Google Prompts
Browse prompts for various media types and models to help you get started.
Ad copy from video
Write a creative ad copy based on a video.
Advertising Campaign
The AI is tasked to create advertising campaigns for its clients.
Airline reviews
The prompt asks the model to write a summary based on customer reviews of an airline company called GoWhereYouLike.
Animal Information Chatbot
The animal assistant chatbot answers questions about animals.
Audio Summarization
Summarize an audio file
Audio summary on clean energy
Summarize a piece of audio recording.
Audio transcription
Generate the transcription for a piece of audio recording.
Audio/video Q&A
Audio/video Q&A
Beach vacation
The prompt asks the model to write a summary based on customer reviews of a beach in California.
Blog post creator
Create a blog post
Book Publishing and Editing
Take a verbose, subjective excerpt and distill it into a concise, objective list of facts
Business Development Writing
Extract relevant information from the user input that can be used in business development initiatives.
Chatbot recommendations for courses
A chatbot suggests courses for a performing arts program.
Classify headlines
Label news headlines with custom topics using examples.
Code optimization explanation
Optimize and explain C++ code, focusing on time complexity.
Company Financial Analysis
Company Financial Analysis
Completing Go functions
Generate SQL scripts based on a CSV file using Go
Converse with Gemini
Start a real-time conversation using your microphone and webcam.
Culinary Dish Classification
Analyze popular Italian pasta by sorting them, identifying key ingredients, and presenting in a requested format.
Customer Service Assistance
The prompt works to extract the main issues out from customer service complaints and suggest ways to resolve them.
Data science learning plan
Create a tailored data science learning plan with specific resources for a user with given background, interests, and goals.
Data sources and monitoring
Specify different training data and add monitoring.
Debug nullptr error
Debug C++ code with explanations.
Describe Python code
Provide a detailed description of Python timer code.
Describe video content
Get a description of the contents of a rock climbing video.
Django form debugging
Evaluating Django form-handling code to identify bugs, inefficiencies, and security issues.
Document comparison
Compare the contents of 2 documents
Document question answering
Answer question(s) over a document.
E-commerce Business Report
Analyze the product information provided to generate a report based on the category or categories input by the user.
Educational content generator
This model is helping teachers with generating topics, open-ended and closed-ended multiple choice questions.
Educational Lesson Planning
The prompt creates an engaging and grade level appropriate lesson plan for teachers.
European Travel Itinerary
The prompt guides the model to create a European travel itinerary with requests from the user.
Explain JavaScript code
Walking through Javascript code block
Extract entities from an invoice
Extract entities from an invoice document and return them in JSON.
Extract text from images
Transcribe text from a handwritten note.
Extract video chapters
Extract the chapters in a video as structured JSON
Fill an empty form
Automatically fill a form field in a target form from a source document.
Financial QA - Deductive
Ask deductive questions about a (long) financial document.
Financial QA - Extractive
Ask extractive questions about a (long) financial document.
French text sample
French text sample
Generate code from comments
Generate Java code from natural-language comments
Generate Go commit message
Create a conventional commit message for Golang changes.
Generate Java classes
Create an interface and class implementation in Java.
Generate Java unit tests
Generate unit tests for legacy Java code
Generate search tree tests
Create unit tests with edge cases for binary search trees
Generate Social Media Contents
Provide an attractive caption and hashtags of your video for social media.
Grant Application Abstract
This is a prompt for making grant application abstracts from user provided data.
Image question answering
Show the model an image of a fruit and find the price from another image.
Improve Interview Skills
Evaluate a candidate's performance in an interview, and write detailed interview feedback.
JavaScript physics simulation
Modifying and explaining a JavaScript marble simulation.
Learn about dataset transformations
Understand preprocessing, balancing, stratification, and dataset suitability for machine learning.
Legal QA - Extractive
Ask extractive questions about a (long) legal document.
Mathematical Reasoning
Solve a math question
Nonprofit Media Assistance
A media relations bot provides talking points extracted from a year-end report.
Novel Writing Assistance
Generate a scene for a book a writer is writing in order to help the writer get through writer's block.
Optimize uniqueness check
Optimize the generation of unique identifiers.
Organize viewpoints and examples
Extract main viewpoints and examples into a table, given the provided template and user input.
Personalized development suggestions
Generate tailored educational and professional development suggestions in JSON format based on provided personal profile data.
Pet/animal needs
Help pet owners with their pets
Predicting revenue
Train and evaluate a Random Forest model using sales data.
Procedural to OOP refactoring
Convert procedural code to an object-oriented design
Product Advertisement Ideas
Decide on the best advertising method for the user-input product/company
Product Detection
Extract a specific retail product with the reference image in the video with timestamps.
Python algorithm
Generate codes for algorithm using context clues.
Python/ data science explanation
Describe how Python code retrieves and visualizes data.
Question answering about an image
Answer knowledge-extensive questions about an image
Refactoring Python code
Refactor Python code for better modularity and add functionality.
Regex completion and explanation
Implement regex-based sentence splitting for function completion.
Rules' Effect on Profits
Generate content for a section of a college sports management textbook.
Scene Improvement for Scriptwriting
The model acts as a chatbot that helps improve scripts for television and film.
Sentiment analysis
Assign a positive or negative sentiment to text.
Skin care questions
Use only the provided sources to answer questions without citations.
SQL query explanation
Explain the components of two SQL queries, compare outputs, and assess efficiency.
Summarization of reviews
Summarize reviews to understand pros and cons of businesses and provide relevant advice.
Summarizing texts
The purpose of this prompt is to summarize texts for the user.
Swimming Q&A
Questions & answers about learning swimming.
Synopsis assistance for writers
The prompt is meant to create ideas for a writer to formulate a marketable synopsis of their submitted work.
Teaching Python decorators
Identify and explain the decorators in code.
Title generation
Create a title for an article using examples.
Translate C++ to Java
Convert C++ code to Java while preserving functionality
Translate an audio file
Typescript migration
Translate JavaScript to TypeScript.
User query assistance
This prompt uses website help center text to help users find answers to questions.
Vacation Planning
The model's goal is helping a client plan a family vacation.
Venue Selection Database Tool
Take information about a touring band and find the best venues for the group from a database of venues.
Video Ad script writer
Write social media style video ad scripts
Video game categories
This is a multi-use prompt for generating terms and definitions and then placing them into categories.
Video QA - exercise
Get the activity that's being performed in an exercise video by asking a question.
Vocabulary Quiz Administrating Bot
Generate quizzes about vocabulary words.
Writing Assistant
Help turn a document into an engaging presentation.
Writing Critique
Help improve the quality of a presentation.
Video Advertising Copy
Write/Generate: Write creative advertising copy based on the video.
Audio differentiation
Classification: Segment recordings by speaker labels.
Airline Reviews
Write/Generate: This prompt asks the model to write a summary based on customer reviews for an airline called GoWhereYouLike.
Culinary Dish Classification
Extract: Analyze popular pastas by ranking them, identifying key ingredients, and presenting them in the requested format.
User query assistance
Summary: This tip uses your website's Help Center text to help users find answers to their questions.
Audio Summary
Summary: Summarize audio file
Video Q&A - Sports
Answer questions: Ask questions to understand what's going on in the sports video.
Audio excerpts about clean energy
Summarize: Summarize the content of a recording.
Chatbot recommendations for courses
Writing/Generation: Chatbot suggests courses for performing arts program.
Audio transcription
Extract: Generate a transcript from the recording.
Audio/Video Q&A
Answer questions: Audio/Video Q&A
Generate hashtags for your video
Summary: Generating hashtags for video ads
Blog Writer
Write/Generate: Create a blog post
Beach Vacation
Writing/Generation: The prompt asks the model to write a summary based on customer reviews of beaches in California.
Book Publishing and Editing
Writing/Generation: Extracting concise and objective lists of facts from lengthy subjective excerpts
Animal Information Chatbot
Write/Generate: The Animal Assistant chatbot answers questions about animals.
Business Development Writing
Write/Generate: Extract relevant information from user input that can be used in business development planning.
Venue Selection Database Tool
Write/Generate: Get information about a touring band and find the best venue for the band to perform from a database of venues.
Code Optimization Notes
Code: Optimize and interpret C++ code with a focus on time complexity.
Optimizing uniqueness checks
Code: Optimize generation of unique identifiers.
Forecasting Revenue
Code: Train and evaluate a random forest model using sales data.
Company financial analysis
Answering questions: Company financial analysis
Company Chatbot
Answer questions: Create a chatbot to provide customers with basic information about your company.
Describe the video content
Write/Generate: Get the content description of the rock climbing video.
Complete Go Function
Code: Generate SQL script based on CSV file using Go
Document Comparison
Summary: Compare the contents of 2 documents
Customer Service Assistance
Answer the question: This prompt is designed to extract the main issues from a customer service complaint and suggest ways to resolve them.
Novel Writing Aid
Writing/Generation: Generate scenes for books writers are writing to help writers overcome writer's block.
Data sources and monitoring
Code: Specify different training data and add monitoring.
Debugging nullptr errors
Code: Debug C++ code with explanation.
Describing Python Code
Code: Provides a detailed description of the Python timer code.
Django form debugging
Code: Evaluate Django's form-handling code to find bugs, inefficiencies, and security issues.
Python Algorithms
Code: Generate code for your algorithm using contextual hints.
Explain JavaScript code
Code: Traversing JavaScript code blocks
Extract entities from bill
Extract: Extract entities from the bill document and return them in JSON format.
Documentation FAQ
Answer questions: Answer questions based on the document.
E-commerce business report
Write/Generate: Analyzes the provided product information and generates a report based on the categories entered by the user.
Legal Q&A - Sampling
Answer questions: Ask extraction questions about (long) legal documents.
French text example
Conversion: French Text Example
Educational Content Generator
Write/Generate: This model helps teachers generate topic, open-ended, and closed-ended multiple-choice questions.
Product advertising creativity
Write/Generate: Determine the best advertising method for the product/company entered by the user
Speech Writing
Write/Generate: The speech must be written based on the information entered by the user.
Teaching course planning
Writing/Generation: Prompts will provide teachers with the opportunity to create a lesson plan that is fun and appropriate for the grade level of their students.
Europe Travel Itinerary
Write/Generate: The prompt guides the model to create a European travel itinerary based on the user's request.
Extract text from images
Extract: Transcribe the text in your handwritten notes.
Extract video chapters
Extract: Extract chapters from a video in structured JSON format
Fill in the blank form
Write/Generate: Automatically fill in form fields in the target form based on the source document content.
Financial Quality Check - Sampling
Answer questions: Ask extractive questions about (long) financial documents.
Financial Quality Inspection - Inductive Method
Answer questions: Ask inferential questions about (long) financial documents.
Generate C++ test cases
Code: Verify the behavior of a C++ class using various assertions
Generate code based on comments
Code: Generate Java code from natural language annotations
Generating Go commit messages
Code: Create regular commit messages for Golang changes.
Generate Java Class
Code: Create the interface and class implementation in Java.
Generate search tree test
Code: Creating unit tests using edge cases of a binary search tree
Generating Java unit tests
Code: Generate unit tests for legacy Java code
Image quiz
Answer the question: Show the model a picture of fruit and find the price from another picture.
JavaScript Physics Simulation
Code: Modify and interpret the JavaScript marble simulation.
Marketing Content Generator
Write/Generate: This prompt generates an article that uses celebrities and pets to promote a brand.
Media assistance for non-profit organizations
Answering questions: Media relations bots provide highlights extracted from year-end reports.
Interview Preparation Questions and Answers
Answer questions: This model helps interviewers prepare for a variety of different interviews.
Organizing ideas and examples
Extract: Extract key ideas and examples into a table based on the provided template and user input.
Python/Data Science Notes
Code: Describes how the Python code retrieves and visualizes the data.
Pet/Animal Requests
Write/Generate: Help pet owners take care of their pets
From procedural to object-oriented refactoring
Code: Convert procedural code to object-oriented design
Vacation Planning
Writing/Generation: The goal of this model is to help clients plan a family vacation.
Questions and answers about charts
Answer questions: Answer questions by analyzing a simple line graph.
Questions and answers about images
Answer questions: Answer questions related to the image and involve a lot of knowledge
Refactoring Python code
Code: Refactor the Python code to achieve better modularity and add functionality.
Understanding Dataset Transformations
Code: Learn about preprocessing, balancing, stratification, and dataset suitability for machine learning.
Regular expression completion and description
Code: Implement regular expression based sentence splitting for function completion.
Scene Improvement (for script writing)
Writing/Generation: The model can act as a chatbot to help improve scripts for TV and movies.
Film script writing
Writing/Generation: Prompts instruct the model to outline the plot of a movie and generate character ideas.
TypeScript Migration
Code: Convert JavaScript to TypeScript.
Convert: Translate audio files
Video Ads Script Writer
Write/Generate: Write social media style video ad scripts
Sentiment Analysis
Classification: Assigning positive or negative sentiment to text.
Skin care issues
Answer the question: Answer the question using only the information provided in the source. Do not quote the source directly.
Impact of regulations on profits
Writing/Generation: Produced content for a chapter in a college sport management textbook.
SQL query description
Code: Explain the components of two SQL queries, compare the output, and evaluate efficiency.
Summarize the video content
Summarize: Summarize the video content and extract important dialogues.
Converting C++ to Java
Code: Convert C++ code to Java code while preserving functionality
Vocabulary Quiz Management Robot
Writing/Generation: Generate quizzes on vocabulary.
Title Generation
Summary: Use examples to create titles for your articles.
Explain Python decorators
Code: Identify and explain modifiers in the code.
Writing Assessment
Writing/Generation: Helps improve the quality of presentations.