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question:Worldbuild a setting: after an event called the 'Disappearance', most living things, including humans, simply disappeared without a trace. On the brink of collapse, most of the remaining human civilization resides in 10 cities spread out across the world, the most technologically advanced being Ultimopolis, which has been taken over by Judas and his followers. Describe the cities and what remains outside of them. (all yhe

answer:The Setting: The Disappearance was a global cataclysm where the vast majority of living organisms simply ceased to exist without explanation, leaving empty cities, abandoned homes, and wild landscapes devoid of the bustling life that once thrived within them. In the aftermath, the remnants of humanity cling to survival within ten bastions of civilization that managed to weather the storm through a combination of resilience, technology, and sheer luck. Cities: 1. **Ultimopolis**: The crown jewel of human ingenuity post-Disappearance. Towering skyscrapers emulate the grandeur of the old world, and it's the center for any technological advancements. Under Judas, a charismatic and ruthless leader, the city has prioritized the development and hoarding of technology, becoming a pseudo-dictatorship. The streets are patrolled by advanced drones, while the elite live in luxury above the hardship below. 2. **Agrahaven**: Situated in what was once a fertile valley, Agrahaven has reinvented agricultural practices to sustain its population. With vast greenhouses and sustainable farming techniques, this city has become essential for food production and distribution to the other cities. 3. **Hydropia**: Located near a massive freshwater lake, Hydropia controls the largest known freshwater reserve. They are experts in water purification and have developed intricate systems for distributing this vital resource. 4. **Soleis**: Built around a huge solar farm, Soleis harnesses the power of the sun. Its citizens live in a society that is heavily focused on renewable energy and scientific research, hoping to find a way to prevent another Disappearance. 5. **Windbury**: High in the mountainous regions, Windbury utilizes the constant gales to power its wind turbines. Life here is tough but the people are self-reliant and pride themselves on their engineering prowess. 6. **Fort Harmony**: A city built within what remains of a military base, Fort Harmony has the most organized defense system and is often the mediator between conflicting cities. The society is structured and disciplined, with everyone having a role in its continued survival. 7. **New Genesis**: Built from the ruins of an old metropolis, New Genesis is a hub of culture and has the most diverse population. In an effort to preserve what remains of the past, the city is home to archivists, historians, and artists. 8. **Petrograde**: Once a storage site for fossil fuels, Petrograde now uses its stored wealth to power repurposed machines and trade fuel with other cities for essential goods. 9. **The Canopy**: Nestled in the dense forest that has overgrown a former urban area, The Canopy is a city of vertical living – with dwellings and pathways built in the trees to protect from the dangers on the ground. 10. **Icelock**: In the frozen expanses to the far north, Icelock specializes in ice mining, providing fresh water and preservation techniques. It is a cold, harsh place to live but its people are resilient and have adapted well to the environment. Outside the Cities: The world outside these cities has become a vastly different landscape. Nature has begun to reclaim what humanity once took, with forests overgrowing abandoned towns and wildlife roaming free amidst the remnants of civilization. Some areas have become dangerous with unchecked plant growth or feral animal packs. Everywhere holds the eerie stillness of a world that lost its voice. Within this wild expanse, there are those who chose not to live within the cities' confines. Referred to as the Outliers, these groups or solitary survivors have adapted to the new world through scavenging, hunting, and living off the land that has become both mother and menace. Anomalies from the Disappearance remain – regions where physics seem altered, zones of silence where no sound penetrates, and ghostly phenomena that suggest whatever caused the Disappearance may still be lingering, waiting, or perhaps slowly unraveling the fabric of reality further. The ten cities remain as beacons of hope and human resilience but are constantly aware that their survival hangs by a thread in this changed world, where the Disappearance has become an ever-present shadow contaminating the collective psyche of the remaining few.

question:Worldbuild a setting: after an event called the 'Disappearance', most living things, including humans, simply disappeared without a trace. On the brink of collapse, most of the remaining human civilization resides in 10 cities spread out across the world, the most technologically advanced being Ultimopolis, which has been taken over by Judas and his followers. Describe the cities and what remains outside of them. (all the cities are in poor states, especially Ultimopolis due to Judas' violent coup)

answer:Setting Overview: The 'Disappearance' is an event shrouded in mystery and horror, an occurrence that wiped away large swaths of life on Earth, both human and non-human. No one knows what caused it, and those left behind are plagued by the lingering fear that it could happen again. Civilizations crumbled as infrastructure failed and panic set in. The survivors eventually congregated in pockets of relative safety, forming new societies in the ruins of the old ones. Technological regression was inevitable, as the knowledge and resources to maintain the old ways were largely lost. The Ten Cities: 1. Ultimopolis: Once the pinnacle of technological advancement, Ultimopolis is now the epitome of a fallen utopia. Skyscrapers stand crumbling, slowly being reclaimed by nature. Judas, a once-respected leader turned despotic ruler, took power through ruthless tactics and manipulates his followers with promises of restoring old glories. Electricity is sporadic, and the city’s underbelly is a warren of crime and desperation. Those who oppose Judas disappear, fueling rumors that he might be connected to the mysterious vanishing of the masses. 2. New Eden: Founded in the fertile remnants of what once was a vast agricultural heartland, New Eden is a city of farmers and foragers. Structures are made from natural materials, and the community is relatively peaceful. However, without modern technology, they face threats from diseases and crop failures. 3. Fortress Harbor: Built around a once-bustling seaport, this city has fortified itself against outside threats with walls made from shipping containers and decommissioned ships. The society is militaristic, and the city’s leaders focus on defense above all else, leading to a grim and disciplined way of life. 4. Skyhaven: Developed around an airport, the inhabitants of Skyhaven have a dream to restore flight. They live in converted terminals and hangars, with a society that reveres pilots as the highest leaders. Resources are scarce, and food is traded for parts to repair old planes. 5. The Hollows: This city is built within a vast network of subway tunnels and underground facilities. The Hollows are hidden and secretive, known to the outside world mostly through traders who come and go without revealing much about their home. 6. Ironhold: Once a steel production city, Ironhold's residents live among giant rusted factories. They have retained a level of technical knowledge and are adept at manufacturing rudimentary but effective tools and weapons. 7. Echo: This city took root in a complex of telescopes and observatories on a remote mountain, and its people have adopted a culture that seeks answers for the Disappearance by looking to the stars. Life is harsh given its altitude and isolation, but Echo’s technology gives it a unique position among the cities. 8. Verdant: Verdant sprung up in the remains of a botanical gardens and a zoo. Its inhabitants live alongside many animals that survived or were contained during the Disappearance, leading to a unique bond between human and animal in this city. 9. The Oasis: Established in the remains of a luxury resort in the midst of a desert, its citizens depend heavily on the decaying remnants of solar technology for power and desalinated water. The harsh environment means they have little to no contact with the other cities. 10. The Crossroads: Built where major highways once intersected, The Crossroads is a hub of trade amongst the cities. It is a chaotic place where almost anything can be bought or traded, but the law is determined by the most powerful trading factions. Outside the Cities: The world beyond the cities is a shell of its former self. Highways are cracked and overgrown, towns and villages lay abandoned, shopping centers are looted ruins. Vehicles are decaying in garages and on roadsides. Forests have begun to encroach upon urban areas, with animals seen strolling through deserted streets. Nature has been both peaceful and hostile since the Disappearance. There are places where wildlife flourished, creating new ecosystems within the remnants of civilization. Elsewhere, unchecked environmental disasters have made areas almost inhabitable, with toxic spills and nuclear plants on the verge of meltdown posing serious threats. Many survivors have chosen, or been forced, to live outside of the cities. These outliers often form into nomadic bands or isolated communities, surviving off the land or scavenging the ruins. They have a reputation among city dwellers as being either fiercely independent or dangerously unpredictable. The absence of humanity has left strange voids where ecosystems have not yet filled the gap, leading to silent forests and empty seas. In some areas, the Disappearance seems ongoing, with regions reported to suddenly lose all life, a terrifying phenomenon that reinforces the dread hanging over this new world.

question:Рекомендации ФАТФ относят к категории финансовых учреждений и УНФПП Выберите один ответ: a. физические и юридические лица, которые в качестве деятельности осуществляют проведение операций (сделок) для клиента или от его имени, которые по своему характеру, в основном, относятся к посредническим и имеют риски в сфере ОД/ФТ b. физические и юридические лица, которые в качестве деятельности осуществляют проведение операций (сделок) для клиента или от его имени, которые по своему характеру могут быть связаны с отмыванием денег и финансированием терроризма c. различные юридические лица, которые совершают операции на крупные денежные суммы и которые по своему характеру сложно отследить и идентифицировать

answer:b. физические и юридические лица, которые в качестве деятельности осуществляют проведение операций (сделок) для клиента или от его имени, которые по своему характеру могут быть связаны с отмыванием денег и финансированием терроризма

question:Страны должны обеспечить, чтобы целевые финансовые санкции применялись Выберите один ответ: a. безотлагательно после согласования с надзорным органом b. безотлагательно и без предварительного уведомления c. не позднее чем через 24 часа после принятия резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН

answer:c. не позднее чем через 24 часа после принятия резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН

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