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question:产品名:鹦鹉针织毯工艺 提花面料:半边绒面料 尺寸:130*160cm 等级:A类母婴级 绘图:子洛 *建议干洗 半边绒面料密度高,肤感细腻柔软,保暖舒适,更有安全感。秋冬之际,裹上毯子,和“鹦鹉朋友们”一起开启好睡眠! 合作厂家:南通卓程服装有限公司致力于开发和生产各品类的针织产品,经过三十多年的稳步发展,将产品的质量视为企业的生命,用心雕琢每一个产品。与国内外多家知名服装品牌达成长期合作,产品畅销美国,日韩等十几个国家。 鹦鹉的快乐生活——睡个好觉 当夜幕降临,白天各奔东西寻找食物的鹦鹉们,会在太阳落山之际,从四面八方赶回“集体宿舍”歇息。 那么,对鸟类来说,集体夜宿有什么好处呢?主要有三种假说: 一是“挤挤更暖和”,尤其是天冷的季节,鸟类聚集在一起睡觉,微环境温度相对稳定,能够减少个体维持体温的能量消耗。 二是夜宿地也是信息交流市场,白天在哪发现了新的觅食地,当天晚上就能传遍整个种群。 三是群体聚集能够提高对天敌的警惕,降低被捕食的风险。 和人类一样,睡个好觉对鹦鹉来说也很重要!大多数种类的鹦鹉来自热带或亚热带地区,一天中有大约12小时的光照时间和12小时的黑暗时间。研究表明,与休息不足相关的压力会降低⻦类对疾病的免疫反应,导致一系列的疾病。 参考文献:Beauchamp, G. (1999). The evolution of communal roosting in birds: origin and secondary losses. Behavioral Ecology, 10, 675-687. Henley, E. (2017). Stress in parrots: what it looks like and considerations to avoid distress. The Veterinary Nurse, 8, 452-457.这是一些关于一个印有葵花凤头鹦鹉,图案的围巾的介绍,现在需要你帮忙写一份100字左右的宣传稿,放在淘宝的页面上,以获得更好的销量,请你根据以上内容进行书写

answer:我们的鹦鹉针织毯工艺,采用提花面料的半边绒面料制成,尺寸为130*160cm,是A类母婴级产品。毯面以子洛设计的葵花凤头鹦鹉图案为特色,展现了一幅与鹦鹉朋友们一起温馨入眠的场景。我们建议采用干洗方式清洁,以确保产品质量。半边绒面料密度高,肤感细腻柔软,不仅保暖舒适,还增添了安全感。在秋冬之际,用我们的毯子裹着身体,与可爱的鹦鹉朋友们一起开启一个好眠之旅。 我们与南通卓程服装有限公司合作,该公司致力于针织产品的开发和生产,经过三十多年的稳步发展,将产品质量看作企业的生命。他们与国内外多家知名服装品牌建立了长期合作关系,产品畅销美国、日韩等十几个国家。 鹦鹉在夜晚享受快乐的生活,就像人类一样,睡个好觉对它们也很重要!鸟类集体夜宿有着许多好处:首先,在寒冷的季节里,鸟类聚集在一起睡觉能够保持微环境的相对稳定,减少个体维持体温所需的能量消耗。其次,夜宿地也是信息交流的市场,鸟类可以分享白天发现的新觅食地,让整个种群受益。最重要的是,群体聚集可以提高鹦鹉对天敌的警觉,并降低被捕食的风险。 我们的鹦鹉针织毯给您带来温暖、舒适和安全感,让您与鹦鹉朋友们一起享受美好的睡眠时光。大多数种类的鹦鹉来自热带或亚热带地区,它们每天都有大约12小时的光照和12小时的黑暗时间。研究表明,休息不足会降低鸟类对疾病的免疫反应,导致一系列健康问题。所以,与可爱的鹦鹉朋友们一起睡个好觉,为您带来健康和快乐。 参考文献: Beauchamp, G. (1999). The evolution of communal roosting in birds: origin and secondary losses. Behavioral Ecology, 10, 675-687. Henley, E. (2017). Stress in parrots: what it looks like and considerations to avoid distress. The Veterinary Nurse, 8, 452-457. 希望我们的鹦鹉针织毯能给您提供舒适的睡眠体验,快来购买吧!

question:Write an anime scene about a young man getting saved from a fight club he was unwillingly dragged into. That fight club is reserved for students who have very bad grades to teach them a lesson. The audience is mostly comprised of students with very good grades and some teachers. Someone was watching from the ceiling. That someone is one of his colleagues. He wears a black hoodie with the hood up, orange-tinted welding goggles and a American flag bandana wrapped around his mouth. He has a rebellious and narcissist attitude. His colleague saves him by throwing a flashbang in the ring and carrying him out of the fight club bridal-style. He simply tells him to come with him if he wants to live.

answer:INT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The dilapidated warehouse is dimly lit, with a thick cloud of smoke hovering in the air. In the center of the room, a makeshift fighting ring is formed with a crowd of students, including some teachers, eagerly watching. The hum of whispered conversations fills the space. TAKUMA, a young man with disheveled hair and a worn-out expression, stands in the ring, his body bruised and battered. He nervously looks around, his eyes searching for an escape route. An eerie silence falls upon the room, broken only by the screeching sound of a metal door being pushed open. The CROWD turns its attention towards the entrance, anticipation building. From the darkness, a figure descends, suspended by a rope, wearing a black hoodie with the hood up. The figure's most striking feature is a pair of orange-tinted welding goggles, covering their eyes, and an American flag bandana wrapped around their mouth. Takuma squints as he tries to make out the newcomer's face, but the shadows and the goggles obscure its identity. The figure lands soundlessly in the center of the ring, causing a cloud of dust to billow around them. FIGURE (teasingly arrogant) Well, well, what do we have here? A little lamb thrown into the lion's den? Takuma's eyes widen in surprise at the recognition in the figure's voice. TAKUMA (whispers) Yuki...? YUKI reaches into their pocket and retrieves a small, spherical object. With a flick of their wrist, they toss a flashbang in the ring. The blinding light and deafening explosion disorient the crowd, causing chaos and panic amid the smoke-filled room. Taking advantage of the confusion, Yuki swiftly moves towards Takuma, who is momentarily blinded by the flashbang. Yuki scoops Takuma up bridal-style, effortlessly carrying him away from the chaotic scene. As they maneuver through the disoriented crowd, Takuma clings tightly to Yuki's broad shoulders. TAKUMA (stammering) Y-Yuki, is that really you? Yuki doesn't reply immediately, an enigmatic smirk adorning their face. They maneuver through the chaos with ease, escaping the warehouse and stepping out into the cool night air. YUKI (coolly) In the flesh, Takuma. Now, if you want to live and uncover the truth behind this underground fight club, you'd best come with me. Takuma, still clutching onto Yuki, nods uncertainly. With a sense of determination, they both disappear into the darkness, leaving behind the chaos and revealing a world of secrets to be uncovered. FADE OUT.

question:```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h>”> #define HIDDEN_SIZE 100 #define VOCAB_SIZE 128 #define SEQ_LENGTH 25 #define LEARNING_RATE 1e-2 #define NUM_EPOCHS 1000 #define CLIP_VALUE 5 double Wxh[HIDDEN_SIZE][VOCAB_SIZE]; double Whh[HIDDEN_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE]; double Why[VOCAB_SIZE][HIDDEN_SIZE]; double bh[HIDDEN_SIZE]; double by[VOCAB_SIZE]; void initialize_parameters() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++i) for (j = 0; j < VOCAB_SIZE; ++j) Wxh[i][j] = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) * 0.01; for (i = 0; i < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++i) for (j = 0; j < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++j) Whh[i][j] = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) * 0.01; for (i = 0; i < VOCAB_SIZE; ++i) for (j = 0; j < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++j) Why[i][j] = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) * 0.01; for (i = 0; i < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++i) bh[i] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < VOCAB_SIZE; ++i) by[i] = 0.0; } void clip(double *array, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) array[i] = array[i] > CLIP_VALUE ? CLIP_VALUE : array[i] < -CLIP_VALUE ? -CLIP_VALUE : array[i]; } double softmax(double *x, int size, int i) { int j; double sum_exp = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) { sum_exp += exp(x[j]); } return exp(x[i]) / sum_exp; } void one_hot_encode(char character, double *encoded) { int index = character; for (int i = 0; i < VOCAB_SIZE; ++i) { encoded[i] = (i == index) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } } char one_hot_decode(double *encoded) { int index = 0; double max_val = encoded[0]; for (int i = 1; i < VOCAB_SIZE; ++i) { if (encoded[i] > max_val) { index = i; max_val = encoded[i]; } } return (char)index; } ``` Given the above C code, continue the implementation of a CharRNN. Implement the forward pass function, given the following function prototype: void forward (char *input, char *output /*same length as input (= SEQ_LENGTH)*/, double *hprev);

answer:```c void forward(char *input, char *output, double *hprev) { double xs[SEQ_LENGTH][VOCAB_SIZE]; double hs[SEQ_LENGTH + 1][HIDDEN_SIZE]; double ys[SEQ_LENGTH][VOCAB_SIZE]; double ps[SEQ_LENGTH][VOCAB_SIZE]; memcpy(hs[0], hprev, sizeof(double) * HIDDEN_SIZE); for (int t = 0; t < SEQ_LENGTH; ++t) { one_hot_encode(input[t], xs[t]); double *h = hs[t]; double *h_next = hs[t + 1]; double *x = xs[t]; double *y = ys[t]; double *p = ps[t]; // Hidden state calculation for (int i = 0; i < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++i) { double sum = bh[i]; for (int j = 0; j < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++j) { sum += Whh[i][j] * h[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < VOCAB_SIZE; ++j) { sum += Wxh[i][j] * x[j]; } h_next[i] = tanh(sum); } // Output calculation for (int i = 0; i < VOCAB_SIZE; ++i) { double sum = by[i]; for (int j = 0; j < HIDDEN_SIZE; ++j) { sum += Why[i][j] * h_next[j]; } y[i] = sum; p[i] = softmax(y, VOCAB_SIZE, i); } output[t] = one_hot_decode(p); memcpy(h, h_next, sizeof(double) * HIDDEN_SIZE); } } ``` In the forward function, the input string is encoded using one-hot encoding and stored in the xs array. The hidden states and output probabilities for each time step are stored in the hs and ps arrays respectively. The forward pass for each time step consists of calculating the hidden state at t+1 using the previous hidden state h, the input x, and the weights Whh and Wxh. The hidden state is passed through the tanh activation function. Then, the output probabilities at each time step are calculated using the hidden state at t+1 and the weights Why. The output probabilities are also passed through the softmax function to obtain a probability distribution over the vocabulary. The output character at each time step is obtained by decoding the one-hot encoded probabilities using the one_hot_decode() function. Finally, the function updates the hidden state h to h_next for the next time step.

question:Please paraphase following words to be more formal and cohesive: Among a wide range of generation tasks, subject-driven generation is a popular topic, which is also known as customization or personalization. Such task refers to learning object-level representations from a reference set and regenerate them in new contexts, depending on different conditions or prompts.

answer:Subject-driven generation is a highly discussed topic within the field of generation tasks. It is commonly referred to as customization or personalization. This task entails acquiring knowledge about object-level representations from a set of references and subsequently recreating them in novel contexts based on varying conditions or prompts.

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