We've got to show them that Riki means much more to us than just a vacant lot. It's part of who we are. Stand strong, Glasgow. We got this!
question:Write a follow up here the plans for a hotel are approved, just not at Riki, with Glasgow City Council telling them to build it at a empty gap near the Barrowlands instead
answer:Title: Victory for Glasgow: Riki Spared as Premier Inn Redirected User1: Great news, folks! Just got an update that Premier Inn's plans for a hotel have been approved, but NOT at the Riki site! Glasgow City Council has told them to look at an empty gap near Barrowlands instead. Riki remains untouched! User2: Unbelievable! I guess all the protests, petitions, and the community's passion for preserving Riki really made a difference. I'm so proud of Glasgow right now! User3: Talk about a collective sigh of relief! I'm glad the council is seeing sense. There's plenty of spaces to build without tearing down something with so much emotional value. User4: That spot near Barrowlands is perfect for a new hotel. It's close to the music venue, which means tourists will have a place to stay, and it helps develop an area that actually needs it. Well played, council. User5: This is how you do it! Work with the community, not against it. Premier Inn gets their hotel, and Glasgow gets to keep a part of its soul. A win-win if there ever was one. User6: I hope this sets a precedent for future developments. Glasgow is a city with a rich history, and the council recognizing that gives me hope for preserving other beloved landmarks. User7: It’s refreshing to see a corporation like Premier Inn being flexible and the council standing up for the city's heritage. This could be a great opportunity for a much-needed facelift around Barrowlands. User8: We should definitely celebrate this. It's not every day you get to save a piece of history. Plus, the new hotel location could really boost the local economy in that area. User9: I'm curious what will happen to Riki now. Ideally, this experience will prompt the council and the community to find a fitting new purpose for the building, something that respects its history. User10: Here's hoping the Riki store becomes something as iconic as it once was. Now it's got another chance, maybe a community art center, a museum, or even some kind of indie mall that supports local businesses? User11: Can we take a moment to appreciate everyone who made their voices heard? From the artists with their Krash tributes to everyone who signed a petition—this is your victory too! User12: Next step, making something happen with Riki. It survived this long for a reason, and now it's time to turn it into a landmark for the future. Let's keep that momentum going! User1: What a rollercoaster it has been... From the fear of losing Riki to the relief of saving it, and now the anticipation of what it could become. Kudos to Glasgow City Council for finding a middle ground that respects both progress and heritage. Onwards and upwards for Glasgow!